
past presidents passing the gavel
AG Jim Rogers
DG Gary Baker’s official visit


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

July 18: Team from Romania


  • Presiding:  President Heidi White
  • Prayer: AG Jim Rogers
  • Piano: Anita Wilson
  • Song Leader:  Paula Routt led us in “Rotary Will Go ‘Round The World”; “My Country Tis of Thee”
  • Attendees:  41 today: Ankrom, Brown, Carder, C.Chamberlain, T.Chamberlain, Crawford, Dean, Droste, Duvall, Foster, Fouts, Hafey, Horning, Lambert, B.Liggett, Mavis, McCrady, McIlroy, McNemar, Mullins, C.Neff, K.Neff, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, Radcliff, Riegel, Routt, Schreiner, Searls, Sneed, Spangler, Stevens, Weaver, D.Webb, I.Webb, White, Wilson, D.Wolfe, R.Wolfe, Wolford, Young
  • Guests: Matthew Hafey introduced Lt. Shad Caplinger Post 65 OSHP; Warren Spangler brought his right hand, Janet; Norm Wilson introduced his wife of three months – Anita (and she plays a great piano!)
  • Visiting Rotarians: Matthew Grioux, President of Chillicothe; Jimmy Laux from Sunrise; President Jan Shannon from Sunrise

Installation of new officers:  Today Heidi White becomes the 103rd President of Circleville Rotary. The board was also inducted: President-Elect, Robert Radcliff; President-Nominee, Connie Chamberlain; Executive Secretary, Daryl Wolfe; Secretary, David M. Crawford, (missing was Treasurer, Ellery Elick), Board Members: Bob Foster, Paula Routt, John Lambert, Bob Sneed.


  • Thank you from Pickaway County Library for our donation; thank you from a 4H student for sponsoring his first place ribbon at the fair
  • July 16th, 6pm – Celebration of life for Harry Canfield at Heritage Nazarene Church
  • Friday, July 19th – world’s largest picnic at Bill Richard’s 6pm for the Romania team. Please bring two sides.
  • First After Hours of the year: August 1st – Rhoadhouse 56 5:30-7:00pm 
  • Rob thanked the following for the soup kitchen work: Daryl, Bob McCrady, Bob Sneed, Tom Duvall, David & Marie. 165 meals served. August 5th next Bonus Kitchen. (Regular one is July 22nd)

SAA: not this week 

Scholarship Drawing: Dave Horning won the weekly drawing for $22. Big Bean pot is $1,000 and he won!!!!

 Program:  District Governor Gary Baker

  • This is Gary’s second club visit today – he started with Grove City
  • He recognized veteran’s and first responders in the audience 

District Goals:

  • Every Rotarian needs to bring a guest to something – just one…to a social, a meeting, a volunteer opportunity. Just one is our theme.
  • Goal is to have a net gain of 100 new members, for the district. Last year we ended with a negative
  • Foundation is another priority – $200,000 Polio + $300,000 for annual fund +Bequest society  – $500,000 (Just one million dollars in total)
  • Gary and his wife Julie are asking for matching Bequest Society donations, they are donating $25,000 in their estate plans
  • Foundation Gala – Friday night of district conference in Newark – Cherry Valley Lodge
  • Remember, all donations fund grants
  • Mental Health is still a priority – how can we not help others?
  • Peace initiative – we have 43 clubs in thee district. Goal is to be first district in the world with 100%
  • Clean water, education, economic development, there are so many causes to continue to support
  • International projects, which I’m happy to see your club supports
  • September – community service with Kiwanis
  • October – Sock-tober
  • November – plans revealed for Honor Flight of Rotarians next spring
  • Let them know you are Rotarians by the deeds that you do and service you provide. 

What has Rotary done for me?

  • Rob Radcliff: the past has built our foundation as we remember Steve, Earl and Harry this new year. He wanted opportunity to serve the community, to help those in need, but also to build relationships and friendships.
  • Daryl Wolfe: He was a Lions member for 30+ years and it folded. He wanted a club serving the community and to have good fun with members. (Pumpkin Show is less than 100 days away and everything has been ordered.)
  • Bob Sneed: Mark Taylor was president (2007) and he formed a new committee – literacy. For years we passed out dictionaries (1,000 a year). It was originally funded by passing the hat. Educators we talk to now say dictionaries are not used because of the computer. Now we support Dolly Parton Library. Pickaway county has one of the highest participation (71%) rates in the state. We are helping fund those books along with a district grant.


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to Anne’s Smiles of Ashville