
Eric Liggett got us ready for the Eclipse!
John Mechi was introduced by Tim Colburn and Lexi Heidish. Pictured with Pres. Spangler giving someone the side eye.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

April 11 – Logan Hittle about NIL


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Joe Brown
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Tony Chamberlain “Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie”; “Rotary Will Go Around the World”
  • Students: must be on break today
  • Attendees: 40 today: Spangler, Poling, C.Chamberlain, T.Chamberlain, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Fouts, D.Webb, Duvall, Horning, Dean, Justinger, McNemar, Robinson, Montgomery, Schreiner, Routt, Dailey, Ellis, Palm, Mavis, Carder, R.Wolfe, D.Wolfe, Radcliff, Mabe, Colburn, C.Neff, K.Neff, B.Tootle, Brown, Riegel, McCrady, E.Liggett, Searls, Sneed, Rawlins, Elick, Wolford, Lanman, 
  • Guests: Hanna Wynn, Tim Williams, Aaron Shirm, Kirk Henderson, Lexi Heidish
  • Visiting Rotarians: Charlie Hedges from Hilliard


  • Women’s Products March Madness collection NEXT THURSDAY IS LAST CALL
  • Service Above Self (non-Rotarian)- May 19th is due date for applications. June 27th the award will be presented.

SAA:  Eric Liggett

  • Bob McCrady set off his church alarm 
  • Solar Eclipse questions

Scholarship Drawing:  Earl Palm was the winner of $26! The jackpot is $705 and it will continue to grow!

 Program:  Building Industry of Ohio: Jon Melchi 

  • Parade of Homes used to be the signature event BIA sponsored (number of builders who can afford the land in order to build the developments is non-existent)
  • 62 of 88 counties in Ohio lost population
  • 89 people a day are projected to move here (Central Ohio)
  • 1 job added to 1 home built consistent for last 20 years – not anymore
  • $285,000 avg. home price in Pickaway county with only 59% of the population able to afford a home
  • Currently at 1.5 months supply of inventory – should be about 3 months
  • 1/5 of acre or less is 70% of homes being built outside Ohio. Our homes are $35,000 higher than Indianapolis because of the lot size here in Ohio
  • Starter homes are not available because builders cannot build something economically low enough for someone can buy it. Starter “homes” are apartments or townhomes.
  • Ohio is an outlier for zoning is done by townships, cities, etc. Challenging to builders.
  • Ohio has 600 school districts and the differences within the cost structures impact home prices
  • Water, sewer, electric are big obstacles for development
  • Residential construction –
    • 2.9 jobs & $130k in tax revenue per single family home
    • When we build homes, we are putting people to work


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


William Murdock from MORPC and Lexi Heidish from P3 presented today’s program


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

April 4th-  Jon Melchi – Building Industry Association of Ohio


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Joe Brown
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Rob Radcliff selected “Sunny Side of the Street”, “Singin’ in the Rain”
  • Students: must be on break today
  • Guests: John Lambert introduced Mandy Thompson, branch mgr from Atomic in Athens, moving to Lancaster branch; Lexi Heidish introduced Joe Allen, Village Administrator from South Bloomfield and Mayor, Steve Welsh from Ashville


  • 4-way speech contest – Thank you from Tony Robinson to Warren, Bob Foster, Ellery Elick, Gary Montgomery, Tom Duvall, Bob Sneed. Great event – 11 students competed and 2 are being sent to the District competition at Deer Creek, April 19th. Our club’s winner is Crystal Candlish, Sunrise’s winner is Julia Weller.
  • Women’s Products March Madness collection with the winner being announced at the District Conference! Paula and Michelle will shop for you. 2,100 items to date, which surpasses our third place win last year – but Paula is shooting for 3,000 products! She wants Warren to pick-up the trophy at District Conference!
  • Fill out next year’s service forms for President-Elect, Heidi White
  • Thank you: Community kitchen crew: Bob Tootle, John & Clayton Lambert, Gary & Sandy Montgomery, Bob Sneed, Chef McCrady, Warren Spangler, David & Marie Crawford
  • Dues for both Rotary International and the District are going up over the next three years. There is discussion with our board on our next steps.

SAA:  P3 is donating to our SAA fund so speakers for the month will have more than the usual 20 minutes

Scholarship Drawing:  John Lambert was the winner of $22! The jackpot is $679 and it will continue to grow!

 Program: William Murdock – Exec. Director, MidOhio Regional Planning

  • MORPC serves a 15 county region – including Pickaway
  • 87 member communities and organizations
  • 100+ board members
  • MORPC’s focus is on mobility, sustainability and local government in Central Ohio
  • Central Ohio is growing – planning has been going on for the growth
  • Another 700,000 people expected by 2050
  • Pickaway county – 20,000 more people expected by 2050
  • Pickaway is within a 60 miles radius between the Intel development to the north and the Honda expansion to the west
  • Housing production remains lower than Central Ohio peer markets
  • Columbus is largest community east of the Mississippi without access to mass transit – we travel to Cincinnati to pick up Amtrak. Talks are happening to connect with Cincinnati and Cleveland and Pittsburg and Fort Wayne
  • Working on new trails for hiking and biking


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Becka, Lyndsey and Alden are the Logan Elm Braves
Speaker and guests


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

March 28th – William Murdock – MidOhio Regional Planning

April 4th-  Jon Melchi – Building Industry Association of Ohio


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Norm Wilson
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Daryl Wolfe selected “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”, “Happy Birthday to Bob McCrady!”
  • Students: Logan Elm represented by Becka Jenkins, Lyndsey Vanhouse, Alden Williams
  • Guests:  Paula Routt introduced a friend of hers; Steve Welsh (Mayor, Ashville); Joe Allen (Village Administrator, South Bloomfield); Becky Hammond (Exec. Director, PICCA); Lexi Heidish (P3 Assist. Director); Jeff Phillips (Business Development Director, PICCA)
  • Visiting Rotarians: Catherine Farynowski and her sister Carolyn


  • Women’s Products collection with the winner being announced at the District Conference! Paula and Michelle will shop for you. Shampoo, deodorant and the like also accepted. Last year our count was 1,800 products and we received third place in the district.
  • Community Kitchen at the Presbyterian Church, Monday, March 25th. Use Mound Street doors – use doorbell on right wall. 4:00pm-5:00’ish.
  • Heidi White – passed out activity sheet for next year. Please sign up for at least one committee and return the sheets to her in the next few weeks
  • Thank you from Mason Barnes – we sponsored him for Sea Camp

SAA:  P3 is donating to our SAA fund so speakers for the month will have more than the usual 20 minutes

Scholarship Drawing:  Drexel Poling was the winner of $23! The jackpot is $657 and it will continue to grow!

 Program: Claire Jennings – COTA  

  • How can COTA better connect with communities is Claire’s 
  • Serves mostly Franklin County – with small amount into Union, Delaware, Licking, Fairfield as well (charter members expanded into other counties)
  • PICCA Pilot project April 1st launch to serve Rickenbacker
  • Mobility Center is being created by COTA near Rickenbacker with hope of opening spring of next year. It will have childcare on site, food pantry, training facility partner with Columbus State
  • LINKUS project – with Central Ohio projected to grow 1 million people of the next 25 years, how can COTA improve transit?
    • Increase services by 45 percent
    • Support bike, walk infrastructure improvements
    • Create 5 rapid transit lines
    • $250 million in roadway/sidewalk improvements
  • COTA seeking permanent 1% Franklin sales tax and bonds for funding and grant opportunities


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Carly Neff, 125 award; Chris Mullins, PH+1; presented by Jayme Fountain
Tim Colburn introduced Tom Kitchen from ESC; P3’s Lexi Heidish; President Spangler


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

March 21st – Claire Jennings – COTA  – LinkUS & Rickenbacker Mobility Center

March 28th – William Murdock – MidOhio Regional Planning

April 4th-  Jon Melchi – Building Industry Association of Ohio

  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Norm Wilson
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Rob Radcliff selected “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean” and “My Wild Irish Rose”
  • Attending: 40 members today: Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, E.Liggett, M.Rhodes, Ankrom, Elick, Wilson, McNemar, Catlos, Lambert, Dean, Robinson, Sneed, C.Chamberlain, Riegel, D.Wolfe, R.Wolfe, Radcliff, Duvall, Fountain, C.Mullins, Colburn, Wolford, McCrady, Schreiner, C.Chamberlain, Montgomery, Routt, Mavis, Ellis, Beavers, Reitano, McCrady, Brown, Hafey, Lanman, Rawlins, B.Tootle
  • Students: New Hope sophomores introduced by Alison Catlos today Eric Catlos and Andrew Poleman


  • Jayme Fountain Paul Harris +1 goes to Chris Mullins and Carly Neff is a 125 new Club member
  • Board meeting next Tuesday here at Watt St. 11:30am
  • Women’s Products collection with the winner being announced at the District Conference! Paula and Michelle will shop for you.
  • Paula announced Buyer & Seller Marketplace – Sunday, April 7th 12-5pm Pickaway Ag & Event Center. Vendors will be there: home inspectors/contractors/landscapers/food trucks, etc. Free entry. 
  • Soup Kitchen served 123 meals – Thank you Gary Montgomery, Bob Sneed, David & Marie Crawford, Chef Bob, Rob & Dodie Radcliff, John & Clayton Lambert, P3 for desserts.
  • March 23rd – 4-way Speech contest volunteers show up at 10am – We have 17 students signed up. (Great job Tony Robinson!!!)
  • Community Cupboard sign-up sheet if you can help monitoring to keep it full. Health Department holds our supplies for us.

SAA:  P3 is donating to our SAA fund so speakers for the month will have more than the usual 20 minutes

Scholarship Drawing:  Tim Colburn was the winner of $25 – donated to hygiene products! The jackpot is $634 and it will continue to grow!

 Program: Tom Kitchen – Director: Pickaway County Education Service Center

  • ESC provides an umbrella of services schools need
  • Dept. of Ed initiatives (literacy support, high instructional materials support)
  • Contract services  
  • Growth & effectiveness (professional development)
  • Speech, occupational, behavioral therapists, curriculum and special ed consultation, grant coordination
  • Alternative Education programs
  • Assist four public school districts as well as Pickaway Ross
  • Future of ESC – moving to old Mound St. school from Stoneridge. Currently alternative school is also included in the building
  • Partnership with P3 to promote and market the advantages of location business in the county; promote a stronger business environment by facilitating retention and expand efforts to local employers; add programs to existing businesses
  • [email protected] if you can think of something ESC can do for you!
  • Behavioral therapists: 3 social workers are in the county schools. They help families obtain services they need and working with teachers, as well as students.
  • How can a Rotary club help education in the community? Volunteer with the schools – kids are behind and might not have support system at home. ESC can help you get connected.


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Thank you Pam Younkin and happy retirement, Kennedy Younkin was our student of the week and we welcome Eric Farrell
Tim Colburn and Lexi Heidish from P3


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

March 14th – Tom Kitchen – Pickaway County Education Service Center


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Fred Mavis
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Rob Radcliff selected “In The Good Old Summertime”, “Sing Rotarians”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list)
  • Visiting Rotarians: Charlie Hedges stopped in from Hilliard
  • Students:  We say Happy Retirement to Pam Younkin from Teays Valley, we welcome Eric Farrell who will replace her and Pam’s niece, Kennedy Younkin was our student this week.


  • Board approved Tanya Lowe-Winfield for membership. She is sponsored by Michelle Stephens.
  • Thank you to the committee for last week’s Rural Urban Day
  • District Conference at Deer Creek –  April 19&20. Please consider attending – great speakers and the service project is “feeding the funnel” (preparing meal packets). Room block at Deer Creek is released March 15th.
  • March starts the Women’s Products collection with the winner being announced at the District Conference! Paula and Michelle will shop for you.
  • Soup Kitchen Feb. 26th– Thank you to Judy Wolford, Tom Duvall, Gary & Sandy Montgomery, Bob Sneed, David & Marie Crawford – Chef Bob did check to make sure we were staffed appropriately
  • March 23rd – 4-way Speech contest volunteers show up at 10am – Circleville Library. Speeches start at 11am. Tony Robinson does not have enough help.  Please call him to volunteer. Judges / score counters are needed. He will teach you at 10am.
  • Bonus Soup Kitchen on Monday – 3:30-5pm at Presbyterian church. P3 will donate desserts. 120 people are usually served.
  • PICAA will have Easter Egg Hunt – March 23rd
  • Warren, David and Connie represented the club at the District Training during the snow storm, Saturday, Feb. 24th
  • Community Cupboard – Island Road, behind Hardee’s. Please stop after you go to the grocery –  soups with pull tops is the best option. 

SAA:  P3 is donating to our SAA fund so speakers for the month will have more than the usual 20 minutes

Scholarship Drawing:   Rob Radcliff was the winner of $21! The jackpot is $609 and it will continue to grow!

 Program: P3 overview by its Executive Director, Tim Colburn

  • Mission is to serve as a catalyst, promoting investment, growth and job retention in Pickaway County.
  • DuPont – $350 million expansion of Kapton & Vespel film lines adding 60 employees
  • Sofidel – $185 million expansion adding 100 new employees. Third paper machine is having its ground breaking March 21st.
  • Rickenbacker exchange now has 4 million square feet of warehouses and fulfillment space and about 600 new employees
  • Rickenbacker Intermodal campus has 15 million square feet under roof – over 4,000 employees (in Pickaway County)
  • West of Intermodal is another project in the works. Now looking for grants to improve infrastructure in the 23/762 area
  • Working on capital budgets
    • Barthelmas Park Multi use path on Ohio Street
    • Earnhardt Hill water expansion along US 23
    • Cooks Creek Nature Center
    • GE & RCA Thomson Sites
  • Site visits around Pickaway County are being featured in the Circleville Herald
    • Willow Wood – largest manufacturer of prosthetic limbs – NW Pickaway County
    • Novelis – 75% of aluminum steel rolls for Amazon trucks comes from Ashville
  • ODOT plans to fix 762/23. Date is 2027 or 2028
  • Roundabout at 762 and Ashville Pike is a future plan
  • Rathmel Rd. and 23 is Google – 7 buildings are being built to house data centers
  • Pickawayprogress.com    [email protected]


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


CHS represented by Carlos, Emma and Mrs. Schooley
The Chelkowsky’s, Dave Webb and President Spangler


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

Feb. 29th: Rural Urban Day


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Tony Robinson
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Tom Duvall selected “Let Me Call You Sweetheart”, “Viva La Rotary”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list)
  • Guests: Leigh Webb was here 
  • Students:  CHS represented by Kara Schooley, Emma and Carlos


  • Rural Urban Day – Feb. 29th – 11:30am start time. Presbyterian Church
  • March 23rd – 4-way Speech contest 10am – Circleville Library. Speeches start at 11am. Please see Tony Robinson to help. March 3rd is registration deadline
  • Soup Kitchen on Monday – 4-5pm at Presbyterian church

SAA: As Judy Wolford walks to the mike, everyone reaches for their wallet

Mardi Gras trivia

  • First celebration was in France
  • 25 Pounds of beads during a yearly celebration
  • First parade – 1837
  • (McCrady couldn’t keep his hat on)
  • Besides LA, what is another State to celebrate Mardi Gras as a holiday, Alabama and Florida

Scholarship Drawing:  Ian Webb was the winner of $19! The jackpot is $588 and it will continue to grow!

 Program: Tim Chelkowsky – Safari in Africa

  • Nature Photography adventure
  • Tim took us through a small amount of his photos


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Celebrating Boy Scouts and Troop 52
Circleville Noon Rotary presents $2,000 to Imagination Library
Judy Wolford making us all think about history
Karlyn Neff introduced Samantha Yates as our speaker. President Spangler also pictured.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

Feb. 22nd: Tim Chelkowsky – Safari so good!


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Roger Wolfe
  • Piano: Esther Fouts
  • Song Leader: Eric Liggett selected – “Tell Me Why”, “Viva La Rotary”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list)  43 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, C.Chamberlain, Justinger, Droste, Mavis, Robinson, Dailey, Young, I.Webb, D.Webb, K.Neff, Fountain, Dean, Lambert, McNemar, Liddy, Wilson, Montgomery, Wolford, Horning, Schreiner, Knotts, Canfield, Riegel, R.Wolfe, D.Wolfe, McCrady, Ankrom, B.Tootle, Duvall, Marosher, Foll, Fouts, T.Chamberlain, Lanman, E.Liggettt, C.Neff, T.Tootle, White, Hooks
  • Guests: Esther Fouts is in the house; Joe McNemar – Rob Fanska from Troop 52
  • Students:  Logan Elm couldn’t make it today


  • Euchre – 55 tickets sold – $2,100 taken in – $300 more than last year
  • Check presentation for Dolly Parton Imagination Library – $2,000, (which includes a matching District Grant). Over 2,000 children enrolled in Pickaway County.
  • Rural Urban Day – Feb. 29th. Speaker from division of wildlife – with critters! Presbyterian Church – 11:30am start time. SIGN-UP today!
  • March 23rd – 4-way Speech contest 10am – Circleville Library. Speeches start at 11am. Please see Tony Robinson to help. March 3rd is registration deadline
  • Board Meeting February 20th; 11:30am
  • Joe McNemar, 2024 is the Boy Scouts 114th year. Rob Fanska, Scout Master for Troop 52 presented the club with a certificate of appreciation as the troop celebrates 59 continuous years.
  • Community Cupboard:  Island Road Community Service building (Ellery’s office south lot) Please contribute Non-Perishable Food and Toiletries in NON-GLASS containers. Stop on your way back from the grocery and help your neighbors in need. 

SAA: Judy Wolford had a lot of funds rolling in

  • If you don’t have your badge on
  • Monday is President’s Day
    • Which US President has the most US communities named after them – Jefferson
    • Who was the first US President to be born a US citizen – Van Buren
    • Who was the first President to talk on the telephone – Garfield (and talked to Alexander Bell)
    • One of our presidents was a tailor – Johnson
    • 3 presidents died on July 4th. Who was born on the 4th – Coolidge

Scholarship Drawing:  Gerhard was the winner of $25! The jackpot is $569 and it will continue to grow!

 Program: Samantha Yates, PharmD

  • 7,000-9,000 people die in the US a year because of medication error
  • $40 billion spent each year related to looking after patients with medication associated errors
  • Becoming a pharmacist – 6-8 year of schooling total after high school
  • Pharmacist role – medication expert, team based treatment approach, education patient and doctors
  • Community pharmacists can…
  • Fill prescriptions, vaccines, counseling, medication therapy mgmt (sit down with pharmacist to review dosages and times of day taking meds), disease mgmt (review patients condition and all pills taking), compounding, special ordering, medical/equipment supplies
  • Create pill packs so all your pills are organized for you
  • Non-medication supplies are at your local pharmacies
  • Medicare part D assistance 
  • Most accessible health care provider – just walk on in!
  • Grapefruit interferes with the enzyme that absorbs the medication
  • New Shingles vaccine is almost 90% effective
  • How do you get rid of old meds?  210 building at Berger or Circleville Police Department


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Pickaway Ross seniors Anay and Mekenzie (sporting our gifts)
Jayme Fountain congratulates Daryl Wolfe for his Paul Harris +2!
Jan Shannon, representing Root Cause Uganda, accepts our donation from President Spangler


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

Feb. 15th: Samantha Yates, PharmD – What your pharmacist can do for you


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Norm Wilson
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Eric Liggett selected “Let Me Call You Sweetheart”,  “Sing Rotarians”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list) 41 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Routt, McCrady, Fouts, C.Chamberlain, Riegel, Canfield, C.Neff, Montgomery, Lambert, Ellis, Mavis, D.Wolfe, Elick, Young, McNemar, Robinson, Schreiner, Reitano, Dean, D. Webb, T.Tootle, Droste, I.Webb, Foll, Ankrom, Brown, White, Sneed, Hafey, T.Chamberlain, E.Liggett, Carder, Fountain, Koch, Hooks, B.Tootle, Searls
  • Guests: Ian Webb introduced Oliver Webb- a future Rotarian to keep the family legacy alive
  • Students:  From Pickaway Ross today, Janet Barrows introduces Mekenzie and Anay 


  • Daryl Wolfe – Paul Harris +2 awarded today
  • Rotary Foundation Gala – Warren represented all of us in Athens. The following members were recognized; Dan Fouts, Dick Patrick, Jim Hooks and Charlie Hedges.
  • Rural Urban Day – Feb. 29th. Speakers from division of wildlife – with critters! Presbyterian Church – 11:30am start time. SIGN-UP
  • District 6690 training – Feb. 24th – Newark OSU branch. Rotary is trying to introduce training for people thinking of leadership roles in their clubs or to provide more Rotary general info. If you would like to attend – sign-up on rotary6690.org. Cost is $20 for the day.
  • March 23rd – 4-way Speech contest 10am – Circleville Library. Speeches start at 11am. Please see Tony Robinson to help.
  • Board Meeting February 20th; 11:30am
  • Community Cupboard:  Island Road Community Service building (Ellery’s office south lot) Please contribute Non-Perishable Food and Toiletries in NON-GLASS containers. Stop on your way back from the grocery and help your neighbors in need. 

SAA: Tony Chamberlain had a lot of funds rolling in

Scholarship Drawing:   Josh Koch was the winner of $32! The jackpot is $544 and it will continue to grow!

 Program:  Miryante Orphanage, Uganda updates by Jan Shannon

  • Miryante is a program for orphaned and at risk children
  • Uganda government decided orphanages should not exist, but should be foster care programs (without government funds)
  • Laura Corcoran, Marie Wilbanks’ sister, founded Miryante
  • $50 per month is sponsorship fee for a child
  • 2022 was the start of the project with Sunrise Rotary – pit latrine and well were built
  • 2023 – playground was funded with Circleville and other district clubs. Money was also used for a security fence around the ground and transportation (motorcycle) so social worker can visit the homes
  • June 12th – 21st, 2024 is next trip to Uganda. See Jan if interested.
  • Jan presented at the District’s Shark Tank and won $5,000 District money towards the projects. Along with our donation this year of $3,000,  Root Cause Uganda – built a brick community center
  • Water holding tank and solar panels were also needed and we helped get that done! Because of the solar panels – no longer cooking on a fire, but a stove
  • Miryanteorphanage.org


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


New Hope Seniors Tyler and Kara
Casey Liddy receives his 125 Club award from Jayme Fountain
Marie Nemes-Crawford and President Spangler present 20 blankets to CASA volunteer, Dodie Radcliff
Bob Sneed, Karlyn Neff and President Elect -Heidi White complete their work.
Busy Rotarians
more busy Rotarians


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

Feb. 8th: Jan Shannon presenting on Miryante Orphanage in Uganda


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Gary Montgomery
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Eric Liggett “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad”,  “Roll Rotary”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list) 48 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Fouts, Elick, Wilson, Duvall, Lambert, Colburn, Catlos, Brown, Canfield, McNemar, I.Webb, Young, K.Neff, Wolford, T.Chamberlain, C.Chamberlain, Hafey, Robinson, Carder, Rothe, Robinson, Schreiner, Montgomery, Weaver, Palm, Ellis, Dean, Fountain, Radcliff, D.Wolfe, McCrady, Riegel, Sneed, White, E.Liggett, Ankrom, T.Tootle, Hooks, Lanman, Sneed, R.Wolfe, Liddy, C.Neff, Searls
  • Visiting Rotarians: Charlie Hedges from Hilliard
  • Guests: Earl Palm introduced Jan Jacobs ; Dodie Radcliff introduced by Rob Radcliff
  • Students: Allison Catlos introduced New Hope Seniors, Kara and Tyler


  • Foundation Update – Jayme Fountain reported we have exceeded our annual goal and reached $9,466 Foundation Total! Keep giving, Jayme has a new goal.  Casey Liddy is newest 125 Club member!
  • Community Cupboard – Ty announced the box is located on Island Rd. In parking lot of Ellery’s building. Please drive by and fill the cupboard. Cans only with pull tabs. (Soups are a big hit!) Dog Food, Cat Food, No beans.
  • Our Rotary Euchre Tournament – Feb.8th 6pm-9pm $25 plus cash bar. It is a fundraiser for our scholarships so please come to play, gift someone else to play, volunteer. See Stacy, Jayme, Karlyn or Carly for info..
  • Inspiration Station invitation we are invited – Feb 8th – 4-6pm, North end of Library to tour prior to construction starting
  • Rural Urban Day – Feb. 29th. Speakers from division of wildlife – with critters! Presbyterian Church – 11:30am start time
  • February-April: Prize for club hosting the most guests per capita. Please bring a friend to a meeting.
  • District 6690 training – Feb. 24th – Newark OSU branch. District would like at least 2 members from each club. Rotary is trying to introduce training for people thinking of leadership roles in their clubs or to provide more Rotary general info. If you would like to attend – sign-up on rotary6690.org. Cost is $20 for the day.
  • March 23rd – 4-way Speech contest 10am – Circleville Library. Judges should be past-presidents. Speeches start at 11am. Please see Tony Robinson to help.

SAA: Judy Wolford

  • Birthday’s/Anniversaries/Joined this club
  • Earl Palm – 66 years of membership
  • Circleville founded – 1810
  • Native American culture built Moundbuilders – Hopewell
  • Former/current mayor in our club – Four
  • Since 1960 – how many mayors have served as president of our club – 1
  • In 1810 – three person county seat – Dan  Dresbach bought 200 acres, after sale of first property. BBQ – what was served? Wheel of cheese

Scholarship Drawing:  Darlene Weaver was the winner of $31! The jackpot is $522 and it will continue to grow!

 Program:  Finished 20 blankets for CASA children!



Super Seniors from Teays Valley, Tommy and Gabrielle

John Lambert introduced Erin Allsop from Big Brothers/Big Sisters. President Spangler also pictured.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

Feb 01: Blanket Tie for CASA – service project ——

  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Norm Wilson
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader:  Tom Duvall – “For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow”; “Viva La Rotary”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list) 39 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Rhodes, Fouts, Elick, Wilson, Duvall, Canfield, Lambert, Droste, Young, Foster, Robinson, Schreiner, C.Chamberlain, Routt, Ellis, Palm, D.Wolfe, R.Wolfe, Rietano, E.Liggett, Ankrom, T.Tootle, Riegel, McCrady, Beavers, I.Webb, Fountain, McNemar, Koch, Lanman, D.Webb, Stevenson, Radcliff, Hooks, Searls
  • Visiting Rotarians: Marie Wilbanks from Sunrise and our speaker Erin Allsop from Chillicothe Noon
  • Guests: Earl Palm invited Wayne Gray today
  • Students: Pam Younkin introduced Teays Valley Seniors Gabrielle and Tommy. Both high achievers and are going places with college credits already on record.


  • Our Rotary Euchre Tournament – Feb.8th. It is a fundraiser for our scholarships so please come to play, gift someone else to play, volunteer. See Stacy, Jayme, Karlyn or Carly for info..
  • Inspiration Station invitation we are invited – Feb 8th – 4-6pm, North end of Library to tour prior to construction starting
  • Rural Urban Day – Feb. 29th. Speakers from division of wildlife – with critters! Presbyterian Church – 11:30am start time
  • Soup Kitchen this past Monday served 108 meals – Thank you to Gary & Sandy Montgomery, Tom Duvall, Ned Riegel, Warren Spangler, David & Marie Crawford, Bob Sneed, Bob McCrady, Daryl Wolfe
  • February-April: Prize for club hosting the most guests per capita. Please bring a friend to a meeting.
  • District 6690 training – Feb. 24th – Newark OSU branch. District would like at least 2 members from each club. Rotary is trying to introduce training for people thinking of leadership roles in their clubs or to provide more Rotary general info. If you would like to attend – sign-up on rotary6690.org. Cost is $20 for the day.
  • Congratulations to David Crawford for being named Assistant Governor starting in July. David will be the second AG from our club, with Ty Ankrom serving 2010-2017.
  • March 23rd – 4-way Speech contest 10am – Circleville Library. Judges should be past-presidents. Speeches start at 11am. Please see Tony Robinson to help.
  • March Madness – Women’s Products Drive will start in March!!! Michelle Stevenson and Paula Routt will be co-chairs. Last year we reached THIRD place in the District!

SAA:  John Lambert 

  • Birthdays/Anniversaries – $3.00 was made – where was everyone?
  • How many countries have Big Brothers/Big Sisters branches – 12
  • BB/BS was founded in 1904
  • BB/BS Littles are 46% less likely to do illegal drugs
  • How much time is required to be a Big? – 1 hr per week

Scholarship Drawing:  Earl Palm was the winner of $21! The jackpot is $491 and it will continue to grow!

 Program: Erin Allsop is the President and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters (BB BS)of South Central Ohio. She has held this position since May 2021, before which she was a Spanish teacher at New Hope Christian Academy and a missionary in Valencia, Spain.

  • BB BS cover’s 5 counties (Ross, Pickaway, Pike, Fayette, Highland). Ross and Pickaway are the most active.
  • Mission/Goal: Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships so all youth achieve their full potential
  • Currently serve 237 Littles and 132 school-based Bigs
  • 84% of the Littles plan to graduate high school and/or college
  • A lot of Littles have a unstable home life and their Big is stability
  • 503 youth served in 2023, which is a record 
  • Fundraiser – Bowl for Kids March 3rd. Shawnee Lanes in Chillicothe. All money stays local and goes to programming in 5 counties
  • Three local school based programs: Teays Valley, New Hope and Westfall
  • Www.bbbssco.org. For information and donations
  • Geography and interests are basis for matching. Bigs and Littles go through interviews.
  • Age limit – Bigs 21+yrs.; Littles 7-14yrs
  • Before the match – the Big has to meet the parent/guardian of the Little
  • Not involved with local universities yet – but trying 


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services