Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor
Nov. 28: Happy Thanksgiving
- Presiding: President Heidi White
- Prayer: Brenna Gibson
- Piano: Ellery Elick
- Song Leader: Kevin Driesbach selected “Grand Old Flag”, “Viva-La Rotary”
- Attendees: Elick, Wilson, Rhoads, Driesbach, Ankrom, McCrady, Gibson, Hedges, Riegel, Stevenson, Routt, Poling, Spangler, Foll, Sneed, Duvall, C.Chamberlain, White, Catlos, McIlroy, Droste, Gibson, D.Wolfe, Mavis, McNemar, I.Webb, Fountain, Wolford, Foster, Horning, Young, Crawford, Nemes-Crawford, D.Webb, Rawlins, Dean, Hooks, Lanman, Catlos, C.Neff, Searls, Brown, Logan
- Visiting Rotarians: Laura Derby – Virginia (sister of Joe McNemar)
- Associate Members: Mason Brown from Atomic Credit Union
School visit: from New Hope – Allison Catlos introduced juniors – Nate Ames and Bailey Thomas
Our condolences to the family of Dannie Fouts. Dannie died on our meeting day last week – Nov. 14, 2024. He was a past president (1995-96), held multiple Paul Harris Fellow awards, was a member of the Paul Harris Society, and our club’s charitable activities committee chairman for years. His life was devoted to serving others.
New Member induction: Ty Ankrom introduced Larry Logan. Larry was a member of our club back in the ‘80’s! Larry is recipient of the Purple Heart and Silver Star as team leader for 5th Special Forces in Cambodia. Taught at West Point and has been in the furniture business for 50 years with over $125 million in sales. Currently Chairmen of Friends of Ted Lewis Park. Welcome back Larry!
- PLEASE NOTE: December 19th at Rhoadhouse 56 for our regular meeting!
- It is time for the renewal of our by-laws which are displayed on the bar and a few copies around. Vote to approve changes next week.
- Voting next week for board members whose terms will begin July 1st: Board members: Paula Routt & Bob Foster are staying on, Michele Lanmon is being added and John Lambert moves up to President-Designee.
- Clarification for guest policy, members pay for their guests lunch and guests cannot purchase a scholarship ticket
- Bob McCrady announced Nov. 26, 7pm at Trinity Lutheran Church will be three local church choirs preforming. Free-will offering with the Community Kitchen as the recipient of funds. Bell Choir will be performing with our own Bob McCrady!
- Community Kitchen – fourth Monday – November 25th. 4pm-5:15pm Presbyterian Church
- OCU Festival of Carols – Free but do need a ticket. Dec. 7th 5pm; Dec. 8th 2:30pm- Ohiochrisitian.edu. (Norm in the choir)
SAA: Bob Foster
- Bob M. fined for a safety violation – hitch works best with pin in it
- Birthdays/anniversaries
- Thanksgiving history
- Happy Dollars in remembrance of all those we have lost in the last year
Scholarship Drawing: Michele Lanman won the weekly drawing for $14. Big Bean is $369, and continues to grow!
Program: Judge Elisa Peters & Renee Rittenhouse – Recovering from addiction
- Judge Peters took bench Jan. 2020, just in time of COVID. Met with probation department and local parties for a specialized docket.
- Compiled treatment providers, probation officers and judge who the accused met with before jailed so they know options.
- Recovery Court program started in 2021. Four phases participants go through. Voluntary program. Meeting with judge and probation officers every week along with counselors multiple times in phase 1. Program lasts 13 months. Since inception – 3 graduating classes with 9 participants so far.
- Program funded through grants
- Judge Harsha and Kneece both have recovery courts as well
- Renee shared her story. We did not leave the room untouched and the standing ovation was full of support for her journey.
In appreciation for the speaker today, a donation will be made to Anne’s Smiles of Ashville