Marie Nemes-Crawford, Rotary Newsletter Editor; [email protected]
November Programs – Judy Wolford, Chair
3rd – Larry Logan, Ted Lewis Park
10th – Tim Colburn, OhioHealth Berger Hospital update
17th – Jeff Phillips, YMCA update
24th – Happy Thanksgiving – no meeting
December Programs – Heidi White, Chair
1st – Blanket Project – 39 blankets to tie for CASA
8th – District Governor, Price Finley
15th – Sounds of the Season
22nd – No Meeting – Merry Christmas
29th – No Meeting – Happy New Year
Upcoming Dates:
- June 16, 2023 – Golf outing
- Presiding: President David M. Crawford
- Prayer: Gary Montgomery
- Piano Player: Ellery Elick
- Song Leader: Carly Neff selected “If You’re Happy and You Know It” and “Rotary Will Go Around the World”
- Visiting Rotarians: not today
- Guests: Daryl Wolfe introduced us to Jim Reitano
- Students: fog day – Pickaway Ross off school
- Attending: (Drexel has official list) Crawford, Poling, Nemes-Crawford, Spangler, T.Chamberlain, Robinson, Montgomery, Johnson, Rothe, Palm, Ellis, Schreiner, Canfield, Fouts, Wilson, Elick, McIlroy, Riegel, McCrady, Fullen, Hedges, Beavers, D.Wolfe, Dean, Rawlins, C.Chamberlain, Mabe, Radcliff, D.Webb, McNemar, White, I.Webb, Droste, Sneed, Simmons, Neff, Maroscher, Hooks
- November Birthdays: 5th-Monica Justinger; 8th-Jonathan Davis; 25th-Dick Gerhardt;
- November Anniversaries: 25th-Ned & Faye Schreiner;
- Gary Montgomery – Dec. 17th is Wreaths Across American at Fortest Cemetery. Sign-ups for a wreath, $15 per. Checks made out to SAR Camp Charlotte.
- Nov. 17th after the meeting is Pumpkin Show booth wrap up meeting
- Ty Ankrom – Please pick up your shirts and another order is being compiled
- Remember as you leave town for the holidays – pick up a Circleville Rotary flag to take with you when you visit another Rotary club. See Marie if you need help finding a club.
- Angie Beavers with the Sock-tober update – over 770 pairs collected for Corner Closet, here in Circleville. We thank New Hope Christian Acedemy, Creative Chaos, and Kingston National Bank for their efforts as well as all members
- Jingle Bell Tea at Mt. Oval on December 11th. Contact Historical Society office for tickets
- Sheriff Matthew Hafey has applied for membership and the board has approved
SAA: Don McIlroy
- Happy Dollar – Tony Robinson, Trail Life troop in Athens, Wellston and another one local
- Happy Dollar – Don McIlroy first hole in one!
- Birthday/Anniversaries/Joined in November
- Harry Canfield has been part of our club for 44 years!
- Longest member of club – Ned Schreiner
- Nov. 2, 1947 – Howard Hughes, $25 million flight – how far did it fly? 1 mile
- Dewy defeats Truman headline for what paper? Chicago Tribune
Scholarship Drawing: Joe McNemar was the winner of the drawing $20. The jackpot is $712 and it continues!!
Program: Larry Logan, Ted Lewis Park update
- Larry is the Chairman of Friends of Ted Lewis Park
- 1920, Ted Lewis was highest paid entertainer in the country
- Ted Lewis and his wife donated the land to the city for a park
- 2015 City Council put together master plan for the park
- $2.5 million loan, ADA playground and splash pad, restrooms
- Brochures available, funding request to Rotary, individuals, and companies
- Friends of Ted Lewis Park Mission: Rebuild Ted Lewis Park with the Vision, Access to Play For All
- 25.3% last census poverty level in Circleville. 45% of children (under 18 yrs.) live in poverty in the city.
- Goal is to raise $2million to complete the park by 2024
- Would like to have three season shelter house like Starkey Pavillion, upgrade baseball lights, benches, bandshell, paving roads, security
- Since Ted Lewis is in a flood plain, everything needs lifted (shelter house)
- Savings Bank has given us $25,000
- Donations are made through Pickaway County Community Foundation. Friends of Ted Lewis Park is a 501(3)c entity.
- Shelter House – first Priority is large donation for naming right. $595,000 is current estimated cost.
- Donation cards are available if you are interested
- Both entrances to the park will be redone, landscaped
- In appreciation of this year’s speakers sharing their time & efforts, donations to Pickaway Pathways for Success will be made in their names.