
Camyrn returns to let us know OU-Athens is going great
Chris Sprague from the Columbus Clippers spoke today. Tony Robinson was program chair and pictured with Pres. Spangler


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

June 27. Stephen Conrad – Portrays General Mad Anthony Wayne


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer:  Bob Sneed
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader:  Ian Webb – “In the Good Old Summertime”, “Battle Hymn of the Republic”
  • Attendees: 31 today : Spangler, D.Wolfe, C.Chamberlain, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, Haffey, Wilson, Young, Dean, Duvall, Lambert, Sneed, Rawlins, Droste, Searls, Dailey, Schreiner, Robinson, G.Montgomery, S.Montgomery, B.Tootle, Brown, I.Webb, Radcliff, McCrady, Riegel, C.Chamberlain, Ellis, Maroscher, Elick
  • Guests: Matthew Haffey brought nephew Brexton


  • Romania team coming July 17-20th. Please see Jayme or Ty to help. 
  • Directory update: Please contact Ian Webb this week if you have any changes: [email protected] 
  • Connie Chamberlain reintroduced Camryn Ross. Camryn finished her first year at OU-Athens and will be studying audiology – hoping to help elementary children!
  • Gary Montgomery- Soup Kitchen on Monday, June 24th, 4pm at the Presbyterian church
  • July 11th – changing of the guard. No meeting July 4th.

SAA: Rick Rawlins

  • Get to know your Rotarians game!!! It was fun and big hit with all
  • Montgomery’s now pay double for their anniversary
  • Happy Dollars poured in

Scholarship Drawing: Marie won the weekly drawing for $17. Big Bean pot is $962 and will continue.

 Program:  Chris Sprague – Columbus Clippers

  • Director of Media Relations – staff of 30 full time members
  • Couple hundred workers for game days
  • Minor league baseball helps evolve Major League Baseball (pitch clock operator)
  • Major league only two years with pitch clock – 6 years for minor’s
  • 2020 Major League Baseball took over minor league’s
  • Experimenting with robot umpires – detectors on stadiums
  • Two options:
    • Umpire’s getting notification in their ear from computer to make the call
    • Turn off ear piece – teams can have a challenge *this is the way the major’s will be going
  • Clippers are famous for dime a dog – every Tuesday. Goes back to 1977 when team returned to Columbus
  • 8,500 seats – last dime a dog night over 11,000 people. Over 20,000 dogs
  • Wednesday military/first responder day
  • Thursday – Spanish theme
  • Friday – $5 meal deal
  • Saturday – party at the park with live music
  • Sunday – Family and Senior Day. Fun run around the bases after the game.
  • Promotions throughout the year – www.clippersbaseball.com
  • Clipper’s parent team is Cleveland for the last 15 years
  • All games are streamed and on-line archived
  • 150 games total for the season, half at home


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services