Marie Nemes-Crawford, Editor
December Calendar
1st – Blanket Project – 39 blankets to tie for CASA
8th – District Governor, Price Finley
15th – Sounds of the Season
17th – * Wreaths Across America at Forest Cemetery
22nd – No Meeting – Merry Christmas
28th – * Picture at Imagination Station, north side of library. 12 Noon is picture, please bring children/grandchildren
29th – No Meeting – Happy New Year
January calendar – Gary Dean, Program Chair
5th – Krista Bower – Chamber of Commerce
12th – Compassion Furniture in Stoutsville
19th – Maggie Simmons – PAAC
26th – Erica Tucker – District Director of Solid Waste Authority
28th – * Dueling Piano’s – Sunrise Rotary fundraiser at Fairgrounds
February calendar – Ian Webb, Program Chair
2nd: Erin Edwards- Food and Drink Editor at Columbus Monthly
4th: * Rotary Foundation Gala – Hocking Hills Lodge
9th: Erin Allsop- Big Brothers, Big Sisters
16th: Robert Fanska- Boy Scouts
23rd: Rural Urban Day
Upcoming Dates:
- April 28-29, 2023 – * District 6690 Conference – Veteran’s Memorial
- June 16, 2023 – Golf outing at Pickaway Country Club
- Presiding: President David M. Crawford
- Prayer: Joe Brown
- Piano Player: Ellery Elick
- Song Leader: Heidi White selected “Deck the Halls” and “God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman”
- Attending: (Drexel has official list) Crawford, Poling, Nemes-Crawford, Spangler, Beavers, C.Chamberlain, T.Tootle, Brown, McNemar, Elick, Canfield, Droste, McIlroy, Schreiner, Montgomery, Fullen, Ellis, Johnson, Palm, Mavis, Wilson, McCrady, Rothe, Riegel, Hedges, R.Wolfe, D.Wolfe, C.Mullins, Sneed, White, Neff, D.Webb, I.Webb, E.Liggett, Dean, Hooks
- Guests: Daryl Wolfe introduced Jim Retanio who has requested membership information; Don McIlroy introduced Michelle Blanton who has requested membership information
- Visiting Rotarians: Larry Schieber – Sunrise;
- December Birthdays: 12th-Judy Wolford; 13th- John Ellis; 26th – Bob Foster;
- December Anniversaries: 9th- Vince & Deborah Yaniga; 17th-Bob & Sue McCrady; 18th-Miles & Nicole Layton; 19th-Kim & Robin Halley; 20th-Charlie & Mollie Hedges; 21st-Tim & Amy Colburn, Jayme & Will Fountain; 22nd-Bob & Alice Foster;
New member proposal: The board has approved Jim Retanio for membership. His sponsor is Daryl Wolfe.
- Joe Brown happy dollars for his publication of his new book “Life’s Callings”
- Connie Chamberlain and Patty Rothe – New Board Members voted in for next year
- Rob Radcliff – President 2025-2026 voted in
- Sunrise Dueling Piano’s – January 28th see Larry Schieber today or at the store if you would like a ticket – $35 each. This is their fundraiser for Miryante Orphanage in Uganda.
- Chris Mullins provided the wrap up of Pumpkin Show Booth:
- Smoothest year ever for Bob McCrady/Chris – thanks to all shift supervisors
- CHS – Coach Jada Truex was with us today. Circleville High School Girls Softball team had 8 members help out at the booth. Everyone who signed up showed up and Allie Mullins and Katelyn Folkes are here representing the team. This is the first time Circleville has a whole week off for Spring Break and the team is going to Florida for Spring Training. They will be in the Clearwater beach area practicing with two other teams (and having some fun on the beach.)
- Circleville Rotary is donating $1,000 to expenses in appreciation for the team’s help in manning our booth.
- $10,317 Profit – biggest revenue (yes, prices did increase a little)
- Community Kitchen will be cancelled on Dec. 26th
- Picture for Imagination Station – Dec. 28th. Noon. Please come with children/grandchildren.
Scholarship Drawing: Eric Liggett was the winner of the drawing $16. The jackpot is $809 and it continues!!
Thank you to Drexel Poling and Ellery Elick for providing wonderful holiday music today. Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy New Year to us all.