- Marie Nemes-Crawford, Rotary Newsletter Editor; [email protected]
November Programs – Judy Wolford, Chair
3rd – Larry Logan, Ted Lewis Park
10th – Tim Colburn, OhioHealth Berger Hospital update
17th – Jeff Phillips, YMCA update
24th – Happy Thanksgiving – no meeting
December Programs – Heidi White, Chair
1st – Blanket Project – 39 blankets to tie for CASA
8th – District Governor, Price Finley
15th – Sounds of the Season
22nd – No Meeting – Merry Christmas
29th – No Meeting – Happy New Year
Upcoming Dates:
- June 16, 2023 – Golf outing
- Presiding: President David M. Crawford
- Prayer: Dan Fouts
- Piano Player: Ellery Elick
- Song Leader: Rick Rawlins selected “Let There Be Peace On Earth” and “R-O-T-A-R-Y”
- Visiting Rotarians: not today
- Guests: Rick Rawlins introduced John Vance and Dan Fouts introduced Sheriff Hafey
- Students: Sophomore students from New Hope, Allison Catlos introduced us to Olivia Holbrook and Noah Hamilton
- Attending: (Drexel has official list) Crawford, Poling, Nemes-Crawford, Droste, Rawlins, Catlos, Fouts, Canfield, McNemar, Pelcic, Elick, Radcliff, D.Wolfe, Robinson, Montgomery, T.Tootle, Foster, Brown, Mavis, B.Tootle, Riegel, McCrady, R.Wolfe, Hedges, Palm, B.Liggett, Kramer, Dean, Fullen, Schreiner, Simmons, McIlroy, D.WEbb, E.Liggett, White, Ankrom, Hooks, Wolford, T.Chamberlain, Patterson, Mabe, Gerhardt
- October Birthdays: 28th-Dick Fullen
- October Anniversaries: 28th-Tony & Kelly Chamberlain;
- November Birthdays: 5th-Monica Justinger; 8th-Jonathan Davis; 25th-Dick Gerhardt;
- November Anniversaries: 25th-Ned & Faye Schreiner;
- Tony Robinson – Dec. 17th is Wreaths Across American at Fortest Cemetery. Sign-ups for a wreath, $15 per. Checks made out to SAR Camp Charlotte.
- Soup Kitchen thank you’s to Daryl Wolfe, Rob & Dodie Radcliff, Bob Sneed, David & Marie Crawford. 60 meals were served including Pumpkin Pie.
- Circleville Herald has Noon Rotary featured in the week of Pumpkin Show including our Imagination Library ad
- Nov. 17th after the meeting is Pumpkin Show booth wrap up meeting
- Big Wheel Race – 44 racers. Scioto Post was live on the racecourse, check out their Facebook feed
- Thank you to Ellery and Dan for the Health Care Logistics After Hours
- Ty Ankrom – Please pick up your shirts
- Log House update – foundation done and first layer of logs started
- Charlie Hedges – November is Foundation month. Fred Mavis receives his Paul Harris +1. Congratulations Fred, it is in honor of his late wife, Carla.
SAA: Tom Tootle
- Congrats Bob Liggett on your first place pumpkin
- Pumpkin is a fruit – Bob McCrady got it right
- What state grows the most pumpkins? Illinois
- Halloween – what country originated it? Ireland
- Peanuts cartoon – always looking for the Great Pumpkin
- Number of different M&M’s – 25
- Most popular candy passed out? M&M’s
Scholarship Drawing: Daryl Wolfe was the winner of the drawing $17. The jackpot is $692 and it continues!!
Program: Dan DeVille, Assistant Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal
- Dan presented Rotarian Rick Rawlins with one of his agency’s first awards recognizing those who helped support the Marshal Service’s bomb dog program. Rawlins is a former official with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which provided the explosive-trained bomb dogs.
- There are 94 judicial districts in the country, Ohio is split into 2
- Dan is responsible for 48 southern counties
- Dan’s agents can also be called on for Supreme Court protection detail
- 1789 was the start of the Marshal service under George Washington
- ATF and Secret Service both sprung out of Marshal Service
- In southern Ohio, holding $25 million in assets until court cases are done
- Witness protection program nationwide – 17,000 people with majority being in prison
- Threat investigation has really picked up with judicial threats
- 91% of warrants are local
- Newest mission is human trafficking and missing children
- U.S. Marshal Service part of Department of Justice
- In appreciation of this year’s speakers sharing their time & efforts, donations to Pickaway Pathways for Success will be made in their names.