Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor
Apr. 3: YMCA director – Wayne Linthicum
- Presiding: President Heidi White
- Prayer: Norm Wilson
- Piano: Ellery Elick
- Song Leader: Stacy Young: “Take Me out to the Ballgame” for opening day!; “ROTARY”
- Attendees: Ankrom, Brown, C.Chamberlain, T.Chamberlain, Driesbach, Elick, Foll, Fountain, B.Gibson, T.Gibson, Hedges, Hooks, Lambert, Logan, Maroscher, Mavis, McCrady, McNemar, G&S Montgomery, C.Neff, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, Rawlins, Rhodes, Riegel, Robinson, Routt, Searls, Sneed, Spangler, I.Webb, D.Webb, Wilson, D.Wolfe, R.Wolfe, Young
- Guests: Stacy Young brought Morgan Windsor – great to see him again
- Students: Logan Elm represented by two outstanding students who are ready for the next chapter. Good luck Graham & Michael.
- Visiting Rotarians: Nicole Allen and Amy Wright, Grove City
New Member: Taylor Gibson joins Rotary today! Her mom, Brenna is her sponsor. Taylor was going to say alittle about herself, but we broke out in song!
- District Fundraisers:
- Women Products drive: Paula Routt & Brenna Gibson chairs. Our final collection date this year will be April 17th and winner announced at the District Conference – April 26th!
- Invoices for July 2025-June 2026. Please pay Daryl before June 1st. We need to have membership finalized before Rotary International sends us a bill based on June membership numbers.
- Soup Kitchen – we served 169 meals with the help of Gary & Sandy, Bob Mc, Warren, Bob & Alice Foster, David & Marie along with Julia Weller, under Alice Harker’s leadership
- After Hours – Ashbrook Distillery – April 3rd
- 2025-26 – Membership Survey please check how you would like to help our club. Return to Rob or Daryl
- The board voted to donate $500 to help Pickaway-Ross students attend the Business Professionals of American conference in Orlando. This year the school will not be sponsoring and the 13 students are trying to raise the funds needed. Cost is $850 per student. All donations are accepted. Nicole Allen is here representing the students.
SAA: The King – Bob Sneed (it is an honor to be recognized by the SAA)
- Rock your Socks in honor of Down Syndrome Day – if you don’t have cooler socks than Bob, pay $1!
- National Something on a Stick Day; National Weed Appreciation Day (not THAT weed!);
- Bob McCrady is having a birthday and celebrated something else which cost him $20
- Affiliates with OCU and CHS
- Sweet 16 Men’s BBall – if you attended any of the schools pay $1
Scholarship Drawing: This weeks winner is Ian Webb for $15 – Big Bean is holding at $620.
Program: Jim Gillespie with Disaster Aid USA – Grove City Rotary
- In appreciation for the work Disaster Aid USA does, Circleville Rotary donates $1,000 today
- We thank Jim for agreeing to drive the trailer through the Friday night Pumpkin Show Parade. We will have a banner stating we are a proud supporter of their work.
- Maryland and Louisiana Rotarians started it
- Most eastern states and west cost, 27 trailers in all
- Grants from Home depot and other businesses as well as donations, including ours, outfitted the trailers
- 92+ major disasters
- 79+ domestic disaster
- 13+ international deployments
- Last year: Indian Lake; NE Canton; Eastern Tennessee, Greenville area
- Crisis cleanup app – someone answers the calls for help and loads the locations into the app. Disaster Aid USA will use that location and when done clears the location
- Creek in Greenville was over 60 feet above flood stage. No one had flood insurance – it was a creek and no one ever expected it to flood
- 40 Rotarians, sheriff deputies, Michigan folks were helping in Greenville
- Eastern TN – to rebuild, there are grants available; some other groups will volunteer to put up drywall and fix electricity which will help homeowners lower their rebuild cost
- Disaster Aid USA can use all skill levels: Volunteer to help feed the crews or work from home and take the crisis calls to populate the app for people on the ground
- Anyone interested can contact Jim Gillespie, [email protected] or Dave Roasa at [email protected]
In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to Anne’s Smiles of Ashville