
Stacy Young with picture trivia!
Our friends from Romania hearing the Proclamation read by Mayor Blanton


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

July 25: President Heidi White – The Year Ahead


  • Presiding:  President Heidi White
  • Prayer: Norm Wilson
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Tom Duvall – “Let There Be Peace on Earth”; “Rotary Will Go Round The World”
  • Attendees:   37 today: Ankrom, Blanton, Carder, C.&T.Chamberlain, Crawford, Dean, Droste, Elick, Ellis, Fouts, Hooks, Lambert, Lanman, B.Liggett, Maroscher, McCrady (with an AKA I just can’t type, sorry Daryl), McNemar, G. & S. Montgomery, C.Neff, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, Radcliff, Rhodes, Riegel, Schreiner, Searls, Spangler, Stevens, B.Tootle, D. & I.Webb, White, Wilson, D.Wolfe, Young
  • Guests: Norm Wilson invited his grandson, Trevor Wolfe; Carly Neff brought along daughter, Ava; Clayton Lambert son of John; almost new member Kevin Driesbach
  • Visiting Rotarians: from Orlando, Kathryn Farynowski; from Sunrise, Jimmy Laux; from Romania: Ramona Nemes, Liana, Daniel, and Mihalik 


  • Annual Dues were due July 1st. Please send your check to Ellery.
  • First After Hours of the year: August 1st – Rhoadhouse 56 5:30-7:00pm
  • Pumpkin Rotary pins were distributed – leftovers will be sold at PS
  • Board Meeting highlights:
    • Increase lunch price by $1.00 so we can cover guests, effective Aug. 1st. Cost will be $14.
    • Corporate membership is being created
    • VP role (to fill in for long-term presidential absences) will be created as the by-law’s are updated
  • Community Kitchen is Monday, July 22nd at the Presbyterian Church
  • Kevin Driesbach’s book can be purchased at the Genealogy Library
  • Sunday, July 28th, 2:30pm – Rotary E-Club of Ukraine invites us to a concert. Kommuna Lux, a folk band from Ukraine,will perform at Natalie’s Grandview, 945 King Ave. Columbus. Tickets are $30 per person and can be purchased on line: https://nataliesgrandview.com
  • Commemorating the 250th anniversary of the Treaty of Camp Charlotte: Saturday, Oct 12th and Sunday Oct. 13th. Reach out to Gary Montgomery or Kevin Driesbach for more information and register.

SAA: Stacy Young – Her first time!

  • Interesting photo identification trivia with follow-up questions

Scholarship Drawing: Carly Neff won the weekly drawing for $20. Big Bean pot has started over.

 Program:  Romania New Generation Exchange

  • The team has been in central Ohio since first week of July
  • Their club started in 2018 and has 35 members
  • Chartering RotKids Club for children less than 14yrs old
  • Involved with “Just Say No”  type of campaign
  • Received their District’s Service Award
  • Mihalik is a professional photographer and web designer
  • Ramona Nemes is a marketing professional in the theater 
  • Liana is a mayor’s adviser and started a bakery
  • Daniel is an engineer for a mining company
  • They have been going non-stop since their arrival, but appreciate everyone’s hospitality


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to Anne’s Smiles of Ashville