November Programs – Judy Wolford, Chair
3rd – Larry Logan, Ted Lewis Park
10th – Tim Colburn, OhioHealth Berger Hospital update
17th – Brittany Kaiser, YMCA update
24th – Happy Thanksgiving – no meeting
December Programs – Heidi White, Chair
1st – Blanket Project – 39 blankets to tie for CASA
8th – District Governor, Price Finley
15th – Sounds of the Season
17th – Wreaths Across America at Forest Cemetery
22nd – No Meeting – Merry Christmas
29th – No Meeting – Happy New Year
Upcoming Dates:
- January 28, 2023 – Dueling Piano’s – Sunrise Rotary fundraiser
- June 16, 2023 – Golf outing
- Presiding: President David M. Crawford
- Prayer: Warren Spangler
- Piano Player: Esther Fouts
- Song Leader: Esther does it all! “Over The River and Through The Woods”, “America the Beautiful”
- Students: from Circleville High School, Mrs. Schooley introduced Allison Jones and Katelyn Folkes
- Attending: (Drexel has official list) Crawford, Poling, Nemes-Crawford, Kaiser, C.Chamberlain, Wilson, Fouts, Canfield, McNemar, T.Tootle, Droste, Schreiner, Mavis, Spangler, Fullen, Palm, Ellis, McCrady, Hedges, T.Tootle, R.Wolfe, Riegel, Beavers, White, Dean, C.Mullins, McIlroy, Montgomery, Robinson, Sneed, Ankrom, Wolford, T.Chamberlain, J.Mullins, Hooks, D.Webb, Brown, Gerhardt, Pelcic, B.Tootle
- November Birthdays: 5th-Monica Justinger; 8th-Jonathan Davis; 25th-Dick Gerhardt;
- November Anniversaries: 25th-Ned & Faye Schreiner
Executive Board highlights
- Board approved the finance report (report is always available for review by members by asking Dick or Drexel)
- David proposed fundraising project to sell yard signs to members in the district for support of the club and Uganda orphanage project. No action taken.
- In light of upcoming cost increases from Rotary International and District, David said club needs to be proactive with member recruitment and/or fund-raising.
- Tony C. attended the District 6690 awards event recently. He said it was a great event and energized his focus on introducing more people to Rotary.
- Tony C., chair of the nominating committee, announced the committee (T. Chamberlain, I. Webb and McCrady) have selected Connie Chamberlain and Patty Rothe as board appointees and Rob Radcliff as vice-president. The board expressed appreciation for the committee’s work. Election is Dec. 15.
- Ellery reported the Rural/Urban Day is tentatively set for Feb. 23. A location has not been determined.
- Board approved a proposal for Noon Rotary to become the affiliate for local Boy Scout Troop 52.
- Board approved a $12,500 contribution, payable over the next five years, toward the proposed Inspiration Station.
- Board heard a report from Rob of the bylaws review committee (Poling, Radcliff, Rothe). Board approved sending the changes to the membership for a vote on Dec. 15. Changes consist of grammer and numerical corrections and minor clarifications. Bylaws have not been reviewed since 2014. Changes will be emailed to all members and discussed Dec. 1.
- Board dinner set for Dec. 13.
- Foundation Giving month – please think about supporting the Rotary Foundation by either Paul Harris fellow or 125 Club. Charlie Hedges or Jayme Fountain can help with answers to questions.
- Charlie Hedges – foundation giving goal is $6,000 for the year. $5,270 as of today has been donated to the Rotary Foundation – keep giving with seven months in the fiscal year left!
- See above for update from the Exec. Board overview
SAA: Don McIlroy
- Ty can take lessons from Tony Robinson on sales techniques
- Nov. 17th, 1800: first occupant of White House – John Adams
- Nov. 17th, 1869 – famous canal opened. Suez Canal
- Nov. 17th, 1993 – NAFTA approved
- Nov. 17, 1978 – mass suicide at Jonestown – name of cult? People’s Temple
- Today is a president’s birthday – born in Orange, Ohio – Garfield
- Nov. 22, 1718 – Black Beard the pirate was killed: full name Edward Teach
- Horror Film actor in Bride of Frankenstein- Boris Karloff
Scholarship Drawing: Jim Hooks was the winner of the drawing $19. The jackpot is $751 and it continues!!
Program: Brittany Kaiser – YMCA updates
- Brittany is the aquatics director and her new role is YMCA MidEastern Regional Representative for Competitive Swimming.
- Brittany is now overseeing four states of swim coaches (100 total) and their swim teams
- High School swim teams are back in the water and all teams have increased their student participation. This has also increased the number of students on the YMCA swim team.
- Teen Center – 6 month membership $75 fee. A lot of kids come after school and have lifeguards who are monitoring the room and are turning out to be role models. Games and homework help is available. Don McIlroy, Connie Chamberlain, Ty Ankrom, Mike Pelcic, Dan Fouts, Dick Gerhardt, Marie Nemes-Crawford all donated one membership each for students who need a sponsor.
- Water volleyball back in the pool – come play
- Community Center partners are still be recruited – redoing needs assessment before moving forward
- Additional staff is needed at the Y if anyone is looking for work
- In appreciation of this year’s speakers sharing their time & efforts, donations to Pickaway Pathways for Success will be made in their names.