
New Hope Seniors Tyler and Kara
Casey Liddy receives his 125 Club award from Jayme Fountain
Marie Nemes-Crawford and President Spangler present 20 blankets to CASA volunteer, Dodie Radcliff
Bob Sneed, Karlyn Neff and President Elect -Heidi White complete their work.
Busy Rotarians
more busy Rotarians


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

Feb. 8th: Jan Shannon presenting on Miryante Orphanage in Uganda


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Gary Montgomery
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Eric Liggett “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad”,  “Roll Rotary”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list) 48 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Fouts, Elick, Wilson, Duvall, Lambert, Colburn, Catlos, Brown, Canfield, McNemar, I.Webb, Young, K.Neff, Wolford, T.Chamberlain, C.Chamberlain, Hafey, Robinson, Carder, Rothe, Robinson, Schreiner, Montgomery, Weaver, Palm, Ellis, Dean, Fountain, Radcliff, D.Wolfe, McCrady, Riegel, Sneed, White, E.Liggett, Ankrom, T.Tootle, Hooks, Lanman, Sneed, R.Wolfe, Liddy, C.Neff, Searls
  • Visiting Rotarians: Charlie Hedges from Hilliard
  • Guests: Earl Palm introduced Jan Jacobs ; Dodie Radcliff introduced by Rob Radcliff
  • Students: Allison Catlos introduced New Hope Seniors, Kara and Tyler


  • Foundation Update – Jayme Fountain reported we have exceeded our annual goal and reached $9,466 Foundation Total! Keep giving, Jayme has a new goal.  Casey Liddy is newest 125 Club member!
  • Community Cupboard – Ty announced the box is located on Island Rd. In parking lot of Ellery’s building. Please drive by and fill the cupboard. Cans only with pull tabs. (Soups are a big hit!) Dog Food, Cat Food, No beans.
  • Our Rotary Euchre Tournament – Feb.8th 6pm-9pm $25 plus cash bar. It is a fundraiser for our scholarships so please come to play, gift someone else to play, volunteer. See Stacy, Jayme, Karlyn or Carly for info..
  • Inspiration Station invitation we are invited – Feb 8th – 4-6pm, North end of Library to tour prior to construction starting
  • Rural Urban Day – Feb. 29th. Speakers from division of wildlife – with critters! Presbyterian Church – 11:30am start time
  • February-April: Prize for club hosting the most guests per capita. Please bring a friend to a meeting.
  • District 6690 training – Feb. 24th – Newark OSU branch. District would like at least 2 members from each club. Rotary is trying to introduce training for people thinking of leadership roles in their clubs or to provide more Rotary general info. If you would like to attend – sign-up on rotary6690.org. Cost is $20 for the day.
  • March 23rd – 4-way Speech contest 10am – Circleville Library. Judges should be past-presidents. Speeches start at 11am. Please see Tony Robinson to help.

SAA: Judy Wolford

  • Birthday’s/Anniversaries/Joined this club
  • Earl Palm – 66 years of membership
  • Circleville founded – 1810
  • Native American culture built Moundbuilders – Hopewell
  • Former/current mayor in our club – Four
  • Since 1960 – how many mayors have served as president of our club – 1
  • In 1810 – three person county seat – Dan  Dresbach bought 200 acres, after sale of first property. BBQ – what was served? Wheel of cheese

Scholarship Drawing:  Darlene Weaver was the winner of $31! The jackpot is $522 and it will continue to grow!

 Program:  Finished 20 blankets for CASA children!



Super Seniors from Teays Valley, Tommy and Gabrielle

John Lambert introduced Erin Allsop from Big Brothers/Big Sisters. President Spangler also pictured.


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

Feb 01: Blanket Tie for CASA – service project ——

  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Norm Wilson
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader:  Tom Duvall – “For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow”; “Viva La Rotary”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list) 39 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Rhodes, Fouts, Elick, Wilson, Duvall, Canfield, Lambert, Droste, Young, Foster, Robinson, Schreiner, C.Chamberlain, Routt, Ellis, Palm, D.Wolfe, R.Wolfe, Rietano, E.Liggett, Ankrom, T.Tootle, Riegel, McCrady, Beavers, I.Webb, Fountain, McNemar, Koch, Lanman, D.Webb, Stevenson, Radcliff, Hooks, Searls
  • Visiting Rotarians: Marie Wilbanks from Sunrise and our speaker Erin Allsop from Chillicothe Noon
  • Guests: Earl Palm invited Wayne Gray today
  • Students: Pam Younkin introduced Teays Valley Seniors Gabrielle and Tommy. Both high achievers and are going places with college credits already on record.


  • Our Rotary Euchre Tournament – Feb.8th. It is a fundraiser for our scholarships so please come to play, gift someone else to play, volunteer. See Stacy, Jayme, Karlyn or Carly for info..
  • Inspiration Station invitation we are invited – Feb 8th – 4-6pm, North end of Library to tour prior to construction starting
  • Rural Urban Day – Feb. 29th. Speakers from division of wildlife – with critters! Presbyterian Church – 11:30am start time
  • Soup Kitchen this past Monday served 108 meals – Thank you to Gary & Sandy Montgomery, Tom Duvall, Ned Riegel, Warren Spangler, David & Marie Crawford, Bob Sneed, Bob McCrady, Daryl Wolfe
  • February-April: Prize for club hosting the most guests per capita. Please bring a friend to a meeting.
  • District 6690 training – Feb. 24th – Newark OSU branch. District would like at least 2 members from each club. Rotary is trying to introduce training for people thinking of leadership roles in their clubs or to provide more Rotary general info. If you would like to attend – sign-up on rotary6690.org. Cost is $20 for the day.
  • Congratulations to David Crawford for being named Assistant Governor starting in July. David will be the second AG from our club, with Ty Ankrom serving 2010-2017.
  • March 23rd – 4-way Speech contest 10am – Circleville Library. Judges should be past-presidents. Speeches start at 11am. Please see Tony Robinson to help.
  • March Madness – Women’s Products Drive will start in March!!! Michelle Stevenson and Paula Routt will be co-chairs. Last year we reached THIRD place in the District!

SAA:  John Lambert 

  • Birthdays/Anniversaries – $3.00 was made – where was everyone?
  • How many countries have Big Brothers/Big Sisters branches – 12
  • BB/BS was founded in 1904
  • BB/BS Littles are 46% less likely to do illegal drugs
  • How much time is required to be a Big? – 1 hr per week

Scholarship Drawing:  Earl Palm was the winner of $21! The jackpot is $491 and it will continue to grow!

 Program: Erin Allsop is the President and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters (BB BS)of South Central Ohio. She has held this position since May 2021, before which she was a Spanish teacher at New Hope Christian Academy and a missionary in Valencia, Spain.

  • BB BS cover’s 5 counties (Ross, Pickaway, Pike, Fayette, Highland). Ross and Pickaway are the most active.
  • Mission/Goal: Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships so all youth achieve their full potential
  • Currently serve 237 Littles and 132 school-based Bigs
  • 84% of the Littles plan to graduate high school and/or college
  • A lot of Littles have a unstable home life and their Big is stability
  • 503 youth served in 2023, which is a record 
  • Fundraiser – Bowl for Kids March 3rd. Shawnee Lanes in Chillicothe. All money stays local and goes to programming in 5 counties
  • Three local school based programs: Teays Valley, New Hope and Westfall
  • Www.bbbssco.org. For information and donations
  • Geography and interests are basis for matching. Bigs and Littles go through interviews.
  • Age limit – Bigs 21+yrs.; Littles 7-14yrs
  • Before the match – the Big has to meet the parent/guardian of the Little
  • Not involved with local universities yet – but trying 


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Westfall students Bailey and Jerry

Scioto County’s Mobile Trailer

Program chair, Gary Dean with PICAA’s Nick Pruitt and President Spangler


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

Jan 22: * Community Kitchen

Jan 25: Big Brothers and Big Sisters

Feb 01: Blanket Tie for CASA – service project 

*extra event


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Joe McNemar
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader:  Tom Duvall – “America the Beautiful”, “ROTARY”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list) 42 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Beavers, Duvall, McNemar, McCrady, R.Wolfe, Lambert, Wilson, Fouts, Canfield, D.Wolfe, Mavis, T.Tootle, Montgomery, Ankrom, Maroscher, Robinson, Rothe, Young, Radcliff, Schreiner, Fountain, Wolford, D.Webb, Justinger, Dean, I.Webb, Weaver, C.Neff, Sneed, Nichol, Droste, B.Liggett, White, B.Liggett, Horning, T.Chamberlain, Hooks, Ellis
  • Guests: Catherine Farynowski from Orlando, FL
  • Students: Westfall represented today with Mrs. Clark introducing Jerry Layton and Bailey Burke


  • Joe McNemar – latest 125 club member 
  • Euchre Tournament – Feb.8th
  • Sunrise Dueling piano’s – Jan 27th
  • Rural Urban Day – Feb. 29th. Speakers from division of wildlife – with critters! Presbyterian Church – 11:30am start time
  • Soup Kitchen, Monday 22nd – Presbyterian church anytime between 3:30pm – 5:00pm
  • Hocking Hills this Saturday, Winter Hike 9-11am
  • March 23rd – 4-way Speech contest 10am – Circleville Library. Judges should be past-presidents. Speeches start at 11am. Please see Tony Robinson to help.

SAA:  John Lambert 

  • Happy Dollars – Bob Sneed’s son rang the bell at the NY Stock exchange today
  • Stacy Young – honor roll student in her home
  • Ned Schreiner’s sister is going to be 100yr old tomorrow
  • Tony Robinson was not hurt when his car was
  • Some card game thing….

Scholarship Drawing: Dave Horning was the winner of $24! The jackpot is $470 and it will continue to grow.

 Program: PICCA, Nick Pruitt spoke to us about the Public Hygiene station

  • Anyone who needs help, homeless, people whose pipes froze, anyone
  • 32 feet trailer: 3 showers, one laundry room, 2 commercial grade washers/dryers
  • Propane tanks for heating water
  • Generator for electric
  • PICAA is hiring a staff person for community outreach, mental health outreach, trailer support
  • Only needs access to water source and storm drains since only gray water
  • Goal is to setup around Pickaway County – Monday-Friday possibly Saturday
  • June 30, 2024 is hopeful launch date
  • Also working with county EMA – can be used as community emergency response
  • $88,000 trailer cost (vehicle not included)
  • Working with Pickaway-Ross carpenter students 
  • Initial start up costs – Mobile hygiene Unit $140,000
  • Approximate annual costs $60,000
  • Looking to serve 15-20 people a day
  • Need financial aid, as well as, laundry pods, hygiene products (travel size), linens. List is being constructed now.
  • Communication piece is being worked on now with Scioto County since they have 2 trailers in use


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


Program chair, Gary Dean is pictured with today’s students from Circleville High School. Trent Brooks introduced Grant and Allie

Gracie from Southern Ohio Search and Rescue

President Spangler and John Lambert pictured with first reponders from Southern Ohio Search and Rescue


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

January Calendar – Gary Dean, Program Chair

Jan 18: PICCA mobile hygiene

Jan 22: * Community Kitchen

Jan 25: Big Brothers and Big Sisters

*extra event


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: 
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader:  Tom Duvall selected The Happy Wanderer  and Viva La Rotary 
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list) 
  • Guests:
  • Students: Circleville visited today Trent Brooks introduced two seniors who are very active – Grant and Allie


  • Carly announced the Second Annual Euchre tournament will be February 8th, 6:00pm-9:00pm!
  • Carly also reminded us about Sunrise’s Dueling Piano events Jan 27th at Pickaway Fairgrounds
  • Board meeting is January 16th, 11:30am – Watt St.
  • Dr. Lam going to Rotary club meeting in Belize and will be taking our club banner with him while on his medical mission
  • Rural Urban Day is February 29th – Happy Leap Year Day
  • Bonus Community Kitchen this past Monday – served 125 meals, thank you to Rob & Dodie Radcliff, Warren Spangler, Tom Duvall, Chef Bob McCrady, Judy Wolford, Daryl Wolfe
  • Fourth Monday Community Kitchen January 22nd

SAA:  John Lambert 

  • If you have ever been SAA – $1
  • How many active volcanoes in Japan? 17

Scholarship Drawing: Gary Montgomery was the winner of $25! The jackpot is $446 and it will continue to grow.

 Program: Jenny & Becky Mathes along with Gracie

  • Southern Ohio Canine Search & Rescue Team (SOCS)
  • 14 Volunteers with 10 dogs 
  • Based in Chillicothe, formed in June 2021
  • 501c3 organization supported by donations
  • Assist law enforcement agencies and Fire/EMS agencies with locating persons 
  • To date, SOCS has been called 34 times
  • Has conducted 25 real world searches
  • Assisted 14 public safety agencies
  • Alice Ault is the founder. She is a paramedic, RN, volunteer firefighter and Zella is her German Shepard Lab. Zella is the first certified SAR K9 in Ross County.
  • Alice and Zella have had 8 successful searches including water recovery
  • SOCS does not charge for taking their teams out on runs
  • There are a few grants that have been used to provide equipment and training, but it’s been on volunteers to cover their own dogs cost and on going training
  • Based on the dog, could be 2 years to get trained
  • If you would like to make a donation, please go to mygivingcircle.org and search for Southern Ohio canine search and rescue team


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services


John Lambert introduced Andy Eisnaugle. Pictured with President Spangler


Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor

January Calendar – Gary Dean, Program Chair

Jan 8: *Bonus Community Kitchen

Jan 11: SAR Mutt rescue – Police Dog Training

Jan 18: PICCA mobile hygiene

Jan 22: * Community Kitchen

Jan 25: Big Brothers and Big Sisters

*extra event


  • Presiding:  President Warren Spangler
  • Prayer: Joe Brown
  • Piano: Ellery Elick
  • Song Leader: Tom Duvall “East Side, West Side” and “R-O-T-A-R-Y”
  • Attending: (Drexel has official list)  51 today – Spangler, Poling, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Fouts, Elick, Canfield, Wilson, Lambert, Koch, Duvall, Brown, Young, Maroscher, Droste, Fountain, C.Neff, K.Neff, Sneed, Radcliff, D.Wolfe, R.Wolfe, Foster, Schreiner, B.Liggett, E.Liggett, McNemar, McIlroy, Riegel, McCrady, Mavis, Palm, Ellis, Montgomery, D.WEbb, I.Webb, Robinson, Dean, Wolford, Beavers, C.Chamberlain, Hafey, J.Mullins, Weaver, Rawlins, T.Chamberlain, Searls, White, Blanton, Hooks, B.Tootle
  • Guests: Bob Sneed introduced Dylan Hall – OSU engineering student and PCCF scholarship recipient ; Josh Koch introduced Steve Pipin, branch manager here in Circleville for USBank
  • Students: Logan Elm : Dan Hugus introduced us to Colton Eplin and Will Higginbotham.


  • Carly announced the Second Annual Euchre tournament will be February 8th, 6:00pm-9:00pm! All proceeds go to our scholarship fund. See Carly or Stacy to volunteer to help or become a sponsor. Tickets are $25 per person. Includes pizza, pop, water and fellowship. Bring Cash, if you get Euchre you pay the pot and 50/50 tickets also available. Tickets on line or Carly and Stacy. 
  • Board meeting is January 16th, 11:30 Watt St.
  • Rural Urban Day is February 29th – Happy Leap Year Day

SAA: Ellery Elick

  • Michelle Blanton – new Mayor of Circleville. Former mayor’s McIlroy and Droste will pay $2 each for Michelle
  • Tom Duvall and Don McIlroy sworn in for city 
  • Auld Lang Syne – meaning Times Long Past
  • College football – how many bowl games were played? 43

Scholarship Drawing: Ned Schreiner was the winner of $36! The jackpot is $421 and it will continue to grow.

 Program: Thank you John Lambert for setting up today’s program.

  • Andy Eisnaugle is the Director of Financial Education for Atomic Credit Union in Piketon, Ohio. He is a graduate of Jackson High School in 2007 and Ohio University in 2011 where he received his Bachelors in Business Administration.
  • Andy joined the Atomic team in 2014 and has helped expand their Student-Run Credit Union program from 6 schools to now operating 74 schools across southern Ohio. 
  • Westfall is most recent High School and only one in Pickaway County.
  • Atomic Credit Union currently operates the largest Student-Run Program in the country.
  • Student Run Credit Union – teaching students about financial literacy
  • Atomic Credit Union part-time associate goes into schools each week – can make deposits and withdrawals. 
  • Beginning of school year, students apply for a position in working in the school credit union. 5th graders and up can apply as volunteer tellers, member services, bookkeepers, data input.
  • Kids go through interviews and training
  • New accounts is started with $2 from Atomic. 
  • Over 800 student volunteer workers in the 71 branches. Over 14,000 transactions and $128,000 saved this school year.
  • 24 part-time Atomic members oversee the 71 branches
  • 31 school districts involved
  • No cost to the school – Atomic has all of the equipment
  • Three scholarships offered for each school participating from Atomic
  • Atomic won the National award for the Desjardins Youth Financial Education award
  • During summer, students go to the actual Atomic Credit Union branches in their neighborhoods


In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to the Foster Care Program of Pickaway County through Jobs and Family Services