Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor
September Calendar – Michelle Blanton, Program Chair
Sept 25: *Community Kitchen. Presbyterian Church 4:00pm
Sept 28: ArtsAround, Dale Herron
Sept 28: * Pumpkin Show Booth – Shift Supervisor meeting
October Calendar – Bob Foster, Program Chair
Oct 5: Yolanda Johnson, Ohio State School for the Blind Band
Oct 12: Kim Frericks, Pumpkin Show Announcers Trustee
Oct 19: No Meeting – Big Wheel Race at 1:00pm Pinckney St. Stage
Oct 23: * Community Kitchen. Presbyterian Church 4:00pm
Oct 26: TBD
*extra event
- Presiding: President Warren Spangler
- Prayer: Tony Robinson
- Piano: Ellery Elick
- Song Leader: “Home on the Range” and “Rotary Will Go Round The World”; Happy Birthday to Tony Robinson
- Attending: (Drexel has official list) 38 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Canfield, Elick, Wilson, Dean, McNemar, T.Tootle, T.Chamberlain, Fountain, Wolford, C.Chamberlain, Rothe, D.Webb, Blanton, Searls, Maroscher, Riegel, Reitano, McCrady, Rawlins, B.Tootle, E.Liggett, Mavis, Palm, Ellis, Schriener, Robinson, Dailey, Beavers, D.Wolfe, Radcliff, J.Mullins, C.Neff, McIlroy, Lanman
- Guests: David Crawford introduced Nathan Carder from Brown Memorial Home who has turned in paperwork to become a member; Ty Ankrom introduced Caleb Nickell from Edward Jones who has turned in paperwork to become a member; Ashlynn Ford attended her first Rotary meeting
- Visiting Rotarians: Kenneth Tennant from Sunrise
- Students: Kara Schooley introduced Ty Foster and Cindy Williams (future Buckeyes??!!)
Two members approved by board for membership: The board has approved the applications from Caleb Nickell, sponsored by Ty Ankrom and Nathan Carder, sponsored by David M. Crawford.
- Angela announced Sock-tober District competition has netted 247 pairs of socks to date. Please donate new winter socks or see Angela or Marie for monetary donations (they’ll shop for you!)
- No Board meeting in October
- Ice Cream Tickets – $5 see Daryl or Bob McCrady. Purchase for friends and neighbors.
- Rob reported Pumpkin Show Booth needs a Friday and a Saturday shift filled
- Daryl reported Sept. 28th – shift supervisor meeting after regular meeting – learn credit card procedure, how to weigh the ice cream and other fun tasks.
- David reminds everyone, Monday, Sept. 28th is community kitchen. Starts at 4pm – all are welcome
SAA: Tony Chamberlain
- Ohio State vs. Notre Dame
- How many times have they played? 7
- How many of the 7 games were regular season? 5
- Heisman winners count? Tied 7 each
- More National Championship’s – Norte Dame with 11
- Whose stadium is older? Ohio State’s 1922
Scholarship Drawing: Josh Ford was the winner of $19! The jackpot is $97 it will continue to grow.
Program: Kenneth Tennant – Community Cupboards
- 2018-2019, 8 cupboards installed. Heather Foll took ownership.
- 2020 – Ken and Sue Davis offered to help coordinate
- Today, 21 cupboards – 12 in Circleville – 9 in other county locations
- 11 located in various churches
- Both county libraries
- Job and Family Services
- Senior Center
- Corner Clothes Closet
- Committee looks for commitment to care for new cupboards and a need
- Provide quick access to non-perishable food and toiletries to anyone in need
- County stats: 12% (7,000) living at or below the poverty level
- “Leave what you can. Take what you need.” Is the Motto
- Once a month “owners” pick up food from the Presbyterian Church (donates a store room for items) and monitor the box for the month
- This year $30,000 worth of food from the Presbyterian Church store room, unknown value of items when people just stop on the way home from the grocery
- Donation Events – 12 local. Boogie on the Blacktop at the Eagles; Tiger Day – every fall sports team challenge – 1,000 individual items collected; Take back the strip cruisers – 1 event. $1,400 and items; Walmart did donation event; 4H students collected and then delivered to the cupboards
- No administrative expenses
- Apothecary is a drop off location – Ken visits once a month for pick-up
- Sutherland donated all items to build the cupboards; Circleville High School shop class built them
- Dog food and cat food rebagged and distributed to the closets
- NO GLASS items should be left
- Community Action Day – October 12th
- PCCF and OCU Sponsors
- Huge day of community service
- College students
- Community can nominate someone in need and students will assist in washing windows, fall yard clean-up, what-ever the need
- Facebook – community Cupboards of Pickaway County 1,900 followers
- Kenneth Tennant – [email protected] if you would like to volunteer or have a question
- Latest cupboard at St. Philipp’s was just installed
In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services