
past presidents passing the gavel
AG Jim Rogers
DG Gary Baker’s official visit


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

July 18: Team from Romania


  • Presiding:  President Heidi White
  • Prayer: AG Jim Rogers
  • Piano: Anita Wilson
  • Song Leader:  Paula Routt led us in “Rotary Will Go ‘Round The World”; “My Country Tis of Thee”
  • Attendees:  41 today: Ankrom, Brown, Carder, C.Chamberlain, T.Chamberlain, Crawford, Dean, Droste, Duvall, Foster, Fouts, Hafey, Horning, Lambert, B.Liggett, Mavis, McCrady, McIlroy, McNemar, Mullins, C.Neff, K.Neff, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, Radcliff, Riegel, Routt, Schreiner, Searls, Sneed, Spangler, Stevens, Weaver, D.Webb, I.Webb, White, Wilson, D.Wolfe, R.Wolfe, Wolford, Young
  • Guests: Matthew Hafey introduced Lt. Shad Caplinger Post 65 OSHP; Warren Spangler brought his right hand, Janet; Norm Wilson introduced his wife of three months – Anita (and she plays a great piano!)
  • Visiting Rotarians: Matthew Grioux, President of Chillicothe; Jimmy Laux from Sunrise; President Jan Shannon from Sunrise

Installation of new officers:  Today Heidi White becomes the 103rd President of Circleville Rotary. The board was also inducted: President-Elect, Robert Radcliff; President-Nominee, Connie Chamberlain; Executive Secretary, Daryl Wolfe; Secretary, David M. Crawford, (missing was Treasurer, Ellery Elick), Board Members: Bob Foster, Paula Routt, John Lambert, Bob Sneed.


  • Thank you from Pickaway County Library for our donation; thank you from a 4H student for sponsoring his first place ribbon at the fair
  • July 16th, 6pm – Celebration of life for Harry Canfield at Heritage Nazarene Church
  • Friday, July 19th – world’s largest picnic at Bill Richard’s 6pm for the Romania team. Please bring two sides.
  • First After Hours of the year: August 1st – Rhoadhouse 56 5:30-7:00pm 
  • Rob thanked the following for the soup kitchen work: Daryl, Bob McCrady, Bob Sneed, Tom Duvall, David & Marie. 165 meals served. August 5th next Bonus Kitchen. (Regular one is July 22nd)

SAA: not this week 

Scholarship Drawing: Dave Horning won the weekly drawing for $22. Big Bean pot is $1,000 and he won!!!!

 Program:  District Governor Gary Baker

  • This is Gary’s second club visit today – he started with Grove City
  • He recognized veteran’s and first responders in the audience 

District Goals:

  • Every Rotarian needs to bring a guest to something – just one…to a social, a meeting, a volunteer opportunity. Just one is our theme.
  • Goal is to have a net gain of 100 new members, for the district. Last year we ended with a negative
  • Foundation is another priority – $200,000 Polio + $300,000 for annual fund +Bequest society  – $500,000 (Just one million dollars in total)
  • Gary and his wife Julie are asking for matching Bequest Society donations, they are donating $25,000 in their estate plans
  • Foundation Gala – Friday night of district conference in Newark – Cherry Valley Lodge
  • Remember, all donations fund grants
  • Mental Health is still a priority – how can we not help others?
  • Peace initiative – we have 43 clubs in thee district. Goal is to be first district in the world with 100%
  • Clean water, education, economic development, there are so many causes to continue to support
  • International projects, which I’m happy to see your club supports
  • September – community service with Kiwanis
  • October – Sock-tober
  • November – plans revealed for Honor Flight of Rotarians next spring
  • Let them know you are Rotarians by the deeds that you do and service you provide. 

What has Rotary done for me?

  • Rob Radcliff: the past has built our foundation as we remember Steve, Earl and Harry this new year. He wanted opportunity to serve the community, to help those in need, but also to build relationships and friendships.
  • Daryl Wolfe: He was a Lions member for 30+ years and it folded. He wanted a club serving the community and to have good fun with members. (Pumpkin Show is less than 100 days away and everything has been ordered.)
  • Bob Sneed: Mark Taylor was president (2007) and he formed a new committee – literacy. For years we passed out dictionaries (1,000 a year). It was originally funded by passing the hat. Educators we talk to now say dictionaries are not used because of the computer. Now we support Dolly Parton Library. Pickaway county has one of the highest participation (71%) rates in the state. We are helping fund those books along with a district grant.


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to Anne’s Smiles of Ashville


Connie introduced our scholarship award winner Quincy!
125 pins being distributed by Jamie – Rick, Gary, Gary, Ty
Marie receiving PHF+3
Build Better Friendship month – starring Alice Harker!
Warren receiving his Past President badge and Presidential pin from President Elect – Heidi
Tony Robinson called on the General himself! Steven Conrad.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

July 11: District Governor Gary Baker


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Gary Montgomery
  • Piano: not today – Pledge was recited
  • Song Leader:  not today
  • Attendees:  32 today: Spangler, D.Wolfe, C.Chamberlain, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, Ankrom, Nickell, Wolford, Brown, D.Webb, Riegel, R.Wolfe, McCrady, I.Webb, K.Neff, McNemar, Duvall, Dean, Fountain, Sneed, Rawlins, G.Montgomery, S.Montgomery, Schreiner, Robinson, White, B.Tootle, Searls, Hooks, Radcliff, Young
  • Guests: Kevin Driesbach, Quincy Lowery and her mom, Alice Harker
  • Visiting Rotarians: for the last time! Charlie Hedges is comin’ home starting July 11th!!! Rich Elsea from Sunrise.


  • Gary Montgomery Community Kitchen – Thank you to Sandy, David & Marie, Bob McCrady, Bob Sneed, Tom Duvall, Daryl Wolfe 
  • July 11th – changing of the guard and official District Governor visit. No meeting July 4th.
  • Kevin Driesbach has been approved by the board for membership and will be inducted at an upcoming meeting!
  • Myriante Orphanage sends their thanks for our support per Ty
  • Connie Chamberlain introduces us to Quincy Lowery who is one of our scholarship winners. She will be attending Paul Mitchell cosmetology school with plans on going to Columbus State to learn how to start a business and come home to open her own salon. We wish you all the best Quincy.
  • On behalf of Circleville Rotary – thank you Alice Harker for all your hard work running the Community Kitchen and serving those in need
  • JULY 8th – Bonus Community Kitchen
  • Jayme Fountain:
    • 125 awards – Ty, Gary M, Jean, Ellery, Bob Sneed, Gary D, Norm, Rick
    • PHF +2 Rick and PFH +3 for Marie
    • Goal was $6300 to Foundation, to date we contributed $9925 to Foundation + $6,199 to PolioPlus = $16,124 THANK YOU!!!!
  • Thank you Warren for the great job this year!! He had the following remarks:
    • Encourages all of us to get involved in the District and around the world by attending local and international conferences
    • Thank you to board members and all members for a memorable year 
    • Thank you again to Drexel for serving the club for 45 years
    • We remember those influential members we lost in Earl and Harry and think of those unable to attend because of illness

SAA: Rob Radcliff – history of the club 

  • Tony Robinson actually had two sergeant of arms today! That cost him $1.
  • Anniversaries/Birthdays
  • National Ice Cream Cake Day
  • Past Presidents of Circleville Rotary
    • Three Rotarians who help presidential terms longer than 12 months: Tony Chamberlain, David Crawford, Jim River
    • Judy Wolford was first female president – how many females? 4
    • How many times have we had more than one president during a term: 4
    • How many father son presidents – 9!!

Scholarship Drawing: Karlyn Neff won the weekly drawing for $19. Big Bean pot is $981 and will continue.

 Program: Steven Conrad – General Mad Anthony Wayne

  • Founding Father who was in the Revolutionary War
  • Importance with Ohio history because of Treaty of Greenville which started our statehood
  • The British Army can “smell the American’s coming” – he created a potion and it had a displeasing scent
  • Understood leadership and how to succeed on the battlefield and it is thought was nicknamed “Mad” because of the chances he took
  • After the war – went to a plantation in PA, then to Georgia. He turned over his plantation management to his slaves so he could pursue other activities and it did not succeed.
  • He turned into politics, but was destroyed by scandal 
  • Washington asked Wayne to be in control of the army to integrate the Indians into society. Wayne took battles too far.
  • Fallen Timbers battle – 1794
  • Living descendent – John Wayne in California (living is the key word). He is a DJ and rap musician 
  • First continental uniform was brown. Blue was influenced by the French.


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Camyrn returns to let us know OU-Athens is going great
Chris Sprague from the Columbus Clippers spoke today. Tony Robinson was program chair and pictured with Pres. Spangler


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

June 27. Stephen Conrad – Portrays General Mad Anthony Wayne


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer:  Bob Sneed
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader:  Ian Webb – “In the Good Old Summertime”, “Battle Hymn of the Republic”
  • Attendees: 31 today : Spangler, D.Wolfe, C.Chamberlain, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Poling, Haffey, Wilson, Young, Dean, Duvall, Lambert, Sneed, Rawlins, Droste, Searls, Dailey, Schreiner, Robinson, G.Montgomery, S.Montgomery, B.Tootle, Brown, I.Webb, Radcliff, McCrady, Riegel, C.Chamberlain, Ellis, Maroscher, Elick
  • Guests: Matthew Haffey brought nephew Brexton


  • Romania team coming July 17-20th. Please see Jayme or Ty to help. 
  • Directory update: Please contact Ian Webb this week if you have any changes: [email protected] 
  • Connie Chamberlain reintroduced Camryn Ross. Camryn finished her first year at OU-Athens and will be studying audiology – hoping to help elementary children!
  • Gary Montgomery- Soup Kitchen on Monday, June 24th, 4pm at the Presbyterian church
  • July 11th – changing of the guard. No meeting July 4th.

SAA: Rick Rawlins

  • Get to know your Rotarians game!!! It was fun and big hit with all
  • Montgomery’s now pay double for their anniversary
  • Happy Dollars poured in

Scholarship Drawing: Marie won the weekly drawing for $17. Big Bean pot is $962 and will continue.

 Program:  Chris Sprague – Columbus Clippers

  • Director of Media Relations – staff of 30 full time members
  • Couple hundred workers for game days
  • Minor league baseball helps evolve Major League Baseball (pitch clock operator)
  • Major league only two years with pitch clock – 6 years for minor’s
  • 2020 Major League Baseball took over minor league’s
  • Experimenting with robot umpires – detectors on stadiums
  • Two options:
    • Umpire’s getting notification in their ear from computer to make the call
    • Turn off ear piece – teams can have a challenge *this is the way the major’s will be going
  • Clippers are famous for dime a dog – every Tuesday. Goes back to 1977 when team returned to Columbus
  • 8,500 seats – last dime a dog night over 11,000 people. Over 20,000 dogs
  • Wednesday military/first responder day
  • Thursday – Spanish theme
  • Friday – $5 meal deal
  • Saturday – party at the park with live music
  • Sunday – Family and Senior Day. Fun run around the bases after the game.
  • Promotions throughout the year – www.clippersbaseball.com
  • Clipper’s parent team is Cleveland for the last 15 years
  • All games are streamed and on-line archived
  • 150 games total for the season, half at home


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


We welcome Sandy Montgomery into membership today! She is sponsored by her husband, Gary and welcomed by Pres. Spangler.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

June 20: Chris Sprague – Columbus Clippers


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer:  Paula Routt
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Dave Webb selected “My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean”; “Sing Rotarians”
  • Attendees:  only 33 today: Spangler, D.Wolfe, C.Chamberlain, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Radcliff, Poling, Fouts, Elick, Wilson, Duvall, Lambert, McNemar, Horning, D.Webb, Foll, Sneed, B.Liggett, Reigel, McCrady, R.Wolfe, T.Chamberlain, Montgomery, Young, Routt, Schreiner, Robinson, Wolford, Mullins, Lanman, Brown, Fountain, Hooks
  • Guests: Molly Fountain
  • Visiting Rotarian: Charlie Hedges

New Member induction: Sandy Montgomery!  Sandy was a teacher in Chillicothe elementary schools as well as other districts and retired after 32 years. She is personally responsible for home cooked desserts for the 120 neighbors we feed the fourth Monday at the Community Kitchen. She volunteers her time with Trinity church and Pickaway County’s Food Pantry. She and Gary are grandparents to two year old Lucy.


  • Jayme Fountain – Romania team coming July 17-20th. We need four hosts families. Will need transportation, activities, etc. Please see Jayme or Ty.  Mongolia team might also be coming.
  • Board meeting June 18th.
  • Foundation giving nearing end of fiscal year. (June 30th). See Jayme Fountain and she will help you give on-line or take your check. As a club, we are over $400,000 in total giving. Wow…
  • Paula Routt – invites us all to the Grand Opening of her new agency, Ruoff Mortgage. June 27th, 4pm-7pm. 844 N. Court St.  
  • Fame! Pickaway County Board of Developmental Disabilities annual fashion show – Saturday, June 29th  doors open 5:30pm Rhode House 56. Casey Liddy is one of this years models!
  • Thank you from Boy Scouts for our contribution 

SAA:  Tony Robinson filling in for Rick

  • Happy Dollars
  • Revolutionary General – June 13, 1777 came to assist in the war- Marquis de Lafayette
  • 1789 Mrs. Alexander Hamilton served what to George Washington for the first time – ice cream
  • 1825 – what item was created by Walter Hunt? Safety pin
  • 1777 first colony of British America to ban slavery. Vermont
  • You are supposed to wear your membership pin every meeting day per the Rotary Rule Book (Tony makes a bundle on this one every time!)

Scholarship Drawing: Rob Radcliff won the weekly drawing for $23. Big Bean pot is $945 and will continue.

 Program:  Bill Frost – the Dan Fout Disabled Veterans Hunt

  • History lesson: WW I, II, Korea – Blue Star in your home window if family had someone in the service; Gold Star if they lost their loved one
  • 100,000’s of thousands returned with disabilities both mental and physical
  • 2010 Bill Frost started the county Disabled Veterans Hunt (cross-bow deer hunting)
  • Deer Creek / Division of Wildlife has been very helpful in cutting disability accessible paths to get to the center of the woods
  • Salmon fishing visit is also a weekend event for disabled veterans through the organization
  • First hunt was 10 hunters, each year it has grown. Most is 63 disabled veteran hunters with over 100 volunteers
  • Second Saturday in November is hunt at Deer Creek
  • Fourth weekend in October there are 5 locations where veterans can hunt
  • www.danfoutmemorialvahunt.com for more information 


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Jeremiah Layton, Sophie Ash and Kyle Rine are this year’s J.Boyd Stout Scholarship winners. Pictured with President Spangler.
Tony Robinson introduced Kevin Dresbach. Pictured with President Spangler.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

June 12: Bill Frost – the Dan Fouts Disabled Veterans Hunt


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer:  Joe Brown
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Ian Webb selected “You’re a Grand Old Flag”, “Viva la Rotary”
  • Attendees: Daryl knows

J. Boyd Stout Scholarship winners introduced today!:

  • Sophie Ash – Logan Elm grad going to attend The Art of Skin Esthetics Academy in Grove City. It is a six month program studying the different aspects of becoming a professional esthetician.
  • Jeremiah Layton – Westfall grad will be attending Columbus State for two years and hopes to become a teacher and end up back at Westfall as a basketball coach.
  • Kyle Rine – Logan Elm grad will be attending Community College of Beaver County – 30 minutes north of Pittsburgh, to become an air traffic controller. CCBC offers the #1 aviation training program in the nation.

Connie thanked her committee: Heidi White, Jean Droste, Joe McNemar, Bob Sneed, Norm Wilson, Joe Brown, Fred Mavis


  • Board has approved Sandy Montgomery for membership!  We all know and have worked along Sandy for years. We will welcome her into membership next week.
  • Jayme Fountain – Romania team coming July 17-20th. We need four hosts families. Will need transportation, activities, etc. Please see Jayme or Ty.  Mongolia team might also be coming.
  • Board meeting June 18th.
  • Foundation giving nearing end of fiscal year. (June 30th). See Jayme Fountain and she will help you give on-line or take your check.
  • Mt. Oval Day Camps for 4th-5th graders are filling up fast. July 24th & July 31st. For information please contact Sandy Montgomery – 740-497-0612

SAA:  Rick Rawlins…must have missed the note….he’ll catch up

Scholarship Drawing: someone won the weekly drawing for $23. Big Bean pot is $923 and will continue.

 Program:  Kevin Dresbach – Revolutionary War patriots buried in Pickaway County

  • 152 patriots made Pickaway County their home. 42 of them do have their graves identified. 21 do not have stones.
  • Grave markers were made of sandstone, which deteriorate. Some graves are in farmlands and over the years, have been lost.
  • Colonel Thomas Gibson, buried in Reber Hill Cemetery. First auditor for state of Ohio 1803-1808. (Highest ranking in Pickaway County)
  • Mary Williamson Barr Boggs – she took up arms to help fight after her husband died
  • 10 year old – Abraham Funk – buried in Forest Cemetery. He could not fight in the Revolution, but drove a wagon with supplies.
  • (Side note) Daniel Boone visited Pickaway County twice to visit his sister who lived here
  • John Timmons – Sergeant. Buried in New Holland with a stone stating he was a General
  • Kevin is writing a book about his findings on the patriots so they can be remembered. Each patriot has a page of as much information as can be obtained.
  • SAR is hoping to erect stones for all the patriots. The memorial section in Forest Cemetery will be updated since further information has been found.
  • West side of Scioto River from Virginia militia and east side of Scioto River from Pennsylvania militia 


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services



Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

June 6: Kevin Dresbach – 100+ revolutionary war veterans buried in Pickaway County


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer:  Tom Duvall
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: The Music Man himself – JIM HOOKS in his swan song for this Rotary year. “Shine on Harvest Moon”; “Better Than Ever This Year”
  • Attendees: 42 TODAY: Spangler, Beavers, D.Wolfe, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Fouts, Elick, Wilson, Duvall, Lambert, Horning, Droste, Blanton, Lanman, Ankrom, McNemar, Robinson, Hoods, Carder, Dailey, Schreiner, Maroscher, Montgomery, Wolford, C.Chamberlain, T.Chamberlain, Fountain, Sneed, B.Tootle, Rhodes, D.Webb, C.Neff, Riegel, I.Webb, Foster, Rawlins, B.Liggett, White, McCrady, Brown, Searls
  • Guests: Our seventh grade scholar – Molly Fountain

In Memory:  We remember the life of Earl Palm today. Earl was a member of our club for 66 years and passed away May 28, 2024. He served as president in 1974-75 and sponsored many members.  His wise counsel will be missed. 



SAA:  Michele Lanman –  SAA

  • Review of her first month of SAA
  • Get ready for next May, she will be back! (And she has a year to prepare)

Scholarship Drawing:  Anglea Beavers has weekly drawing for Rick Rawlins is $23. Big Bean pot is $900 and will continue.

 Program:  Tom Hankins – Commissioner of Celebrating 250 years of America in 2026

  • Ohio 250th commission was launched on Ohio’s statehood day – March 1, 2022!
  • Commission established by Ohio Legislature
  • Revolutionary grave registration also a big part of Tom’s responsibility
  • Committee’s:
    • Celebration and Signature Events
    • 88 county public engagement
    • K-12 Education
    • Scholarship
    • Commemoration
    • Travel, tourism & economic development
    • Semiquincenteinnial info online
      • Www.Ohiohistory.org/America250-ohiocommission
    • Grants available for projects through 2026
  • Pickaway has 300 Revolutionary war patriots buried 
  • Work with historical society and genealogy society, Snake Den mounds, etc. to focus on Pickaway County history
  • Why participate? Once in a lifetime opportunity to tell your story to Ohio as well as our nation. Educate newcomers and bring community together.
  • The commission is planning to place a memorial sign at every county courthouse remembering the revolutionary war patriots buried in the county
  • 2026 is on it’s way – planning time is now
  • Cleaning head stones of patriots is a task which might be a project for our club – through SAR/DAR


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Paula Routt introduced our newest member – Pam Moore!
Jason McGowan, chief probation officer; Judge Elisa Peters; President Spangler


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

May 30: Tom Hankins – celebrating 250 years of America in 2026


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer:  Gary Montgomery
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: The Music Man himself – JIM HOOKS! “America the Beautiful”, “Jingle Bells”
  • Attendees: Daryl has the list
  • Guests: Vickie Robinson

New Member: Paula Routt introduced Pam Moore as our newest member of Circleville Rotary. 


  • Drexel Poling’s badge has been retired. He now sports a gold one with his 45 years of service recognized.
  • Golf Outing June 14th – See Tony Chamberlain to help or sponsor a high school student

SAA:  Michele Lanman –  SAA

  • Happy Dollars
  • Graduations from Pre-K all the way up!
  • Happiest country – Finland

Scholarship Drawing:  Someone won some amount of money and didn’t get the big bean.

 Program: Judge Elisa Peters from Municipal Court; Jason from Probation

  • 8780 cases in 2023; 10215 cases in 2022
  • $233,908 delinquent fines
  • 21 number employees
  • $150000 grant received from state for programs
  • 3.7 million people in the US on probation
  • Recovery court started in 2022. Treatment team works with weekly to review cases so people in program have accountability and swift consequences. 14-18 months long and voluntary. Currently 7 members.
  • First graduate of program is employed, married and baby on the way and he understands the program turned him around
  • Also creating alumni board so those that have gone through it can help shape the future of the program


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Surprise Drexel and congratulations!
Sheila and Drexel with President Spangler
Paul Harris Fellow +5!! Bob Sneed with Jayme Fountain.
Andrea and Sharon from Pickaway County Library. What a summer they have planned!


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

May 23: Judge Elisa Peters, Municipal Court


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer:  Tony Robinson
  • Piano: Esther Fouts
  • Song Leader: The Music Man himself – JIM HOOKS! “The Band Played On”, “Viva La Rotary”
  • Attendees: 38 by my count: Beavers, Spangler, Poling, D.Wolfe, Nemes-Crawford, Crawford, Wilson, McNemar, Lam, Lambert, Dean, Horning, Liddy, Fountain, D.Webb, Sneed, White, C.Neff, Droste, Lanman, Ankrom, Rawlins, B.Tootle, Brown, R.Wolfe, Riegel, McCrady, T.Chamberlain, C.Chamberlain, Wolford, Searls, Blanton, Robinson, Hooks, Montgomery, Schreiner, E.Liggett, Radcliff
  • Guests:  Sheila Poling and Jason Eitel, Esther too, but we put her to work

Historical Moment:

  • In appreciation of Drexel Poling’s 45 year tenure as Circleville Rotary secretary and with the suggestion of Past District Governor Bill Stout, the board has approved the renaming of the annual Service Above Self Non-Rotarian Award. From today forward it will be known as the Drexel Poling Service Above Self Award. Drexel has served presidents going back to Howard Stevenson in 1979.  His service to the community goes further than Mr. Pumpkin Show announcer (50 years). He and his wife, Sheila, established the Wright-Poling dog shelter, he has served on boards of the United Way, YMCA, Chamber of Commerce and Circleville Band Boosters Scholarship Trust. Their insurance company, Hummel & Plum is a benefactor for many local causes. A grateful club honors his service to us all. Sit back and enjoy the meetings Drexel!


  • Board meeting May 21st, 11:30am, Watt St.
  • Bonus Community Kitchen: Thanks to Daryl Wolfe, Chef McCrady, Alice Harker, Rob & Dodie Radcliff, Warren Spangler, Jayme & Molly Fountain, David & Marie Crawford
  • Paul Harris +5: Bob Sneed
  • Next Soup Kitchen – June 10th – will not serve on Memorial Day
  • Root Cause Uganda fundraiser – see Ty for $5 tickets
  • Golf Outing June 14th – See Tony Chamberlain to help or sponsor a high school student
  • Greg Lam announced Asian festival at Franklin Park Conservatory, Columbus,  May 25 & 26th – provides largest free health screenings in the state. All information is found at Asian-festival.org including the free shuttle parking lots

SAA:  Michele Lanman –  SAA. Theme of the day – Pizza.

  • Pizza circles in a truckload – 118,000
  • Pizza industry in US is worth $26.98 billion
  • % eating once a month – 93%
  • Over 75,000 pizza restaurants in the US
  • % pizzas ordered with only cheese – 50%

Scholarship Drawing:  Connie (again) was the winner of $28! The jackpot is $871 and it will continue to grow!

 Program: Andrea Green and Sharon Edgington – Pickaway County Library

  • Summer reading is for all ages!
  • Reading goals, prizes, programs
  • 800,000 minutes is the summer goal for all readers
  • Registration is open now – June 1 – July 31, 2024
  • On-line tracking or bookmarks to record time and library will enter
  • Weekly raffle drawings for participants
  • Received grant from State Library for the program 
  • June 3rd kick-off party at the Pickaway County Main Library
  • Please see Community Events Guide for Summer 2024 schedule 
  • Www.Pickawaylib.org for more details and registration


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Teays Valley seniors Aaron and Madison shared their plans
Over the next two years, we will donate $1,000 to help Ted Lewis Park Fund
Tom Duvall was moving too fast receiving his 125 pin
Megan Bella from The Wyngate shared info about their services


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

May 16: Andrea Green: Pickaway County Library


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Joe McNemar
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: The Music Man himself – JIM HOOKS! “Clementine”, “Get Together Song”
  • Attendees: 40 by my count: Beavers, Spangler, Poling, D.Wolfe, Nemes-Crawford, Fouts, Elick, Wilson, McNemar, Dean, Lambert, Horning, Liddy, Brown, Robinson, Dailey, Ellis, Palm, Routt, C.Chamberlain, T.Chamerlain, B.Liggett, E.Liggett, Radcliff, McCrady, R.Wolfe, Riegel, Hooks, Sneed, Ankrom, Lanman, I.Webb, White, K.Neff, Rawlins, D.Webb, Searls, Blanton, Kramer, B.Tootle
  • Guests: Pam Moore
  • Visiting Rotarian: Charlie Hedges from Hilliard
  • Students: For their last visit of the school year (6 days left!), Teays Valley Seniors were introduced by Eric Ferrell – Aaron and Madison. We wish you all the best. 


  • Pam Moore has been approved by the board for membership. She is sponsored by Paula Routt. Pam is a real estate agent with Coldwell Banker and will be installed May 23rd. Welcome!
  • Friends of Ted Lewis received $1,000 over the next two years from Circleville Rotary with Larry Logan and Ty Ankrom accepting
  • Board meeting May 21st
  • May 13th – Bonus Soup Kitchen at the Presbyterian Church. 4:00pm

SAA:  Michele Lanman’s second day as SAA!

  • Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame opened: 1995
  • If you don’t know how to play an instrument – pay $1
  • How many years after their first recording are they eligible for induction? 25 years
  • As of 2023 how many artists have been inducted?: 378
  • First person inducted: Chuck Berry
  • Youngest inducted: Stevie Wonder

Scholarship Drawing:  Connie was the winner of $44! The jackpot is $845 and it will continue to grow!

 Program:  Megan Bella – The Wyngate

  • Support to residents is their main goal
  • Independent Apartments/Assisted Living
  • 1997 was first community for the company
  • 13 total facilities
  • Practice invisible healthcare – all the healthcare is done in apartments, including passing meds
  • Hospitality and customer service is a focus so residents feel like home
  • Robust activity program 
  • Peace of mind for families
  • There are outreach programs from Wyngate – if you know someone who could use a meal and a friend still living in their home let Megan know – a meal can be delivered
  • Volunteers are welcome who can come on a regular basis
  • Community drive-thru’s monthly
  • $2,500-$3,500 for independent living with utilities, food, apartment cleaning – do have waiting list
  • $5,000-$8,000 for assisted living depending on level of care


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Westfall Seniors Gavin and Ava introduced by Emily Smith
Michele was stuffing the hat for her first time up!
Tony introduced Nicole and Ashley. Pictured with President Spangler.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

May 9th: Megan Bella – The Wyngate Assisted/Independent Living


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Norm Wilson
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: The Music Man himself – JIM HOOKS!  “We’re Rotary”, “When the Saints Go Marching In”
  • Attendees: 38 by my count: Spangler, Poling, Nemes-Crawford, Crawford, Fouts, Beavers, McCrady, Riegel, R.Wolfe, McNemar, Wilson,Elick, Robinson, D.Wolfe, B.Liggett, Droste, Montgomery, Foster, Young, T.Chamberlain, Radcliff, Lambert, Wolford, Liddy, White, E.Liggett, Foll, Lam, Brown, Fountain, Hooks, Beavers, Maroscher, Lanman, Dean, Rawlins, Carder, Searls
  • Students: For their last visit of the school year, Emily Smith from Westfall introduced seniors on their way out the door – Ava and Gavin. Good luck!


  • Service Above Self (non-Rotarian)- May 13th is due date for applications. June 27th the award will be presented. Email Michele Lanman ([email protected]) for application
  • DIAPER DRIVE during May: Sunrise is sponsoring along with Kiwanis. Most needed sizes are 4-6. Drop off locations are Pickaway County YMCA, Library, Kingston Banks, Williamsport Savings Bank & PICCA.
  • June is “Build Better Friendships” month. Any non-Rotarian who helped  our club please invite them to any meeting in the month.
  • May 13th – Bonus Soup Kitchen at the Presbyterian Church
  • Berger is scheduling Sports Physicals – please spread the word. Also accepting new primary care patients.

SAA:  Michele Lanman’s first day as SAA!

  • National Prayer Day – since we all prayed, pay up (wow…she’s good)
  • Which President started National Prayer Day? Truman, with Reagan making it the first Thursday of May
  • Birthday/anniversary 
  • Number of marriage certificates in 2023, Pickaway Co. = 300
  • Yes, Bill Stout, we stood up when we were fined

Scholarship Drawing:  Heidi White was the winner of $26! The jackpot is $801 and it will continue to grow!

 Program: Nicole Long, Pickaway County Victims Office

  • Located within prosecutor’s office
  • Restitution claims, answer questions, etc. trying to get people through the court system
  • Federal cases, municipal, juvenile are handled
  • New victim rights form follows the person who committed the crime,  by law, any changes to the criminal will trigger notification to their victim – paroled, moved, died, etc.
  • Victims office is funded through Attorney General and County Commissioners


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services