
Stacy Young with picture trivia!
Our friends from Romania hearing the Proclamation read by Mayor Blanton


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

July 25: President Heidi White – The Year Ahead


  • Presiding:  President Heidi White
  • Prayer: Norm Wilson
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Tom Duvall – “Let There Be Peace on Earth”; “Rotary Will Go Round The World”
  • Attendees:   37 today: Ankrom, Blanton, Carder, C.&T.Chamberlain, Crawford, Dean, Droste, Elick, Ellis, Fouts, Hooks, Lambert, Lanman, B.Liggett, Maroscher, McCrady (with an AKA I just can’t type, sorry Daryl), McNemar, G. & S. Montgomery, C.Neff, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, Radcliff, Rhodes, Riegel, Schreiner, Searls, Spangler, Stevens, B.Tootle, D. & I.Webb, White, Wilson, D.Wolfe, Young
  • Guests: Norm Wilson invited his grandson, Trevor Wolfe; Carly Neff brought along daughter, Ava; Clayton Lambert son of John; almost new member Kevin Driesbach
  • Visiting Rotarians: from Orlando, Kathryn Farynowski; from Sunrise, Jimmy Laux; from Romania: Ramona Nemes, Liana, Daniel, and Mihalik 


  • Annual Dues were due July 1st. Please send your check to Ellery.
  • First After Hours of the year: August 1st – Rhoadhouse 56 5:30-7:00pm
  • Pumpkin Rotary pins were distributed – leftovers will be sold at PS
  • Board Meeting highlights:
    • Increase lunch price by $1.00 so we can cover guests, effective Aug. 1st. Cost will be $14.
    • Corporate membership is being created
    • VP role (to fill in for long-term presidential absences) will be created as the by-law’s are updated
  • Community Kitchen is Monday, July 22nd at the Presbyterian Church
  • Kevin Driesbach’s book can be purchased at the Genealogy Library
  • Sunday, July 28th, 2:30pm – Rotary E-Club of Ukraine invites us to a concert. Kommuna Lux, a folk band from Ukraine,will perform at Natalie’s Grandview, 945 King Ave. Columbus. Tickets are $30 per person and can be purchased on line: https://nataliesgrandview.com
  • Commemorating the 250th anniversary of the Treaty of Camp Charlotte: Saturday, Oct 12th and Sunday Oct. 13th. Reach out to Gary Montgomery or Kevin Driesbach for more information and register.

SAA: Stacy Young – Her first time!

  • Interesting photo identification trivia with follow-up questions

Scholarship Drawing: Carly Neff won the weekly drawing for $20. Big Bean pot has started over.

 Program:  Romania New Generation Exchange

  • The team has been in central Ohio since first week of July
  • Their club started in 2018 and has 35 members
  • Chartering RotKids Club for children less than 14yrs old
  • Involved with “Just Say No”  type of campaign
  • Received their District’s Service Award
  • Mihalik is a professional photographer and web designer
  • Ramona Nemes is a marketing professional in the theater 
  • Liana is a mayor’s adviser and started a bakery
  • Daniel is an engineer for a mining company
  • They have been going non-stop since their arrival, but appreciate everyone’s hospitality


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to Anne’s Smiles of Ashville


past presidents passing the gavel
AG Jim Rogers
DG Gary Baker’s official visit


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

July 18: Team from Romania


  • Presiding:  President Heidi White
  • Prayer: AG Jim Rogers
  • Piano: Anita Wilson
  • Song Leader:  Paula Routt led us in “Rotary Will Go ‘Round The World”; “My Country Tis of Thee”
  • Attendees:  41 today: Ankrom, Brown, Carder, C.Chamberlain, T.Chamberlain, Crawford, Dean, Droste, Duvall, Foster, Fouts, Hafey, Horning, Lambert, B.Liggett, Mavis, McCrady, McIlroy, McNemar, Mullins, C.Neff, K.Neff, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, Radcliff, Riegel, Routt, Schreiner, Searls, Sneed, Spangler, Stevens, Weaver, D.Webb, I.Webb, White, Wilson, D.Wolfe, R.Wolfe, Wolford, Young
  • Guests: Matthew Hafey introduced Lt. Shad Caplinger Post 65 OSHP; Warren Spangler brought his right hand, Janet; Norm Wilson introduced his wife of three months – Anita (and she plays a great piano!)
  • Visiting Rotarians: Matthew Grioux, President of Chillicothe; Jimmy Laux from Sunrise; President Jan Shannon from Sunrise

Installation of new officers:  Today Heidi White becomes the 103rd President of Circleville Rotary. The board was also inducted: President-Elect, Robert Radcliff; President-Nominee, Connie Chamberlain; Executive Secretary, Daryl Wolfe; Secretary, David M. Crawford, (missing was Treasurer, Ellery Elick), Board Members: Bob Foster, Paula Routt, John Lambert, Bob Sneed.


  • Thank you from Pickaway County Library for our donation; thank you from a 4H student for sponsoring his first place ribbon at the fair
  • July 16th, 6pm – Celebration of life for Harry Canfield at Heritage Nazarene Church
  • Friday, July 19th – world’s largest picnic at Bill Richard’s 6pm for the Romania team. Please bring two sides.
  • First After Hours of the year: August 1st – Rhoadhouse 56 5:30-7:00pm 
  • Rob thanked the following for the soup kitchen work: Daryl, Bob McCrady, Bob Sneed, Tom Duvall, David & Marie. 165 meals served. August 5th next Bonus Kitchen. (Regular one is July 22nd)

SAA: not this week 

Scholarship Drawing: Dave Horning won the weekly drawing for $22. Big Bean pot is $1,000 and he won!!!!

 Program:  District Governor Gary Baker

  • This is Gary’s second club visit today – he started with Grove City
  • He recognized veteran’s and first responders in the audience 

District Goals:

  • Every Rotarian needs to bring a guest to something – just one…to a social, a meeting, a volunteer opportunity. Just one is our theme.
  • Goal is to have a net gain of 100 new members, for the district. Last year we ended with a negative
  • Foundation is another priority – $200,000 Polio + $300,000 for annual fund +Bequest society  – $500,000 (Just one million dollars in total)
  • Gary and his wife Julie are asking for matching Bequest Society donations, they are donating $25,000 in their estate plans
  • Foundation Gala – Friday night of district conference in Newark – Cherry Valley Lodge
  • Remember, all donations fund grants
  • Mental Health is still a priority – how can we not help others?
  • Peace initiative – we have 43 clubs in thee district. Goal is to be first district in the world with 100%
  • Clean water, education, economic development, there are so many causes to continue to support
  • International projects, which I’m happy to see your club supports
  • September – community service with Kiwanis
  • October – Sock-tober
  • November – plans revealed for Honor Flight of Rotarians next spring
  • Let them know you are Rotarians by the deeds that you do and service you provide. 

What has Rotary done for me?

  • Rob Radcliff: the past has built our foundation as we remember Steve, Earl and Harry this new year. He wanted opportunity to serve the community, to help those in need, but also to build relationships and friendships.
  • Daryl Wolfe: He was a Lions member for 30+ years and it folded. He wanted a club serving the community and to have good fun with members. (Pumpkin Show is less than 100 days away and everything has been ordered.)
  • Bob Sneed: Mark Taylor was president (2007) and he formed a new committee – literacy. For years we passed out dictionaries (1,000 a year). It was originally funded by passing the hat. Educators we talk to now say dictionaries are not used because of the computer. Now we support Dolly Parton Library. Pickaway county has one of the highest participation (71%) rates in the state. We are helping fund those books along with a district grant.


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to Anne’s Smiles of Ashville


MaKenzie Love shows us the benefits of technology for her to read, email and text.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

August Calendar – Ty Ankrom, Program Chair

Aug 3: Dennis Lowe – Drug Task Forcre

Aug 10: Maggie Simmons – PAAC – Community Input

Aug 17: Sarah Walsh – Cook Center for Human Connections

Aug 24: Steve Helwagen – OSU Football

Aug 28: *Community Kitchen

Aug 31: Jennifer Lloyd – Recovery Ohio

*extra events


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Tony Robinson
  • Piano: MaKenzie Love & Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader:  Stacy Young called in “Home on the Range”, “Sing out a song of Rotary”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list)  37 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, C.Chamberlain, Canfield, Fouts, Robinson, Wilson, Lambert, Dean, Duvall, B.Liggett, Schreiner, Riegel, McCrady, Routt, Foster, I.Webb, Elick, D.Wolfe, Radcliff, Droste, Montgomery, Weaver, Rawlins, White, K.Neff, Brown, McNemar, Lam, T.Chamberlain, Horning, Hooks, Mabe, B.Tottle, Searls
  • Guests: Josh Ford ; April Kisor, Jane Love & Pat Tejeda 


  • Gary Montgomery thanked Bob Sneed, Bob McCrady, Tom Duvall, Daryl Wolfe, Warren Spangler, Angela Beavers, David & Marie Crawford, Sandy Montgomery & Alice Harker. Over 100 meals were prepared.
  • Margaret Raimey is celebrating her 100th birthday and Sunrise Rotary is promoting her open house Saturday, Sept. 2nd, 1-4pm, Nazarene Church, Walnut Creek Pike.
  • Honor Flight cards for Paul Vance – this week and next. Paul learned of Honor Flight at one of our meetings and his mission is Sept. 7th
  • Rob Radcliff – sign-up for Pumpkin Show Booth has already started! Don’t wait, sign-up today for the biggest fundraiser of the year.

SAA:  David Crawford

  • Seven Pillars of Rotary (he didn’t make a dime)

Scholarship Drawing: Connie Chamberlain was the winner of $26. The jackpot is $1,672 and it continues!

Program: MaKenzie Love – Teays Valley junior and National Braille Reading Finalist

  • MaKenzie was born blind and started Braille training at age 4. It took 4 or 5 years to excel and her passion to read grew and currently takes AP classes at Teays
  • Braille Institute competition from Canada, UK, America
  • First place in State of Ohio in varsity level
  • Invited to National Challenge in Los Angeles this past June
  • MaKenzie enjoyed SOAR (Summer Orientation & Mobility and Adapted Living Resource Program). Highly intensive, structured, residential training program that provides specialized instruction to youth ages 16-21 who are legally blind.
  • Learn how to sort clothes, manage money, cook, etc.
  • Independence is increased with knowing how to use the technology available
  • Plays piano by ear
  • Unified Braille code was used throughout the world and in 2015 the US changed from American Braille
  • MaKenzie plays symbols in the marching band- Teays Valley has a guide with her for marching and she plays xylophone in the pit during halftime shows
  • Plans after high school – master’s degree in secondary education in either history or teaching others to read braille


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Rick Rawlins, Matthew Hafey & Warren Spangler (right) present our donation to Jan & Dave Roasa with Disaster Aid USA.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

July Calendar – David M. Crawford, Program Chair

July 24: * Community Kitchen

July 27: MaKenzie Love – National Braille reading finalist & Teays Valley Student

August Calendar – Ty Ankrom, Program Chair

Aug 3: Dennis Lowe – Drug Task Forcre

Aug 10: Maggie Simmons – PAAC – Community Input

Aug 17: Sarah Walsh – Cook Center for Human Connections

Aug 24: Steve Helwagen – OSU Football

Aug 28: *Community Kitchen

Aug 31: Jennifer Lloyd – Recovery Ohio

*extra events


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer:  Dan Fouts
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Stacy Young selected “Take me out to the ballgame”, “R-O-T-A-R-Y”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list)  38 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, C.Chamberlain, Ellis, Palm, Robinson, I.Webb, McIlroy, McCrady, Riegel, D.Wolfe, Young, Schreiner, Reitano, Wilson, Lambert, Duvall, Dean, Elick, Canfield, Fouts, D.Webb, Montgomery, Radcliff, Droste, C.Neff, Hafey, Wolford, T.Chamberlain, Rawlins, White, Sneed, Searls, Hooks, Marosher, Brown


  • Gary Montgomery: if you can join us Monday, at the Presbyterian Church on Mound St. 4pm for the Community Kitchen. We will be preparing over 100 meals.
  • Drexel reminds us to pay dues now – we have to pay District and Rotary International dues
  • Executive Board approved membership application for Josh Koch, sponsored by Patty Rothe

SAA:  Matthew Hafey

  • Happy Dollars – $2 – Bob Sneed’s Daughter-in-law’s husband, is the new president of Carlisle, PA Rotary Club 
  • $1 – Ellery is reigning history champ of Pickaway County after he beat Bob McCrady and Joyce Gifford this past Monday at the Genealogy Library
  • 54 years ago today – Neil Armstrong landing
  • Last 2 astronauts that walked on the moon: Apollo 17, in 1972
  • Who was in command module instead of walking on the moon with Armstrong – Collins
  • A lot of other space questions

Scholarship Drawing:   Jim Hooks was the winner of $34. The jackpot is $1,646 and it continues!

Program: Dave & Jan Roasa – Disaster Aid USA and Grove City Rotary

  • Circleville Rotary is pleased to support Disaster Aid with our $500 check
  • Disaster Aid USA – is a Rotary Project. Started in 2010, as a 501-3c registered non-profit charity.
  • 20+ trailers in the USA
  • All officers of the board are US Rotarians
  • 100% funded by donations and grants
  • Disaster AID USA does have international disaster relief – shelter, clean water, relief efforts
  • Domestic response teams, provide chainsaw clean up, roof tarps for single story houses, dry wall tear outs, etc.
  • When a disaster happens, contact is made with the Rotary District Governor of the impacted area to find out the need
  • Disaster Aid USA brings their own tools and trained team leaders to lead volunteers
  • Will also provide meals and distribute supplies
  • Panama City – Jan helped serve 350 meals a day plus 60 volunteers – three meals a day
  • Disaster Aid USA took 13 people down to Rolling Fork, MS and stayed at the District Governor’s home
  • 12 local clubs donated to help fund the newest trailer and our club’s name will be on the door
  • If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Dave Roasa at [email protected]


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Bill Kramer becomes a Paul Harris Fellow! Jayme Fountain presents the honor. Thank you Bill!

Matthew Hafey’s first month as SAA

Bob McCrady, Daryl Wolfe and Warren Spangler present Jenny Rhoads with our donation to Holiday Lights in downtown.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

July Calendar – David M. Crawford, Program Chair

July 20: Dave Roasa, Disaster Aid & Grove City Rotary

July 24: * Community Kitchen

July 27: MaKenzie Love – National Braille reading finalist & Teays Valley Student

August Calendar – Ty Ankrom, Program Chair

Aug 3: Dennis Lowe – Drug Task Forcre

Aug 10: Maggie Simmons – PAAC – Community Input

Aug 17: Sarah Walsh – Cook Center for Human Connections

Aug 24: Steve Helwagen – OSU Football

Aug 28: *Community Kitchen

Aug 31: Jennifer Lloyd – Recovery Ohio

*extra events


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer:  Tom Duvall
  • Piano: Esther Fouts
  • Song Leader: Stacy Young selected “Better Than Ever This Year”, “Get Together”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list)  51 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, McCrady, Lambert, Mabe, Searls, Wolford, T.Chamberlain, Fountain, Duvall, Horning, McNemar, Liddy, Wilson, Fouts, Canfield, Brown, Droste, Young, B.Liggett, Justinger, D.Webb, K.Neff, White, Kramer, Johnson, Davis, Schreiner, Ellis, Dailey, Hafey, Riegel, T.Tootle, Sneed, B.Tootle, Weaver, Mavis, D.Wolfe, R.Wolfe, Radcliff, Robinson, Blanton, C.Chamberlain, McIlroy, Montgomery, Rothe, I.Webb, Lanman, Whitten
  • Guests: Patty Rothe has a guest – Josh Cook from US Bank


  • Daryl Wolfe reported we served over 120 meals on Monday. Thanks to Bob McCrady, Rob & Dodie Radcliff, John Ellis, Gary Montgomery, Bob Sneed, David & Marie Crawford with Alice Harker
  • Rotary board meeting July 18th 11:30am. 
  • The historical library has 30,000 pictures that have no identification – please help, see Darlene Weaver
  • John Lambert announced Aug.4th – Chamber Night Golf – shotgun start 5:00pm – see pickawaychamber.com 
  • Jayme Fountain – Bill Kramer has obtained his first Paul Harris Fellow! Thank you Bill.

SAA:  Matt Hafey

  • Happy Dollars
  • Birthday’s/ Rotary anniversary
  • Famous Star Wars actor born today – Harrison Ford
  • Frank Sinatra – 1939 recorded his first single – “From the bottom of my heart”
  • 2010 – baseball owner passed away – George Steinbrenner 
  • Legislation in 1787 – Northwest Ordinance adopted to open the Northwest Territory, which Ohio was part
  • 1861 – Union army won area which became what state? W. Virginia
  • Second women prime minister for England – Theresa May

Scholarship Drawing:  Michael Whitten was the winner of $30. The jackpot is $1,612 and it continues!

Program: Jenny Rhoads from Pickaway County Visitors Bureau and Circleville Downtown Business Association

  • Light Up Circleville – Circleville Rotary is pleased to donate $600 for downtown decorations
  • Jenny works at Visitors Bureau and hosts a podcast with Jenny Rainey (Jenny and Jenny in the morning – Roundtown Radio or wherever you get your podcasts)
  • 2021 noticed Holiday wreaths were getting old and more cost effective to replace
    • Court and Main corner were the first four @ $500 each, now $600 each
    • Last year $7,000 raised
    • Quote was $19,000 to do all downtown corners 
    • Mayor’s Golf outing this year will benefit the holiday light’s
    • Hoping for other funds to support the Santa House – we have to pay into the Santa Union for the jolly one to arrive
    • Maybe drive thru lights at Ted Lewis Park
  • Uptown Circleville – creating events to bring people downtown. Uptowncircleville.com
    • First Friday events
    • July 22nd – 3 on 3 basketball
  • Discovery Pickaway App for your phone to stay connected


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Rotary Foundation Chair, Charlie Hedges presents his last report, after 25 yrs. serving our club.

Warren Spangler takes the Presidential oath.

18 past presidents passed the gavel to President Warren

Celebrating Ned Schreiner and Earl Palm’s 95th birthday’s

Immediate Past President David M. Crawford receives his presidential pin from Drexel Poling.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

July Calendar – David M. Crawford, Program Chair

July 6: District Governor, David Uhl plus Warren’s induction and board members

July 10: * Bonus Community Kitchen

July 13: Jenny Rhoades, Visitor’s Bureau

July 20: Dave Roasa, Disaster Aid & Grove City Rotary

July 24: * Community Kitchen

July 27: MaKenzie Love – National Braille reading finalist & Teays Valley Student

August Calendar – Ty Ankrom, Program Chair

Aug 3: Dennis Lowe – Drug Task Forcre

Aug 10: Maggie Simmons – PAAC – Community Input

Aug 17: Sarah Walsh – Cook Center for Human Connections

Aug 24: Steve Helwagen – OSU Football

Aug 31: Jennifer Lloyd – Recovery Ohio

*extra events


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer:  Assistant Governor, Jim Rogers
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Stacy Young selected “The Star Spangled Banner”, “This is Rotary”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list) 42 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, McCrady, R.Wolfe, Canfield, Fouts, Robinson, Schreiner, Whitten, White, Ellis, Palm, Montgomery, Mavis, Stevens, D.Webb, I.Webb, Ankrom, Lam, Elick, Wilson, Duvall, Rothe, Droste, Hafey, McIlroy, Sneed, Young, B.Liggett, C.Mullins, Brown, McNemar, Rawlins, C.Chamberlain, Johnson, Searls, T.Tootle, Foster, Justinger, Blanton, B.Tootle
  • Visiting Rotarians: From the Rotary Club of Logan, Assistant Governor, Jim Rogers; District Governor David Uhl
  • Guests: Warren brought his family – wife-Janet, daughter-Jamie, and his Sisters and a brother-in-law;  Warren also invited Nicholas Tatman, Director of Pickaway County Job & Family Services 

New Rotary Year: Create Hope in the World

  • District Governor David Uhl presented the Rotary flag to Warren Spangler. 
  • Governor Uhl inducted Warren as President, as well as all board members: Heidi White, President-Elect; Drexel Poling, Executive Secretary; David M. Crawford, Secretary; Ellery Elick, Treasurer; Rick Rawlins, John Ellis, Connie Chamberlain, & Patty Rothe, Board Members. Rob Radcliff was absent, but sworn in last year.
  • “Passing the Gavel”: To officially start Warren’s year, 18 past Circleville Rotary Presidents passed the gavel to him.


  • Charlie Hedges – (is still looking for a Rotary home) Overview of 2022-23 Foundation giving.
    • Goal was $6,000 this year – we donated over $14,200 to the annual fund and over $17,000 in total donations for the year.
    • 165 Paul Harris Fellows throughout the club’s history 
    • 53 currently active members are PHF
    • All-time giving is over $398,000 in total donations over the history of the club
  • Monday is Bonus Soup Kitchen at the Presbyterian Church on Mound St. We are regularly making over 100 meals and help is always needed. We will be going to El Pedregal for dinner afterward.
  • Rotary board meeting July 18th 11:30am. 

SAA:  Matt Hafey

  • Member and Wedding anniversaries 
  • Today is President George W. Bush’s birthday – year 1946
  • Louis Armstrong passed away in 1971
  • What famous First Lady was born in 1921 – Nancy Reagan
  • Today we celebrate what famous food? Fried Chicken
  • Happy Dollars for Warren being the 11th father/son team to serve as president. Walt/Warren Spangler; Dave/Ian Webb; Dick/Bob Tootle; Dick/Tom Tootle; Bob/Eric Liggett; Boyd/Bill Stout; Bill/John Stout; Russ/Earl Palm; Robert Sr./Bud Brehmer; Richard/Larry Plum; Nelson/Todd Stevens 

Scholarship Drawing:  Marie Nemes-Crawford was the winner of $33. The jackpot is $1,582 and it continues!

Program: District Governor, David Uhl was introduced by AG Jim Rogers

  • David started his Rotary career in Circleville Sunrise 2003
  • Raised in Lancaster and a graduate of OCU with a Bachelor’s degree in Religion, Masters in Education, PhD in Organizational Management Leadership
  • Ordained Minister with Churches of Christ in Christian Union
  • Superintendent for Fairfield County Board of Developmental Disabilities
  • President of Lancaster City Council
  • Lead Pastor of Rushville Church
  • Lancaster Chamber of Commerce Young Professional Award 2012
  • Named one of Columbus Business First’s 40 under 40 in 2018
  • David will return in December for his Presidential Address

Warren’s charity of choice for this year will be the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services