Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor
Feb. 13 – Larry Logan – Honor Flight experience
- Presiding: President Heidi White
- Prayer: AG Jim Rogers
- Piano: Ellery Elick
- Song Leader: Gary Montgomery “Let Me Call You Sweetheart”, “Viva La Rotary”
- Attendees: Elick, Wolford, Droste, Horning, C.Neff, Weller, Robinson, Driesbach, Kitchen, Brown, Radcliff, McCrady, Fountain, Hedges, D.Wolfe, , R.Wolfe, Spangler, Lanman, Lambert, McNemar, Sneed, Ankrom, Logan, Riegel, Foster, Schreiner, C.Chamberlain, G&S Montgomery, Crawford, Beavers, White, Searls, Poling, D.Webb, Nemes-Crawford
- Guests: Jane Shaw with Historical Society
- Visiting Rotarian: DG Gary Baker; AG Jim Rogers
- Students: Circleville Seniors – introduced by Mrs. Schooley – Austin Gray and Jordan McFarland. The future is in good hands, we have a physical therapist and architect in the pipeline.
- DG Gary Baker: congratulations to Circleville Rotary for winning Sock-tober! He presented us with a district check for $200.
- Frosty 5K this Saturday, Feb. 8th! MVCH Park
- Rural Urban Day: Feb. 27th – 11:30am start time. Your dues goes toward the meal for members. Ty Higgins, Ohio Farm Bureau will be the speaker.
- Euchre – Rhoadhouse 56 Wednesday, February 19th. Sign-up link is ready on Event-brite.
- Shopping List: to augment our $2,000 donation to Soap-N-Hope, please consider purchasing Laundry Pods or travel size shampoo, soap, toothpaste. We are also collecting Progresso or Campbell’s chunky soup for the community cupboard. Donations can be brought to a meeting through Feb. 20th – our clubs 103rd birthday!
SAA: Ty Ankrom
- Hottie Award trophy goes to Bob McCrady
- Black History Month questions. (We are one smart club)
Scholarship Drawing: This weeks winner is Betsy Weller for $25 (donated it back) – Big Bean is holding at $506.
Program: Pickaway Addiction Action Coalition – Amy Rhymer and Isabella Watkins – Youth Prevention Ambassador
- Safe Community programs for Prom Promise and Graduation parties.
- Brains are not developed unti 25, when kids start drinking / drugs – messing up their development
- Vaping hazards – does it have rat poising, thc?
- PAAC is a Blue Ribbon Coalition winner
- Three Pilars – connection, education , prevention
- We want to come out to all communities, condo’s, Wyngate, etc
- Drug take back day coming in April
- “Hidden In Plain Sight” – movie for parents and teachers to show all the latest technology for vaping
- Goal is to go to OHSAA meetings at high schools – tobacco pouches that can be “invisible”
- Engagement Meetings – bi-monthly -next one is April 2nd at 11:45am at PAAC office 770 North Court or Zoom
- Tobacco meeting will be Feb. 11th at 8am at PAAC office
- National Drug and Alcohol Awareness week – March 17-21
- Colors of Hope Walk/Fun/Fun March 17th 9am – MVCH park
- Anyone interested in helping PAAC – see Brenna Gibson, Jayme Fountain, Michele Lanman, Ty Ankrom
- Mollie Hedges was the start of this program in 2015 and we thank her for all her efforts – the need for this coalition continues
In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to Anne’s Smiles of Ashville