Marie Nemes-Crawford, Rotary Newsletter Editor; [email protected]
October Programs – Rick Rawlins, Chair
6th – Rotarian’s from Mongolia
13th – Zach Miller, co-owner of Lindsey’s Bakery, “Lindsey’s: A Circleville Landmark”
13th – After Hours – 5:30pm-7:00pm Health Care Logistics tour with City BBQ catered
20th – No Meeting – Pumpkin Show Big Wheel Race/Ice Cream Booth
27th – Dan DeVille, “U.S. Marshals Service, Our History and Mission”
November Programs – Judy Wolford, Chair
3rd – Larry Logan, Ted Lewis Park
10th – Tim Colburn, OhioHealth Berger Hospital update
17th – Jeff Phillips, YMCA update
24th – Happy Thanksgiving – no meeting
December Programs – Heidi White, Chair
1st – Blanket Project – 39 blankets to tie for CASA
8th – District Governor, Price Finley
15th – Sounds of the Season
22nd – No Meeting – Merry Christmas
29th – No Meeting – Happy New Year
Upcoming Dates:
June 16, 2023 – Golf outing
- Presiding: President David M. Crawford
- Prayer: Harry Canfield
- Piano Player: Ellery Elick
- Song Leader: Rick Rawlins selected “America” and “Roll Rotary”
- Visiting Rotarians: not today
- Guests: Jayme Fountain introduced Michele Lanmon
- Students: Teays Valley didn’t make it this week
- Attending: (Drexel has official list) Crawford, Poling, Nemes-Crawford, Spangler, Ellis, Beavers, Palm, Elick, Fouts, Canfield,
McNemar, Dean, Wilson, T.Tootle, Riegel, Fullen, Schreiner, Hedges, McCrady, C.Chamberlain, Rawlins, Fountain, Brown, Radcliff, Sneed, Rothe, D.Webb, Simmons, Kramer, Hooks, Droste, McIlroy, Pelcic, B.Tootle, E.Liggett, Neff, B.Tootle - October Birthdays: 4th-Eric Liggett; 7th-Bob Sneed; 12th-Ty Ankrom; 13th-Charlie Hedges; 19th-Bill Richards; 22nd-Drex Poling; 24th-Jayme Fountain, 28th-Dick Fullen
- October Anniversaries: 6th-Norm & Valerie Wilson; 14th-Matt & Brittany Tootle; 20th-Earl & Jeanne Palm; 21st-Steve & Lorraine
Irwin; 26th-Dick & Pam Patrick; 28th-Tony & Kelly Chamberlain;
- We thank Trent Patterson, Tony Chamberlain, Bob Liggett, Carly Neff for hosting our Mongolian Rotary visitors last week and
Sunrise Rotary for hosting the social event - Facebook – if you see something on our Facebook page Invite friends and Share on your account to increase our reach
- Jim Hooks – Big Wheel Race, in place of meeting next week. 54 kids signed up. T-shirts and locally made trophy’s to the
winners!Volunteers please show up on Thursday, 12:30pm for check in on Pinckney Street stage. - “Sock-tober” ends this week for us – count will be revealed 27th! Thank you for your participation. Corner Closet on Mingo and
Franklin will be recipient. - Charlie Hedges presented Bob Tootle his Paul Harris Fellow + 3. Congratulations!
- District wide effort to have sign-up for Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Our club is sponsoring an add in Pumpkin Show paper.
(Pickaway county is ranked second in the state for participation.) - Pumpkin Show Booth – Friday and Saturday need more help. Thanks for signing up and buy ice cream!
- Rob Radcliff – Sign-ups for Wreaths Across America. Goal is to cover Forest Cemetery. $15 per wreath. Checks made out to SAR
Camp Charlotte - Soup Kitchen – Monday after Pumpkin Show. Presbyterian church 3:30pm.
SAA: Tom Tootle
- Charlie sold his Hilton Head home prior to the hurricane! Happy Dollar
- Bob Sneed won a golf outing with Bob Tootle…Happy Dollar
- Mike Pelcic was in the paper and is here today, pay $1
- Birthday/Anniversaries
- Congress voted in what year to have a presidential election? 1845
- When was the first election? 1848
- Who was elected in 1848? Zachary Taylor, the Whig Party
- How many electoral votes? 538
- Which President got the most electoral votes ever? Reagan
- Scholarship Drawing: Jayme Fountain was the winner of the drawing $16. The jackpot is $675 and it continues!!
Program: Zack Miller, co-owner of Lindsey’s Bakery
- Ed Wallace was original owner of the bakery and Zack’s grandfather, from Portsmouth, was stranded in Circleville in 1950 going to OSU football game, saw the bakery was up for sale, so he bought it!
- Fourth generation working there now
- We do not make anything beforehand for Pumpkin Show
- Three shifts frying donuts around the clock
- First Guinness World Record for the big pie in the 1960’s by his grandfather
- How many dozen pumpkin donuts sold in a Pumpkin Show? Do not have any counts.
- 16.5 tons of donuts in 2019
- How much of yearly sales is from Pumpkin Show – 1/4 of yearly sales
- No shipping because no preservatives used & even overnight mail takes longer than overnight
- Original big pie pan lost to a fire in a storage unit
- Pumpkin Donuts, thumbprints, pumpkin pies, cream horns only during Pumpkin Show
- Thank Zack for the bakery’s answering machine message
- Help is needed if anyone would like to work the show!
In appreciation of this year’s speakers sharing their time & efforts, donations to Pickaway Pathways for Success will be made in
their names.