Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor
November Calendar – Don McIlroy, Program Chair
Nov 13: * Bonus Soup Kitchen – 3:00pm cooking begins
Nov 16: July Baker – PATH a Health Organization in Circleville
Nov 23: Happy Thanksgiving
Nov 27: * Soup Kitchen
Nov 30: Pete Hardinger – UFO in Pickaway County
December Calendar – Carly Neff, Program Chair
Dec 7th: Sixth Sense Brewery Jackson, Ohio
Dec 14th: official visit of District Governer David Uhl
Dec 21st: Songs of the Season and potential service project
Dec 25th: * No Community Kitchen – Merry Christmas
Dec 28th: No meeting
*extra event
- Presiding: President Warren Spangler
- Prayer: Gary Montgomery
- Piano: The lovely Esther Fouts!!
- Song Leader: Tom Duvall selected “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”; “Viva L’Rotary”
- Attending: (Drexel has official list) 41 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Duvall, B.Ligget, Wilson, Canfield, Fountain, McIlroy, Robinson, Lambert, Droste, T.Tootle, Reitano, D.Wolfe, C.Chamberlain, Foster, Schreiner, Maroscher, Palm, Ellis, Montgomery, Beavers, Wolford, Carder, Riegel, Rawlins, R.Wolfe, McCrady, D.Webb, McNemar, Blanton, Davis, Brown, T.Chamberlain, C.Neff, Radcliff, Hooks, Sneed, Mabe
- Visiting Rotarians: from Delaware Rotary – Joe Pemberton
- Students: from Logan Elm – Nate Smith introduced Sophie Ash and Sam Braan
- District Awards for last Rotary Year (2022-2023) were presented last weekend and our club came away with three:
- Second place in the district for number of Rotarians (17) sponsoring new members
- Innovation in membership
- Rotary Foundation Award for financial support of “End Polio Now: Countdown to History Campaign”
- Board meeting Nov. 21st here at Watt St
- Bonus soup kitchen this coming Monday at Presbyterian Church
- Wreaths Across America – “Camp Charlotte SAR” for checks – $17 per wreath. See Gary, Tony or Rob. Delivery Dec. 16th at Forest Cemetery
- Tony Chamberlain announced golf outing cleared $2,600! Father’s Day Friday is our next outing at Pickaway County Country Club. Circleville High School had a team sponsored. Would like to see a foursome sponsored from each school this coming year!
- Foundation Goal: Jayme Fountain has update: We have reached 78% of our $6300 goal. Breakdown for our club members:
- 1st Paul Harris will only cost $500, Club matches other $500
- 2nd PH will cost $700, club matches other $300
- Tony Robinson receives his PHF+2
- 125 new members: Daryl Wolfe, David Crawford, Bob Sneed and Judy Wolford
SAA: Don McIlroy
- Norm’s son is a Rotarian
- Bob Sneed’s a new 125 member!
- Anniversaries in club – can pass fine along.
- Harry Canfield – 45 years
- Dave Webb – 35 years
- Norm Wilson – 44 years
- Michelle Blanton elected as new mayor
- Unmask your fellow Rotarian:
- Lived most of her life in Pickaway county
- Mother was teacher, Father worked at DuPont
- Loves to travel and has visited all but 2 states;
- One child; 2 dogs
- BORN at Berger in 1966
- Lived in Pickaway County their whole life
- Entrepreneurship started in HS
- HS voted most likely to succeed
- Passionate about Pickaway County
Scholarship Drawing: Tony Robinson was the winner of $33! The jackpot is $252 and it will continue to grow.
Program: Terry Rataiczak from Marietta – District 6690 Rotary International Foundation Chair
- 15 year Rotarian ; Owner of Kinetic Networking IT company
- Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world
- Charity Navigator rates the RI Foundation 4stars for 15 consecutive years
- Admin costs less than 2%
- Most impact/purpose
- PolioPlus (Flagship Fund)
- Annual Fund
- Endowment
- RI foundation: for every $1, it is held for three years and then returns to district. 50cents to World fund; 25 cents local grants; 25 cents district
- Seven Areas of Focus – you can donate to any fund available
- $80-110K back to clubs each year in our District
- PolioPlus – launched in 1985
- Plus is clean water
- 2.5+ billion children in 122 countries received the vaccine
- Rotary Peace Fellowships
- 6 Peace Centers where fellows can earn masters or professional certificate
- Disaster Relief
- Three phases of relief: Immediate response; short-term assistance; long-term rebuilding
- Donor Recognition Program
- RI hopes you give something every year – $25 (Every Rotarian Every Year Level)
- Sustainable giver ($100/year)
- District 125 Club is a gateway to get people to give
- PolioPlus Society – commit $100/year until Polio is over
- Paul Harris Fellow – $1,000 cumulative gift (PHF. +8 max)
- Paul Harris Society – commit $1,000 a year
- Major Donor – once you get PHF+8, next thousand will then take your cumulative giving to $10,000
- Bequest Society – committing $10,000 or more in endowment
- How to give
- My.rotary.org – GiveButter website
- Write check and give to Rotary Foundation Chair
- Keep talking about the Rotary Foundation – it is the fuel that drives the Rotary bus so we can serve all
- Solid two countries for last 6 years with Polio cases is Afganistan and Pakistan – problem is getting to the kids
In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services