
Jayme Fountain receives her Paul Harris +5 from President Heidi
Program chair, John Lambert introduced Upward Sports speaker David Tripp and President Heidi


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor


  • Presiding:  President Heidi White
  • Prayer: Gary Montgomery
  • Piano:  Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Joe McNemar selected “Happy Birthday”; “R-O-T-A-R-Y” (with the A); “Home On The Range”
  • Attendees: Daryl knows
  • Guests:  John Lambert – next week’s speaker Mark Maier!

School visit: Circleville High School represented by Coach Steve Wastier – Liz Cummings and Jack Crosby. Good luck seniors!


  • Congrats to Dr. Liggett for winning the big pumpkin award again!!
  • Pumpkin Show Booth – challenges before the show but with the wonderful weather (after preview night) the following things happened:
    • We knew we would run out of pies so we stopped selling whole pies in order to maximize profit
    • We knew Friday we would not have enough ice cream for Saturday, so Velvet brought us everything they had (10 tubs at 4:10am). The Pumpkin Ice Cream in the tubs we use is only sold to us. 
    • Saturday: 4:30pm out of ice cream and 6:30pm out of pies
    • $11,643 profit for this year!!
    • We thank Tom Duvall who worked 8 shifts even with his painful back
    • 40 members did not work the booth, so we’ll encourage more participation next year – this is the biggest fundraiser of the year
  • Trick-or-Treat Tuesday, Oct. 25th; 5-6pm in front of Micro Systems
  • Sock-tober! Everything ends next Thursday, the 31st. Please see Angie at the front desk. 
  • Wreaths Across America – $17/wreath. See Gary Montgomery.
  • Soup Kitchen Monday. Presbyterian church. Ring bell on right wall for entry.
  • Nov. 7th – Pickaway Ross After Hours 5:30pm
  • Jayme Fountain received her Paul Harris +5! 

SAA: John Lambert

  • World Polio Day! Trivia

Scholarship Drawing:  Charlie Hedges won the weekly drawing for $21. Big Bean is $301, and continues to grow!

Program:  David Tripp from Upward Sports

  • People care more about what you do, than what you say
  • NextGen Pastor of Heritage Nazarene Church
  • Upward Sports founded in 1995 – church in South Carolina
  • Founded for children and their families focused on the sports experience and faith
  • Over 2000 experiences across the US serving 100,000+ kids
  • Volleyball, football, baseball, basketball, soccer, cheerleading
  • Upward Sports uses sports to engage in the church life
  • Soccer age 4 years starts the experience with fundamentals


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to Anne’s Smiles of Ashville