
Bill Kramer becomes a Paul Harris Fellow! Jayme Fountain presents the honor. Thank you Bill!

Matthew Hafey’s first month as SAA

Bob McCrady, Daryl Wolfe and Warren Spangler present Jenny Rhoads with our donation to Holiday Lights in downtown.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

July Calendar – David M. Crawford, Program Chair

July 20: Dave Roasa, Disaster Aid & Grove City Rotary

July 24: * Community Kitchen

July 27: MaKenzie Love – National Braille reading finalist & Teays Valley Student

August Calendar – Ty Ankrom, Program Chair

Aug 3: Dennis Lowe – Drug Task Forcre

Aug 10: Maggie Simmons – PAAC – Community Input

Aug 17: Sarah Walsh – Cook Center for Human Connections

Aug 24: Steve Helwagen – OSU Football

Aug 28: *Community Kitchen

Aug 31: Jennifer Lloyd – Recovery Ohio

*extra events


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer:  Tom Duvall
  • Piano: Esther Fouts
  • Song Leader: Stacy Young selected “Better Than Ever This Year”, “Get Together”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list)  51 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, McCrady, Lambert, Mabe, Searls, Wolford, T.Chamberlain, Fountain, Duvall, Horning, McNemar, Liddy, Wilson, Fouts, Canfield, Brown, Droste, Young, B.Liggett, Justinger, D.Webb, K.Neff, White, Kramer, Johnson, Davis, Schreiner, Ellis, Dailey, Hafey, Riegel, T.Tootle, Sneed, B.Tootle, Weaver, Mavis, D.Wolfe, R.Wolfe, Radcliff, Robinson, Blanton, C.Chamberlain, McIlroy, Montgomery, Rothe, I.Webb, Lanman, Whitten
  • Guests: Patty Rothe has a guest – Josh Cook from US Bank


  • Daryl Wolfe reported we served over 120 meals on Monday. Thanks to Bob McCrady, Rob & Dodie Radcliff, John Ellis, Gary Montgomery, Bob Sneed, David & Marie Crawford with Alice Harker
  • Rotary board meeting July 18th 11:30am. 
  • The historical library has 30,000 pictures that have no identification – please help, see Darlene Weaver
  • John Lambert announced Aug.4th – Chamber Night Golf – shotgun start 5:00pm – see pickawaychamber.com 
  • Jayme Fountain – Bill Kramer has obtained his first Paul Harris Fellow! Thank you Bill.

SAA:  Matt Hafey

  • Happy Dollars
  • Birthday’s/ Rotary anniversary
  • Famous Star Wars actor born today – Harrison Ford
  • Frank Sinatra – 1939 recorded his first single – “From the bottom of my heart”
  • 2010 – baseball owner passed away – George Steinbrenner 
  • Legislation in 1787 – Northwest Ordinance adopted to open the Northwest Territory, which Ohio was part
  • 1861 – Union army won area which became what state? W. Virginia
  • Second women prime minister for England – Theresa May

Scholarship Drawing:  Michael Whitten was the winner of $30. The jackpot is $1,612 and it continues!

Program: Jenny Rhoads from Pickaway County Visitors Bureau and Circleville Downtown Business Association

  • Light Up Circleville – Circleville Rotary is pleased to donate $600 for downtown decorations
  • Jenny works at Visitors Bureau and hosts a podcast with Jenny Rainey (Jenny and Jenny in the morning – Roundtown Radio or wherever you get your podcasts)
  • 2021 noticed Holiday wreaths were getting old and more cost effective to replace
    • Court and Main corner were the first four @ $500 each, now $600 each
    • Last year $7,000 raised
    • Quote was $19,000 to do all downtown corners 
    • Mayor’s Golf outing this year will benefit the holiday light’s
    • Hoping for other funds to support the Santa House – we have to pay into the Santa Union for the jolly one to arrive
    • Maybe drive thru lights at Ted Lewis Park
  • Uptown Circleville – creating events to bring people downtown. Uptowncircleville.com
    • First Friday events
    • July 22nd – 3 on 3 basketball
  • Discovery Pickaway App for your phone to stay connected


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Rotary Foundation Chair, Charlie Hedges presents his last report, after 25 yrs. serving our club.

Warren Spangler takes the Presidential oath.

18 past presidents passed the gavel to President Warren

Celebrating Ned Schreiner and Earl Palm’s 95th birthday’s

Immediate Past President David M. Crawford receives his presidential pin from Drexel Poling.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

July Calendar – David M. Crawford, Program Chair

July 6: District Governor, David Uhl plus Warren’s induction and board members

July 10: * Bonus Community Kitchen

July 13: Jenny Rhoades, Visitor’s Bureau

July 20: Dave Roasa, Disaster Aid & Grove City Rotary

July 24: * Community Kitchen

July 27: MaKenzie Love – National Braille reading finalist & Teays Valley Student

August Calendar – Ty Ankrom, Program Chair

Aug 3: Dennis Lowe – Drug Task Forcre

Aug 10: Maggie Simmons – PAAC – Community Input

Aug 17: Sarah Walsh – Cook Center for Human Connections

Aug 24: Steve Helwagen – OSU Football

Aug 31: Jennifer Lloyd – Recovery Ohio

*extra events


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer:  Assistant Governor, Jim Rogers
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Stacy Young selected “The Star Spangled Banner”, “This is Rotary”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list) 42 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, McCrady, R.Wolfe, Canfield, Fouts, Robinson, Schreiner, Whitten, White, Ellis, Palm, Montgomery, Mavis, Stevens, D.Webb, I.Webb, Ankrom, Lam, Elick, Wilson, Duvall, Rothe, Droste, Hafey, McIlroy, Sneed, Young, B.Liggett, C.Mullins, Brown, McNemar, Rawlins, C.Chamberlain, Johnson, Searls, T.Tootle, Foster, Justinger, Blanton, B.Tootle
  • Visiting Rotarians: From the Rotary Club of Logan, Assistant Governor, Jim Rogers; District Governor David Uhl
  • Guests: Warren brought his family – wife-Janet, daughter-Jamie, and his Sisters and a brother-in-law;  Warren also invited Nicholas Tatman, Director of Pickaway County Job & Family Services 

New Rotary Year: Create Hope in the World

  • District Governor David Uhl presented the Rotary flag to Warren Spangler. 
  • Governor Uhl inducted Warren as President, as well as all board members: Heidi White, President-Elect; Drexel Poling, Executive Secretary; David M. Crawford, Secretary; Ellery Elick, Treasurer; Rick Rawlins, John Ellis, Connie Chamberlain, & Patty Rothe, Board Members. Rob Radcliff was absent, but sworn in last year.
  • “Passing the Gavel”: To officially start Warren’s year, 18 past Circleville Rotary Presidents passed the gavel to him.


  • Charlie Hedges – (is still looking for a Rotary home) Overview of 2022-23 Foundation giving.
    • Goal was $6,000 this year – we donated over $14,200 to the annual fund and over $17,000 in total donations for the year.
    • 165 Paul Harris Fellows throughout the club’s history 
    • 53 currently active members are PHF
    • All-time giving is over $398,000 in total donations over the history of the club
  • Monday is Bonus Soup Kitchen at the Presbyterian Church on Mound St. We are regularly making over 100 meals and help is always needed. We will be going to El Pedregal for dinner afterward.
  • Rotary board meeting July 18th 11:30am. 

SAA:  Matt Hafey

  • Member and Wedding anniversaries 
  • Today is President George W. Bush’s birthday – year 1946
  • Louis Armstrong passed away in 1971
  • What famous First Lady was born in 1921 – Nancy Reagan
  • Today we celebrate what famous food? Fried Chicken
  • Happy Dollars for Warren being the 11th father/son team to serve as president. Walt/Warren Spangler; Dave/Ian Webb; Dick/Bob Tootle; Dick/Tom Tootle; Bob/Eric Liggett; Boyd/Bill Stout; Bill/John Stout; Russ/Earl Palm; Robert Sr./Bud Brehmer; Richard/Larry Plum; Nelson/Todd Stevens 

Scholarship Drawing:  Marie Nemes-Crawford was the winner of $33. The jackpot is $1,582 and it continues!

Program: District Governor, David Uhl was introduced by AG Jim Rogers

  • David started his Rotary career in Circleville Sunrise 2003
  • Raised in Lancaster and a graduate of OCU with a Bachelor’s degree in Religion, Masters in Education, PhD in Organizational Management Leadership
  • Ordained Minister with Churches of Christ in Christian Union
  • Superintendent for Fairfield County Board of Developmental Disabilities
  • President of Lancaster City Council
  • Lead Pastor of Rushville Church
  • Lancaster Chamber of Commerce Young Professional Award 2012
  • Named one of Columbus Business First’s 40 under 40 in 2018
  • David will return in December for his Presidential Address

Warren’s charity of choice for this year will be the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Connie Chamberlain presents Ashli Allen’s second year scholarship check

Immediate Past President Tony Chamberlain thanks outgoing President David M. Crawford


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

June Calendar – Bob McCrady, Program Chair

June 29:  David M. Crawford – Year in review

July Calendar – David M. Crawford, Program Chair

July 6: District Governor, David Uhl plus Warren’s induction and board members

July 10: * Bonus Community Kitchen

July 13: Jenny Rhoades, Visitor’s Bureau

July 20: Dave Roasa, Disaster Aid & Grove City Rotary

July 24: * Community Kitchen

July 27: MaKenzie Love – National Braille reading finalist & Teays Valley Student

*extra events


  • Presiding:  President David M. Crawford
  • Prayer:  Assistant Governor, Jim Rogers
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Tony Robinson selected “Auld Lang Syne”, “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list) 41 today – Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, Spangler, C.Chamberlain, McCrady, R.Wolfe, Canfield, Wilson, Lambert, Fouts, Palm, McNemar, Robinson, Montgomery, Mavis, T.Tootle, Hedges, Droste, Searls, Schreiner, B.Liggett, Radcliff, Sneed, Horning, Weaver, Foster, Dean, Wolford, Randolph, T.Chamberlain, Davis, Blanton, Brown, Fountain, Lanman, I.Webb, D.Webb, Hooks, Kramer, Rothe
  • Visiting Rotarians: From the Rotary Club of Logan, Assistant Governor, Jim Rogers &  President-Elect, Tim Woodard; from the Rotary Club of Athens-Noon, President-Elect Nominee Don Wood
  • Guests: Harry Canfield’s daughter, Carol accompanied her dad today; Nicole Allen is Ashli’s step-mom 
  • Scout Troop 52 joined us today 

Scholarship Award winner: Ashli Allen has returned to let us know her first year college experience went well and she will be returning to COTC in Wooster to continue her study of sonography. She hopes to work with OB/GYN’s. Best of luck Ashli!


  • Gary Montgomery thanked, Daryl, Marie, Warren, Bob Sneed, Bob McCrady, Tom Duvall, Tony & Vickie Robinson, John Ellis for help serving over 100  meals at the Community Kitchen
  • Charlie Hedges – will be a visiting Rotarian soon when he comes back to see us. Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of this club.
  • Summer traveling to other Rotary Clubs? – remember to get your picture in front of their flag and you’ll be entered into a gift card drawing
  • Pickaway County Special Olympics Fundraiser – Aug.5th in Chillicothe. Flyers available or see our Facebook page for a link
  • Rob Radcliff – CASA raffle. Yeti cooler full of goodies. $10 per ticket. Please get a hold of Rob.
  • Rotary Exchange Student, Ana Dutra’s party is July 8th at Jayme Fountain’s home from 1-4pm
  • Applications being taken for a two week Romania Rotary Exchange – please let Jayme or Ty know if you are interested in traveling with other Rotarians

SAA:  Rob Radcliff

  • 27 years married – Patty Rothe
  • Drexel has been a member for 46 years
  • Bill Stout has been a member for 62 years
  • National Body Piercing Day
  • 1894 – What day became national holiday – Labor Day
  • Rotary : could not allow racial discrimination was part of the by-laws in what year?  1922!
  • 1987 women should be allowed per the Supreme Court

Scholarship Drawing:  Bob Foster was the winner of $29. The jackpot is $1,549 and it continues!

Program: David M. Crawford – ‘Imagine Rotary’ year 2022-23 recap

  • Important projects on both the local and international level have been accomplished
  • The Euchre tournament has been added as a scholarship fundraiser
  • The new members have jumped into service, organizing our Euchre tournament, adding a Bonus Community Kitchen, led a successful Women’s Products drive (placing third in the district)
  • There has not been a dues increase in 24 years (other than adding the Rural/Urban Day lunch cost) – in reviewing the breakdown, $71 goes to Rotary International and $30 goes to the District
  • Incoming Presidents are asked to identify their goals for the year
    • Membership from 75 has increased to 91
    • The 22 new members were sponsored by 17 members – two of whom are new themselves
    • Significant donations to local charities and the Miryante Orphanage in Uganda
    • Pledged $12,500 over 5 years to Inspiration Station Children’s Museum and Event Space here in Circleville
    • Rotary offers a large number of on-line and in person programs for Leadership Development. It would benefit to have more members participate.
    • Meeting district leadership is always beneficial to the club, a great avenue is to attend the district assembly and conference April 19 & 20, 2024 at Deer Creek.
    • Social Events are important in order to meet Sunrise members, introduce new members to Rotary and plan events (ie. Euchre). We only managed 3. Cost of food is higher and 3-4 members are needed instead of 2.
    • Thank you to Bob Foster for updating our website and to all who keep Facebook fresh and informative
    • We thank Miles Layton for keeping Circleville Rotary in the newspaper with over 20 articles featured, many on front page
    • We accomplished 23 service projects from the community kitchen’s, to sock collection, women’s products, blanket making, addressing thank you card to Honor Flight veteran’s, etc.
    • Providing opportunities for all members to participate in a project is important, so with projects during meetings, you don’t have to stand in the Pumpkin Show booth for 3-hours or pick up trash on North Court
    • We keep meetings fun and informative 
    • Interact Club is a casualty of COVID. We are trying to start a club in the Middle school
    • Donations to the Rotary Foundation was almost triple my goal. It’s important because district grants are based on our giving level. We are able to augment our donations to Miryante and the Dolly Parton Library.
    • Remembrance of the loss of Dick Fullen, spouses and other family members. Thinking about those unable to join us because of health reasons
    • Please appreciate the work of your Rotary board members. They work very hard behind the scenes to ensure our club stays financially sound
    • I now step aside and Warren takes over next week


President David M. Crawford presents a check to Principal Beth Dill & Kristen Rhoads from Pathways for Success.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

June Calendar – Bob McCrady, Program Chair

June 22: Pathways For Success

June 26: * Community Kitchen

June 29:  David M. Crawford – Year in review

July Calendar – David M. Crawford, Program Chair

July 6: District Governor, David Uhl plus Warren’s induction and board members

July 10: * Bonus Community Kitchen

July 13: Jenny Rhoades, Visitor’s Bureau

July 20: Dave Roasa, Disaster Aid & Grove City Rotary

July 24: * Community Kitchen

July 27: MaKenzie Love – National Braille reading finalist & Teays Valley Student

*extra events


  • Presiding:  President David M. Crawford
  • Prayer:  Gary Montgomery
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Tom Duvall selected: “Happy Wanderer”, “…Pumpa”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list) 38 today – Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, Spangler, Montgomery, Palm, Mavis, Fouts, Wilson, Elick, Duvall, Droste, Lambert, Dailey, Robinson, Brown, T.Tootle, Hedges, Riegel, McCrady, D.Wolfe, Schreiner, Ellis, McNemar, Beavers, Dean, Davis, C.Chamberlain, Radcliff, Liddy, Sneed, I.Webb, D.Webb, Rawlins, Hafey, Maroscher, Lam, Searls
  • Visiting Rotarians: President Marie Wilbanks from Sunrise

Scholarship Winner – Connie Chamberlain introduced Brianna Azbell from Pickaway-Ross/Logan Elm. She will be attending Hocking College for early childhood education. Quite a mature young lady who we wish only the best.

Rotary Executive Board meeting summary (6/20)

  • Patty and David reported on a recent meeting with Watt Street Tavern management (Myshele). Relationship is going well. Myshele said there would be no problem if Rotary utilizes credit cards for meal payment as long as Watt Street is not involved in the transactions. Watt Street is also willing to provide ready-made “grab-n-go” lunches for Rotarians who may not have time to order. Watt Street also will look to add another 4-top table to provide more seating. Watt Street asks that Rotarians not enter the kitchen area due to insurance purposes. 
  • Patty, Heidi, Daryl, Angie and Carly will begin looking into credit card processing equipment that can be used for meals, Pumpkin Show and other purposes. Considerable discussion took place to determine who would be responsible for equipment, point-of-sale transactions and overall cost for hardware, data plan and transaction/swipe costs
  • Induction of officers and board members will be at the July 6 meeting by DG David Uhl
  • Golf tournament was successful. Final report will occur once all donations are collected.
  • Treasurer’s report was approved. Ellery reported he is still working with U.S. Bank to transfer funds. Also, the board approved his request to place the Tricentennial fund in an account with higher yields. Drexel is going to check the Rotary lockbox at U.S. Bank to inventory the contents.
  • Connie and Patty join the board as official members in July when Warren becomes president.    


  • “Build Better Friendships” month – today we welcome Tod Conrad. Master woodworker and Ned Riegel’s neighbor. Tod helped rebuild our Pumpkin Show booth door. Thanks Tod!
  • Monday, June 26th – Community Kitchen 4pm at Presbyterian church on Mound St. We are serving 100 people now.
  • Pickaway County Special Olympics Fundraiser – Aug.5th in Chillicothe. Flyers available or see our Facebook page for a link
  • Marie Wilbanks – CASA raffle. Yeti cooler full of goodies. $10 per ticket – see Rob Radcliff for tickets after today
  • Rotary Exchange Student, Ana Dutra’s party is July 10th at Jayme Fountain’s home from 1-4pm
  • Applications being taken for a two week Romania Rotary Exchange – please let Jayme or Ty know if you are interested in traveling with other Rotarians

SAA:  Rob Radcliff

  • Rick Rawlins had a birthday with a 5 in it
  • Gary Montgomery – 54th wedding anniversary yesterday
  • Bob Johnson – 64 years in our club
  • National Chocolate Eclair Day: read the warning – chocolate is addictive and might cause weight gain
  • Supreme Court – 1990 – what state banned thonged bikinis? Florida
  • Pledge of Allegiance formally adopted by Congress in 1942
  • “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile?” Einstein
  • Part of the original 5 Rotary Clubs did not include – New York
  • Successful food chain founded in Ohio – Arby’s
  • Happy Dollar – Ian Webb has sent the directory to print with pictures of every member

Scholarship Drawing:  Tom Duvall was the winner of $31 (which he donated back). The jackpot is $1,520 and it continues!

Program: Kristen Rhoads and Beth Dill from Pathways For Success

  • The presidential charity has been Pathways For Success this year
  • The club is happy to present a $750 check in honor of all our speakers this year
  • 64 students have been served throughout the year
  • Capacity was 40 students at one time
  • 3 students have became parents this year
  • 9 of 12 eligible students graduated
  • Ohio graduation requirements are more than just 21 credits. Need passage of standardized tests and “seals” of accomplishments
  • Pathways has partnered with the Rise Up program – retail industry. Students complete two instruction books and when they pass three tests, get a “seal”
  • School is half-day program so kids can work
  • 19 students have been referred to Pickaway-Ross to help them get jobs after school and also partner with Pickaway Works
  • Principal and four teachers for the 40 kids
  • Incentive program – school store. Kids have fake money and get $1 just for coming to school. Teachers can also pass out other money amounts for having a good day, staying quiet, staying off their phones, etc.
  • Through the store, it costs $200 to play basketball; $50 for a monster drink; Dorito’s also a popular item
  • The curriculum is on-line classes with teachers to help
  • Grades 6-12
  • Most kids are referred for behavioral issues
  • Rely on grants and donations from community
  • $100,000 safety grant was used for metal detectors, communication items, safety cameras
  • Academic grant used to start a culinary program which students are excited about
  • Another grant set up a library, which is also a quiet place when students need to decompress
  • The staff puts so much of themselves into the students – our goal is to make the students successful and graduate from high school with a plan for their future


Rod Smith is this year’s “Service Above Self” award winner. Bob Sneed nominated and introduced him.

Connie Chamberlain presented Trevor Wolfe with his scholarship check for year two at Rio Grande.

Dan Fouts presented $750 to Gina Warner with Blessings in a Backpack. Thank you Carly Neff for the program.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

June Calendar – Bob McCrady, Program Chair

June 15: Blessings in a Backpack & Service Above Self winner

June 16: * Golf outing at Pickaway Country Club

June 22: Pathways For Success

June 26: * Community Kitchen

June 29:  David M. Crawford – Year in review

July Calendar – David M. Crawford, Program Chair

July 6: District Governor, David Uhl plus Warren’s induction

July 10: * Bonus Community Kitchen

July 13: Jenny Rhoades, Visitor’s Bureau

July 20: Dave Roasa, Disaster Aid & Grove City Rotary

July 24: * Community Kitchen

July 27: MaKenzie Love – National Braille reading finalist & Teays Valley Student

*extra events


  • Presiding:  President David M. Crawford
  • Prayer: Tony Robinson
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Tony Robinson selected “You’re a Grand Old Flag”, “America the Beautiful”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list)  47 today – Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, Beavers, McCrady, Palm, R.Wolfe, Riegel, C. Chamberlain, Wilson, Elick, Fouts, Canfield, Randolph,  Spangler, Duvall, Schreiner, Young, McIlroy, Hedges, Kramer, Droste, Robinson, McNemar, Horning, C.Mullins, C.Neff, Foster, Radcliff, Sneed, Rothe, B.Liggett, Weaver, T.Tootle, D.Webb, Ankrom, Justinger, E.Liggett, Wolford, Fountain, T.Chamberlain, Liddy, White, Hafey, Marosher, Hooks, Searls
  • Guests: Marie Smith as a guest of Tom Duvall; Rod and Marcia Smith are guests of the club; Chase Liggett came with his dad

Last year’s Scholarship Winner – Trevor Wolfe was here to tell us about his first year at Rio Grande and received his second $1,000 scholarship award. Continue your great work Trevor!


  • “Build Better Friendships” month. Today we recognize Alice Harker
    • Alice IS the Community Kitchen. She is there for each of the volunteer groups serving our neighbors Monday, Wednesday & Friday’s and has been for the last 18 years!
    • 35 years ago the community kitchen started and now is serving over 100 meals, three nights a week. The need is great.
  • Golf Tournament is tomorrow
  • Board meeting – next Tuesday, (20th) 11:30am, all are welcome
  • Ana Dutra – Jayme Fountain’s Brazil Rotary Exchange student will be returning home July 10th. An open house will be July 8th, 1-4pm at the Fountain’s home. Appetizers and Desserts are needed – the theme is Red/White/Blue with Ana’s mother providing a Green/Yellow Brazilian welcome home party!
  • Sr. Justinger passed out Wyngate flyers: Ice Cream Social June 17th 2-4pm and June 21st cookout drive thru noon-1pm
  • Applications being taken for a two week Romania Rotary Exchange – please let Jayme or Ty know if you are interested in traveling with other Rotarians
  • June 26th & July 10th – Community Kitchen’s on the schedule

Service Above Self Award: Bob Sneed presents Rod Smith with our club’s highest honor for a non-Rotarian. Rod is an educator, coach, deacon, historian, fundraiser, along with a friend to many. Rod spent 35 years teaching social studies to middle school students with an emphasis on Pickaway County and Ohio history. He was a football coach for 43 years, wrestling coach for 20, track for 18 and Jr. High and Girl’s Varsity track for 15!  He founded Friends of Logan Elm and worked with the Ohio Historical Society to improve and maintain Logan Elm Park. Rod worked tirelessly on all 6 Logan Elm construction levies and now with construction underway, side-walk-supervisor might be another of his titles. He is active in Circleville Presbyterian Church as well as volunteered for 45 years at vacation bible school.  The love of education runs in the family: Wife, Marcia taught at Washington Elementary, their son, Nate is principal at Logan Elm, and daughter-in-law Emily is the Pickaway Works representative at Westfall.  Congratulations to Rod for his service to our community, it is our honor to acknowledge your accomplishments. 

SAA:  Rob Radcliff

  • Member anniversaries 
  • National Smile day
  • Tribes not in Ohio – Seminole
  • Rotary – occupation of man who started singing in Rotary meetings – printer
  • “It’s not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  • June 15th of what year, 10 millionth car produced by Ford – 1924
  • 2019 – Babe Ruth’s jersey sold for $5.6million
  • Happy Dollars!!

Scholarship Drawing:  Roger Wolfe was the winner of $41. The jackpot is $1,489 and it continues!

Program:  Blessings in a Backpack

  • Gina Warner – has been involved with kids as educator and children’s ministry her whole life. She is the local Blessings coordinator.
  • Blessings in a Backpack is a National Organization
  • 600,000 children in Ohio are food insecure
  • 20% of the students in every school classroom are having problems focusing because of hunger
  • We have more than 20 community cupboards around Pickaway county trying to help, but kids who are left on their own for weekends cannot get to them
  • Schools have found grants to help kids eat during the week, but there is also a need for weekends
  • Gina found out about Blessings in a Backpack and with the help of Gouge Roofing and Kingdom Realty, the initial funding was provided so a local chapter could be started 
  • As of the end of last month, 101 students are being served  in Circleville + 75 in Logan Elm + 20 in Pathways = 196 students
  • Three times a year – hygiene packs are also provided
  • Weekend packs include 10 items – they are no adult supervision items. Fruit cups, granola bars and the like.
  • Over 200 homeless children in Pickaway County per the last census
  • Blessings is funded entirely by local donations
  • By buying in bulk they try to keep costs to $5 per child
  • $36,000 a year currently needed for the school year with the hope of increasing their reach next school year
  • Darlene Whiteside – Homeless Director helps identify the students in need along with the help of teachers and nurses at the schools
  • If you have crockpots – see Ty and he will get them to Darlene. This is a new project for those families in need. She has put together easy recipes for families to have nutritious crockpot meals!
  • Our club is proud to be able to help the Blessings in a Backpack cause by donating $750
  • Anyone wishing to make a monetary donation:
    • Checks can be made out to:  Blessings in a Backpack
    • In the memo line: Pickaway Co Fund 2118
      • Mail to: Blessings in a Backpack
      •               PO Box 950291
      •               Louisville, KY. 40295


In appreciation of this year’s speakers sharing their time & efforts, donations to Pickaway Pathways for Success will be made in their names.



Timothy Miller and Braeden Martin receive their scholarship checks from Heidi White


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

June Calendar – Bob McCrady, Program Chair

June 15: Blessings in a Backpack & Service Above Self winner

June 16: * Golf outing at Pickaway Country Club

June 22: Pathways For Success

June 26: * Community Kitchen

June 29: David M. Crawford – Year in review

July Calendar – David M. Crawford, Program Chair

July 6: District Governor, David Uhl plus Warren’s induction

July 10: * Bonus Community Kitchen

July 13: Jenny Rhoades, Visitor’s Bureau

July 20: Dave Roasa, Disaster Aid & Grove City Rotary

July 24: * Community Kitchen

July 27: MaKenzie Love – National Braille reading finalist & Teays Valley Student

*extra events


  • Presiding: President David M. Crawford
  • Prayer: Michelle Blanton
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: John Lambert selected “In the Good Old Summertime”, “Roll Rotary”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list) 43 today – Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, McCrady, Spangler, Fouts, Lambert, Elick, Wilson, McNemar, Riegel, Palm, Young, Ankrom, T.Tootle, Duvall, Mavis, Montgomery, Dailey, R.Wolfe, Brown, Radcliff, Hafey, Schreiner, Weaver, Dean, C.Chamberlain, Sneed, I.Webb, D.Webb, Wolford, K.Neff, E.Liggett, Rawlins, White, T.Chamberlain, Rothe, Blanton, C.Neff, Fountain, Hooks, Mabe, McIlroy
  • Guests: Sandy Montgomery & Chase Liggett

Scholarship Winner: Heidi White introduced Timothy Miller and Braeden Martin. Each received their first check for $1,000 today. Timothy will be attending Columbus State to become a chef and Braeden will be attending OSU ATI for Crop Management.


  • David is calling the month of June – “Build Better Friendships” month (thank you Ned Riegel). Today we recognize Sandy Montgomery, the pastry chef of the community kitchen. She insists on homemade desserts for our neighbors. She provides 30 dozen cookies a month.
  • Stacy announced the First Annual Euchre tournament was such a big hit, we’re going to do it more than once a year! She thanked Carly, Karlyn, Bob McCrady, John Lambert, Katie Randolph and all those who showed up to play! $1,800 was raised for the scholarship fund.
  • Tony Chamberlain – Next Friday, June 16th is our golf tournament. Please let him know NOW if you have a foursome or if you can help.
  • July 12th – Pioneer Day Camp. Signup sheet on bar

SAA: Rob Radcliff

  • June 5th – Gary Dean’s wedding anniversary #58.
  • June 10th – Bob Liggett’s 61st wedding anniversary
  • Ellery just bought a three wheeled motorcycle
  • Today is Upsy Daisy Day and Friendship Day
  • 55 years ago today Robert Kennedy was laid to rest. How many Kennedy family members have run for president? 4
  • 1953 – Washington DC ruled restaurants could not deny service due to color
  • 1860 – Columbus is state capital. Chillicothe and Zanesville were prior two
  • First Rotary project – comfort station in downtown Chicago
  • Happy Dollars – Mrs. Radcliff’s birthday is today; Our club was elected as favorite Service Club in Circleville Herald vote

Scholarship Drawing: Eric Liggett was the winner of $30. The jackpot is $1,447 and it continues!

Program: Ohio Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Deployment Plan

  • Pretti Choudhary, Executive Director of Drive Ohio
  • Emerging transportation technology is what her office is tasked with overseeing
  • Can we improve safety on the roads? Is our goal
  • We want to provide the latest technology to Ohioans
  • Electric car charging stations is main focus today
  • Alternative fuel vehicle registrations increasing by year. 50% more than last year
  • Home charging – Level 1; Level 2 – work; Fast chargers geared toward people traveling
  • National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Programs
    • $140 million for Ohio over 5 years
    • charging along interstates and state/rural routes
    • Charge station must be every 50 miles and within 1 mile off the interstate. 4 fast chargers (150KW per)
    • Want the stations to be safe – in already developed areas since you will be there longer than filling your car with gas
    • Planning for 30 stations on intestates; 16 on state/rural routes
  • Phase 1: Build out highways AFCs by 2024
  • Phase 2 Rural & state routes build out from 2024-2026
  • Phase 3-4: use remaining formula funds based on additional priorities
  • Call to Action
    • Drive Ohio develops annual EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan updates
    • Provide feedback on the plan: [email protected]
    • Feedback on EV station locations drive.ohio.gov
  • Competitive Funding Available for Community Charging
    • Community charging and fueling grants
    • ODOT can help cities fill out forms
  • Electric vehicles are double the weight of the current cars, therefore roadway wear and tear will increase
  • Hydrogen fueling also another fuel source being developed
  • Current car batteries can be recycled; working with lithium battery options
  • ODOT is paying for the installation of electric charges and the property owners are responsible for them from there
  • EV car owners pay extra registration fee
  • Utility companies are also working with ODOT. Because of the volume of power needed, that’s why the chargers have to be placed in existing companies/stations/stores


In appreciation of this year’s speakers sharing their time & efforts, donations to Pickaway Pathways for Success will be made in their names.


Julia Weller, our club’s 4-Way test winner.

Heidi White and Norm Wilson with our first scholarship winner, Camryn Ross.

Chris Mullins and Anthony Neff with program chair, Bob McCrady.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

June Calendar – Bob McCrady, Program Chair

June 1: Chris Mullins/Anthony Neff – County Engineer’s

June 1: * First Annual Euchre Tournament

June 8: Ohio Dept of Transportation to talk about electric cars

June 15: Blessings in a Backpack

June 16: * Golf outing at Pickaway Country Club

June 22: Pathways For Success

June 26: * Community Kitchen

June 29:  David M. Crawford – Year in review

July Calendar – David Crawford, Program Chair

July 6: District Governor, David Uhl plus Warren’s induction

July 10: * Bonus Community Kitchen

July 13: Jenny Rhoades, Visitor’s Bureau

July 20: Dave Roasa, Disaster Aid & Grove City Rotary

July 24: * Community Kitchen

July 27: MaKenzie Love – National Braille reading finalist & Teays Valley Student

*extra events


  • Presiding:  President David M. Crawford
  • Prayer: Norm Wilson
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Tony Robinson selected “Hey Look Me Over”, “Sing Rotarians”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list)  48 today – Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, McCrady, Fouts, R.Wolfe, Wilson, Elick, C.Chamberlain, Haffey, Schreiner, Montgomery, Palm, Ellis, Weaver, Robinson, B.Liggett, Riegel, T.Tootle, C.Mullins, K.Neff, Hedges, Duvall, Young, Rothe, Foster, D.Webb, I.Webb, Dailey, Colburn, Randolph, T.Chamberlain, Rawlins, White, Lambert, McNemar, Lam, Beavers, Wolford, Davis, Sneed, Lanman, Brown, Radcliff, Hooks, Fountain, C.Neff, Searls
  • Guests: David introduced Julia’s grandparents – George & Alice Weller; John & Sandy Edgar; John Ellis introduced his son Andy; Ian Webb did have his son Oliver sitting with others for a while; Tim Colburn introduced his wife Amy; Jayme Fountain introduced her girls  – Anna and Molly

4-Way Speech contest winner presented today – Julia Weller, daughter of Ryan & Betsy Weller. Julia won our club’s speech contest in March and also placed third in the District 6690 competition in April. She will be a junior at Logan Elm in the fall. 

Scholarship Winner: Connie Chamberlain introduced Camryn Ross. Logan Elm graduate received her $1,000 scholarship today.


  • David is calling the month of June – “Build Better Friendships” month (thank you Ned Riegel). Today we thank Carly/Rhodes Garden Center and Drexel/Hummel and Plum for supporting our club
  • Gary Montgomery – Pioneer camp at Mount Oval on July 12th, 8:15am for students entering 4th or 5th grades. Call historical society to register or contact Gary & Sandy Montgomery.
  • First Annual Euchre Tournament is TONIGHT. Thank you Karlyn, Jamie, Carly and Stacy for putting this together!
  • Ian Webb – directory being updated, please make sure it’s correct and contact him with corrections if you are not at the meeting.
  • Tony Chamberlain – Friday, June 16th is our golf tournament. Need teams, volunteers and donations. For more information, please contact Tony. All proceeds fund scholarships for high school students going to technical colleges.

SAA:  Rob Radcliff

  • “Say Something Nice Day” – tomorrow is Tony Robinson’s 41st wedding anniversary…hint..hint..
  • Historical Society Newsletter – three members listed – Tony Robinson, Darlene Weaver, Ellery Elick
  • Congrats Tim Colburn on new job
  • How much were annual dues at first Rotary club in Chicago? Zero. 50 cent fines paid everything. 

Scholarship Drawing:  Jim Hooks was the winner of $34. The jackpot is $1,417 and it continues!

Program:  Chris Mullins and Anthony Neff – Pickaway County Engineer’s

  • Auto License/Gas Tax is funding for $6.5 million budget
  • 225 miles of road; 20 employees at highway department
  • 5 bridges are being worked on with our own crew – that’s how we can leverage our budget
  • $1 million of paving on Tarlton Rd
  • Walnut Creek Pike and Bell Station closing for Roundabout installation – here are the details
  • Safety Study was conducted in 2019. Total of 27 crashes occurred during 2001-2018, law enforcement reported
  • People are running the stop signs – locals are admitting as much to law enforcement
  • Because of state standards, this intersection does not warrant a traffic signal
  • Roundabouts only have 8 potential conflict points vs 32 at traditional intersections
  • Curve part of roundabouts will make people slow down and think
  • 20 mph in roundabout – only one lane roundabout for this project
  • Yield to cars in roundabout is rule
  • Closure begins June 7th with 90 day closure expected
  • Addition of roadway lighting
  • Mountable curbs that allow vehicles to encroach on them without damaging tires and wheels
  • Extra studies done for combines and developed for 12 feet wide lane
  • 10 parcels for 3 acres to put this together
  • Roundabout – $1.9 million. Grant money being used for $1.5 million of the project


In appreciation of this year’s speakers sharing their time & efforts, donations to Pickaway Pathways for Success will be made in their names.


Charlie Hedges congratulates Tony Robinson and Jim Hooks on their Paul Harris Fellow Awards.

Ron Custer presented the program today and Dave Webb was chair.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

June Calendar – Bob McCrady, Program Chair

June 1: Anthony Neff – County Engineer

June 1: * First Annual Euchre Tournament

June 8: Ohio Dept of Transportation to talk about electric cars

June 15: Blessings in a Backpack

June 16: * Golf outing at Pickaway Country Club

June 22: Pathways For Success

June 26: * Community Kitchen

June 29:  David Crawford – Year in review

July Calendar – David Crawford, Program Chair

July 6: District Governor, David Uhl plus Warren’s induction

July 10: * Bonus Community Kitchen

July 13: Jenny Rhodes, Visitor’s Bureau

July 20: Dave Roasa, Disaster Aid & Grove City Rotary

July 24: * Community Kitchen

July 27: TBD

*extra events


  • Presiding:  President David M. Crawford
  • Prayer: Warren Spangler
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader:  Dan Fouts – “America the Beautiful”, “You’re a Grand Old Flag”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list)  47 today – Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, McCrady, Reitano, Riegel, Elick, Duvall, Lambert, McNemar, Robinson, C.Chamberlain, Wilson, Fouts, Canfield, Dean, Colburn, Radcliff, E.Liggett, B.Liggett, I.Webb , Hedges, Liddy, Droste, D.Webb, Sneed, Dailey, Mavis, Palm, Spangler, Ellis, D.Wolfe, Robinson, T.Chamberlain, Beavers, Young, McIlroy, Lanman, Lam, Simmons, Fountain, Blanton, Sneed, White, Hooks, Maroscher, B.Tootle
  • Guests: Jean Droste introduced Marilyn Orr ; John Ellis introduced his son Andy Ellis


  • Charlie Hedges was pleased to acknowledge Paul Harris Fellows – Tony Robinson PHF +1, Jim Hooks PHF +8
  • Ian Webb – directory being updated, please make sure it’s correct and contact him with corrections if you are not at the meeting
  • Daryl Wolfe thanked Gary & Sandy Montgomery, Bob Sneed, Tom Duvall, David & Marie Crawford, Bob McCrady, Angela Beavers & Alice Harker for working the community kitchen. We lost count after 120 meals were prepared and people kept arriving until 5:30pm. 
  • Maggie Simmons from PAAC invited everyone to attend a professional development program on June 2nd. To register and more information see DrugFreePickaway.com.
  • Don McIlroy announced the grand opening of Ted Lewis Park will be at Noon, Friday, May 26th.
  • Tony Chamberlain – Friday, June 16th is our golf tournament. Need teams, volunteers and donations. For more information, please contact Tony. All proceeds fund scholarships for high school students going to technical colleges.
  • First Annual Euchre Tournament is June 1st (next Thursday)! See Karlyn, Stacy or Carly if you can help. Remember, it’s a scholarship fundraiser.

SAA:  (the Angel in the room) – Angela Beavers

  • May 25th trivia: 1979, what movie was released “Alien”
  • 1965 – Ali knocked out Sonny Liston
  • President in 1950? Truman
  • First Star Wars movie opened on this day in what year? 1977
  • Longest running Memorial Day Parade takes place in Ironton
  • May 4th – auspicious day in Rotary – 1987 must allow women into membership
  • National Sing Out Day – Happy Birthday to David 
  • Heidi White made front page of paper
  • Tim Colburn new P3 director

Scholarship Drawing:   Tim Colburn was the winner of $39 (and graciously donated it back). The jackpot is $1,373 and it continues!

Program:  Pickaway County Dog Warden, Ron Custer

  • Ron has 2 deputy’s and has a law enforcement background
  • 80% in the building are strays. There is alot of work to evaluate a stray dog and their behaviors before they can be put up for adoption
  • Medically necessary euthanasia or for safety issues
  • Currently have a dog there for over 2 years
  • They will investigate issues with abandonment issues and neglect
  • Commissioners have funded improvements to the facility and “Partners For Paws“ is a valuable fundraising organization for the shelter
  • Volunteers are a blessing. There are opportunities for feeding, walking the dogs, cleaning kennels or just visiting the dogs. 
  • Deer Creek Golf Course – June 10th is fundraiser golf outing for the shelter
  • Everyone is invited to visit the shelter and call if you see something you think needs reported
  • Donations are always welcome and needed
  • There is education provided for all the new owners. Adjustment time will be needed for their new family member. 
  • Foster program in place – we want someone to try the dog in their home before committing to caring for it.
  • Facebook is biggest tool with news – have over 14,000 followers
  • “Phantom” 25 lb cat at the shelter. One of the tools to evaluate the dogs, will it get along with cats?
  • Shelter open 8am at 4pm. Closed to the public Sunday and Tuesday for cleaning or paperwork.
  • Work with breed specific rescues, but finding they are full


In appreciation of this year’s speakers sharing their time & efforts, donations to Pickaway Pathways for Success will be made in their names.


Two new members today and one is our speaker! Dannie Fouts was the sponsor of Dr. Gregory Lam, Grant Davis was sponsored by Michelle Blanton.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

May Calendar – Dave Webb, Program Chair

May 18: Dr. Gregory Lam, Cardiologist

May 22: * Community Kitchen

May 25: Jarrod Burks, Ohio Valley Archeology, Inc.

June Calendar – Bob McCrady, Program Chair

June 1: Anthony Neff – County Engineer

June 1: * First Annual Euchre Tournament

June 8: Ohio Dept of Transportation to talk about electric cars

June 15: Blessings in a Backpack

June 16: * Golf outing at Pickaway Country Club

June 22: Pathways For Success

June 26: * Community Kitchen

June 29:  David Crawford – Year in review

*extra events


  • Presiding:  President David M. Crawford
  • Prayer: Roger Wolfe
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader:  Dan Fouts. “For They’re Jolly Good Fellows”, “Sing Out A Song of Rotary”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list) 45 today – Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, McCrady, Fouts, Elick, Canfield, Hedges, R.Wolfe, Dean, Mavis, Palm, Ellis, Schreiner, Liddy, Duvall, C.Chamberlain, Droste, Retanio, D.Wolfe, Radcliff, McIlroy, K.Neff, Montgomery, Weaver, Hafey, McNemar, Daily, Robinson, B.Liggett, Blanton, Lam, Rawlins, Wolford, T.Chamberlain, Ankrom, Fountain, Sneed, Lanman, Riegel, Davis, Mabe, Brown, Hooks, Kramer
  • Guests: Warren treated his wife, Janet, to lunch today; Jean Droste introduced Debbie; Dan Dailey’s wife Donna helped us sound wonderful today
  • Visiting Rotarians: President Marie Wilbanks & David Smith from Circleville Sunrise

Welcome Dr. Gregory Lam into membership today! Greg lives in Dublin with his family and is the Director of Cardiovascular Services for OhioHealth Berger.

Welcome Grant Davis into membership today as well! Grant is a Teays Valley grad along with an OSU Political Science grad. He is currently Clerk of Courts.

Board meeting highlights from May 16, 2023

  • Warren’s induction is 7/6/23. Heidi’s is 7/11/24. DG will do both.
  • Dr. Gregory Lam approved as new member
  • Discussed membership retention going into the new 2023-24 Rotary year
  • “Service Above Self” awardee will be named at upcoming June meeting 
  • Rob said 2023-24 program chairs are designated. (Speaker calendar is booked through July 27.)
  • District speech winner, Julia Weller, will be guest at 6/1 meeting
  • Tony C. reported the June 16 golf tournament/scholarship fundraiser is shaping up. Will be contacting a few additional sponsors.
  • Euchre tournament/scholarship fundraiser is June 1
  • David thanked the scholarship selection committee for its work. In-school presentations will be made this month and recipients will be guests at meetings during June.
  • June check presentations:
    • Blessings in Backpack – $750 ($250 from Rotary and $500 from anonymous members)  
    • Pathways for Success – $750 deferred/accrued speaker honorariums
  • July check presentations:
    • Downtown Christmas decorations, $600
  • David/Patty/Rob/Warren will do an annual check-in with Watt Street Tavern management to ensure expectations are being met by all parties, and discuss options that might enhance serving expediency
  • Lengthy discussion on the need to explore additional payment options (credit/debit, Venmo, etc.) for lunches. Also can be used for Pumpkin Show booth, payment of dues, golf tournament, etc. A small committee will be formed to investigate and if feasible, initiate the project.
  • Warren was approached by District leadership about contributing to a disaster aid trailer that will be used by Grove City Rotary to respond to local and regional disasters. Circleville Rotary will have its name on the trailer. Board voted to approve the requested $500. A representative of the project will be the speaker at a July meeting.


  • Gary Montgomery announced Monday’s Community Kitchen is at the Presbyterian Church on Main St. 4:00pm -5:00pm. 
  • Gary also announced Mt. Oval Pioneer Day Camp on July 12th. $15 per child. Please sign up through the Historical Society.  
  • Casey Liddy announced Sports Physicals are being completed by OhioHealth. See their schedule on line and get your students signed-up.
  • Marie Wilbanks, FAME event at Rhodes this Saturday. Free event with food trucks. Come support all the models including a few of our Rotary members. 
  • Sunrise Rotary is also selling – “It Happened One Pumpkin Show” by Jan Long. $5, $10, or donation.  Contact Marie Wilbanks at [email protected] if you would like a book.
  • Tony Chamberlain – Friday, June 16th is our golf tournament. Need teams, volunteers and donations. For more information, please contact Tony. All proceeds fund scholarships for high school students going to technical colleges.
  • First Annual Euchre Tournament is June 1st! See Karlyn, Stacy or Carly if you can help. Remember, it’s a scholarship fundraiser. 

SAA:  Gary Montgomery

  • National Police appreciation week
  • There are 42 test tubes of Thomas Edison’s last breath. (Really Gary?)
  • George Washington’s false teeth were NOT made of wood
  • Who did not sign the Constitution? Thomas Jefferson (he was in France – remember this fact from the play “Hamilton?”)

Scholarship Drawing:  Rob Radcliff was the winner of $33. The jackpot is $1,334 and it continues!

Program:  Dr. Gregory Lam, yes, our new member, is also presenting the program today! This is his third time presenting to Noon Rotary.

  • Dr. Lam has been practicing in Pickaway county for 14 years
  • Cardiometabolic Disease – we now have the first clinic in Central Ohio right here at Berger
  • It is the study of breaking the silo of disease treatment to start treatment of all cardiovascular risk factors combined
  • Team approach in caring for a patient by including multiple specialists
  • Cardiometabolic initiative was ready 5 years ago, then Berger was being bought by OhioHealth which delayed the launch, then COVID hit, which delayed it again
  • There are new medicines which help all the risk factors; heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease
  • The medicines are expensive and if cost prohibitive, Berger is trying to find ways to help mitigate 


In appreciation of this year’s speakers sharing their time & efforts, donations to Pickaway Pathways for Success will be made in their names.


Rotarian Tony Robinson was the sponsor for Darlene Weaver, Program Chair Dave Webb introduced todays speaker, Arista Hartzler from the Parks District.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

May Calendar – Dave Webb, Program Chair

May 11: Arista Hartzler – Pickaway County Park District

May 18: Dr. Gregory Lam, Cardiologist

May 22: * Community Kitchen

May 25: Jarrod Burks, Ohio Valley Archeology, Inc.

June Calendar – Bob McCrady, Program Chair

June 1: Anthony Neff – County Engineer

June 1: * First Annual Euchre Tournament

June 8: Ohio Dept of Transportation to talk about electric cars

June 15: Blessings in a Backpack

June 16: * Golf outing at Pickaway Country Club

June 22: Pathways For Success

June 26: * Community Kitchen

June 29:  David Crawford – Year in review

*extra events


  • Presiding:  President David M. Crawford
  • Prayer: Dan Fouts
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader:  Dan Fouts: “Happy Mother’s Day”; “Rotary Will Go Around the World”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list) 43 today – Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, Riegel, McCrady, Fouts, R.Wolfe, McNemar, Duvall, Wilson, Elick, Canfield, C.Chamberlain, McIlroy, Colburn, Young, T.Tootle, Beavers, D.Webb, Hedges, Robinson, Palm, Montgomery, Horning, Hafey, I.Webb, Wolford, T.Chamberlain, Sneed, D.Wolfe, K.Neff, Rawlins, Johnson, Dean, Weaver, Blanton, Brown, Hooks, White, B.Tottle, Ankrom, Radcliff, Maroscher
  • Students: from New Hope were not available today. We thank Jonathan Davis for setting up this years schedule
  • Guests: The Crawford’s introduced their friends John & Joan Stolarz; Earl Palm introduced his daughter Ellen

Welcome Darlene Weaver into membership today! We all know Darlene from her incredible work at the Genealogy Library for 32 years! 

New member approved by the board: Dr. Gregory Lam has been approved by the board for membership. 


  • Tony Chamberlain – Friday, June 16th is our golf tournament. Need teams, volunteers and donations. For more information, please contact Tony. All proceeds fund scholarships for high school students going to technical colleges.
  • Please sign yourself or a friend up for the First Annual Euchre Tournament June 1st or offer to help! See Karlyn, Stacy or Carly if you need help. Remember, it’s a scholarship fundraiser. Also doing a 50/50 raffle. We still need decks of cards donated.
  • Daryl thanked Warren, Rob, Bob McCrady, Gary Montgomery and Alice Harker. 80 meals were served this past Monday at the Bonus Community Kitchen.
  • Ty announced an out-bound Group Study Exchange going to Romania this summer. (Sept. Maybe). See Ty if you are interested in being part of the team to go.
  • Don McIlroy – 15th annual Mayor’s Breakfast was this morning. We honored Tim Colburn and OhioHealth Berger and raised over $10,000 for scouts.
  • Dr. Gregory Lam, next week’s speaker, has applied for membership 

SAA:  Gary Montgomery

  • Still going for Birthdays/Anniversaries
  • Arctic – means Bear
  • Vicking Cruise Ships travel to Arctic circle. When you jump in a pool of ice and make it out, you are called: Blue Nose 
  • Part of Arctic circle goes through 8 countries: how many people live year round within the Arctic circle? 4 million (With Russia having the most)
  • US has land within the Arctic circle – number of national parks? 4
  • Santa resides at the North Pole in the Arctic circle – Cartoonist had a little drawing with a North Pole sign and that has stuck
  • Happy Dollars

Scholarship Drawing:  Rob Radcliff was the winner of $33. The jackpot is $1,301 and it continues!

Program:  Arista Hartzler, Pickaway County Parks

  • Arista has been with the Parks for 5 years. A grad of Logan Elm, Bachelor’s from OU (Oh Yeah) in environmental sciences
  • The community is welcome to the monthly meetings of the Park District – Cooks Creek Club House on the 4th Tuesday of each month. Currently from Noon-1:00pm.
  • 33 parks in Pickaway County – newest is Cooks Creek. It is a partnership with Appalachian Ohio Alliance
  • Cooks Creek – 325 acres total and the district owns 25 acres with Club House. There is 3.5 miles of walking trails using cart paths (starting next year)
  • Canal Park – 16.7 acres, 2 zip lines, canoe/kayak access; four walking trails totaling 6 miles, playground is being completed now
  • Metzger Preserve – 52 acres. Concretions towards south end of trail when water is low. Canoe/Kayak access. Little over 2 miles worth of trail. Also new StoryWalk Trail.
  • Pickaway Trail – 16 mile rail-trail Circleville to New Holland
  • Roundtown Trail – 1.5 miles YMCA to OCU
  • Logan Elm Park – 4.6 acres. Picnic area, shelter house, historical monuments. May 20th, 1:00-2:30pm, Native Americans – History of Pickaway County event partnering with Ohio History Connection.
  • Big Darby Creek Access on Scioto Darby Road. Next public takeout 18 miles downstream. Working with land owner in hopes to get another access point.
  • In the past 8 years, 61 grants have been awarded, totaling over $424,000. Local parks have seen improvements because of the grants.
  • Over 34 programs scheduled for the year – check website for information : Pickawaycountyparks.org. Volunteer opportunities also listed.
  • Currently selling off Cooks Creek supplies in order to move the parks office to the clubhouse – see govdeals.com
  • Construction completed for bridge over the Ohio-Erie Canal on Pickaway Trail at Canal Park this summer
  • Thank you for passing the Park District Levy! Renewal is 2027.


  • In appreciation of this year’s speakers sharing their time & efforts, donations to Pickaway Pathways for Success will be made in their names.