Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor
Aug 1: Pickaway County Community Foundation and Service Above Self Award winner presentation
- Presiding: President Heidi White
- Prayer: Joe McNemar
- Piano: Ellery Elick
- Song Leader: Paula Routt (a fellow Olympic fan) “He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands”, “Rotary Will Go ‘Round the World”
- Attendees: 33 today:Elick, Duvall, Horning, Lambert, Droste, Dean, Searls, Riegel, B.Tootle, Hooks, Carder, D.Webb, C.Neff, Kramer, Radcliff, Poling, D.Wolfe, C.Chamberlain, McNemar, Routt, Schreiner, G.Montgomery, S.Montgomery, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, Ellis, Routt, Maroscher, Rawlins, Fountain, Foster, Colburn, Spangler
- Guests: none today
- Visiting Rotarians: none today
- First After Hours of the year: August 1st – Rhoadhouse 56 5:30-7:00pm
- Increase lunch price by $1.00 so we can cover guests, effective Aug. 1st. Cost will be $14.
- Community Kitchen thank you’s – Gary & Sandy, David & Marie, Tom Duvall, Bob Sneed, Ned Riegel
SAA: John Lambert
- Birthdays/Anniversaries
- Gary – retired from State Patrol. New sticker is not placed on his tag.
- Favorite Rotary stories, everyone else pay a dollar
Scholarship Drawing: Ned Schreiner won the weekly drawing for $20. Big Bean pot has started over at $40, and continues to grow!
Program: Heidi White – The Year Ahead
- Anne’s Smiles – Northern Pickaway Co. Take suggestions from schools, kids needing shoes, toiletries. 269 students helped last year.
- Membership goal – 90 is our club’s goal – we need a net of 7 for the year.
- One of district’s goals – Each One Bring One – bring someone to a project, after hours, etc. introduce them to what we are about
- New members will receive a blanket to tie for their first service project
- District Grants – Dolly Parton Imagination Library and PICCA Mobile Shower
- District Campaigns – Sock-tober; Women’s Projects;
- September with Kiwanis is also Service Project in the works
- Service Projects will continue with a Trick or Treat event this year
- Giving Goals: Foundation $7,000 Polio $3,400
- Social Events – our goal is 5 per year
- Aug. 1 – Roadhouse 56
- Sept. 26th – meeting the superintendents
- Nov. 7th – Pickaway Ross tour
- Ideas? Please see Heidi
- If all goals are met for our club, we will receive a Club Excellence Award from the District
In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to Anne’s Smiles of Ashville