Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor
November Calendar – Don McIlroy, Program Chair
Nov 9: Terry Rataiczak – District Rotary International Foundation Chair
Nov 13: * Bonus Soup Kitchen – 3:00pm cooking begins
Nov 16: July Baker – PATH a Health Organization in Circleville
Nov 23: Happy Thanksgiving
Nov 27: * Soup Kitchen
Nov 30: Pete Hardinger – UFO in Pickaway County
December Calendar – Carly Neff, Program Chair
Dec 7th: Sixth Sense Brewery Jackson, Ohio
Dec 14th: official visit of District Governer David Uhl
Dec 25th: * No Community Kitchen – Merry Christmas
*extra event
- Presiding: President Warren Spangler
- Prayer: Dan Fouts
- Piano: Ellery Elick
- Song Leader: Tom Duvall – “Let there be Peace”; “R-O-T-A-R-Y”
- Attending: (Drexel has official list) 49 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Fouts, Lam, Canfield, Wilson, Droste, Lambert, Dean, Duvall, Elick, McIlroy, Robinson, Maroscher, C.Neff, Rothe, Nickell, Koch, Wolford, D.Webb, B.Tootle, T.Tootle, Sneed, I.Webb, K.Neff, Riegel, R.Wolfe, McCrady, Rawlins, Schreiner, Hooks, Reitano, D.Wolfe, Palm, Searls, Mavis, Beavers, Wolford, Fountain, T.Chamberlain, C.Chamberlain, Carder, Ankrom, Horning, Dailey, McIlroy, Montgomery
- Guests: Doug Davis deputy police chief introduced by Don McIlroy, Dan Gilbert by Warner Searls, Betty Wolford by Marie Crawford, Fred and Doug Palm by Earl Palm
- Visiting Rotarians: Charlie Hedges – Hilliard
- Students: from Pickaway Ross – Janet Barrows introduced Cayden Patterson and McKenna Riley
- Sock-tober District competition has netted 1.202 pairs of socks. (Last years total was 770.) Betty Wolford, Corner Closet accepted the socks. We thank Angela Beavers and her customers for contributing 402 pairs; Matt Hafey and Janet Spangler who dropped off a box each of socks.
- Corner Closet – any baby to children’s size clothes donations would be very helpful
- Donation was made of $250 for Luena Foundation. Greg Lam indicates it will help build a medical center and bio toilets in Western Uganda
- Jingle Bell Tea – Dec. 10th. Call historical society for reservations
- Wreaths Across America – “Camp Charlotte SAR” for checks – $17 per wreath. See Gary, Tony or Rob.
- Gary Montgomery – Tire tread depth. More than 2/32nd’s tire tread depth. Top of Lincoln’s head of penny.
- St. Philip’s Turkey Trot will be receiving our $150 donation. It will help fill the food shelves at PICCA with fresh produce
- Ula Jean Metzler and family need our prayers
SAA: Don McIlroy
- Birthdays
- Bob Sneed – it just makes Don happy to say his name 🙂
- Un-mask a Rotarian:
- Always wanted a motorcycle; mother was a dietician; family had a dairy farm; grandfather was Service Director of Circleville; FRED MAVIS
- Married over 30 yrs; children; three dogs; father was in Air Force; loves to travel; not bald; loves to cook; opened business in 2011; ANGELA BEAVERS
- Had a dog who was scared of lightening and would climb fence and go to church or police station; Jan Shannon was held by this Rotarian when she was a child; afraid of heights; TY ANKROM
- Dave Horning and John Lambert in paper
Scholarship Drawing: Don McIlroy was the winner of $28! The jackpot is $239 it will continue to grow.
Program: Don McIlroy introduced the Chiefs in Circleville Police/Fire
- Chief Baer reports:
- Accidents are down within the city from 185 all year to YTD=100
- There are 200 fewer citations this year
- 5,000 more calls for service this year (majority are not emergent, just informational)
- Work together with fire department more and training with many other offices
- More virtual crimes and child sex crimes are up with search warrants for computer searches
- Chief Thompson
- Started in 2019 – should have had 15 full time firefighters
- Please vote for levy on Tuesday
- Was able to get to 18 full time firefighters
- Added 6 more fully funded by federal government grant for three years
- 24 full time firefighters/EMT’s currently
- Now doing in house CPR training
- Looking for all grants and funds available
- 3,813 emergency calls – 85% medical, rest is fire
- Current ladder truck is from 1997, one is being built and funded by a grant
- Ambulance services – MedCare will not do call for nursing home transport to hospital only return to nursing home from hospital. Therefore, nursing homes call EMT’s for transport
- Cardiac/stroke/unresponsive- ambulance and fire truck to help with manpower if needed
- Any thoughts about city roundabouts? Walnut Creek and N. Court St potential
- Coughlin Auto working on the land across from Sheetz in order to put it up for sale
In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services